begginings pt. 2

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Atsushi was almost overwhelmed by the sheer amount of noise on the street. But it's all drowned out by the sound of his pounding heart ringing in his ears. When he turns around he finds that he's still gripping Akutagawa's hand tight. He lets go, watching his partner catch his breath after running away from the hospital. The minute passes and Atsushi's glad to see Akutagawa smile.

"You good there?" he asks.

Akutagawa tucks his hands into his coat pockets, "Never better," He takes his place on Atsushi's right, "Where to?"

He feels his cheeks grow hotter. Atsushi takes a few steps forward, noticing how Akutagawa follows.

"I was thinking we could see a movie? I heard that's what normal people do on dates."

They continue to walk by each other's side.

"What would ever imply that we aren't normal?" the older man asks, teasing.

"I've realized that normal people don't usually get thrown out of trains or," he points at Akutagawa's coat, "have demon clothing."

Without warning Rashomon jumps out and snaps at Atsushi.

He stumbles back, "See what I'm talking about?!"

The black haired man simply laughs. "Rashomon has been with me for as long as I can remember. I know most people don't have abilities like ours, but it has never made me feel different," Endearment washes over his face, "My ability is the reason I'm still alive. It's gotten me out of some unpleasant situations."

Atsushi can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy run through him. He doesn't resent his own ability, at least not like he used to. It's just that

"My ability has caused me a great deal of pain that it's sometimes difficult not to hate it." Atsushi isn't aware he's spoken out loud until the last word slips through his lips. He instantly regrets it, placing his hand over his mouth in shock.

Akutagawa only offers a tiny smile in exchange for those words. His eyes urge him to continue. Atsushi is a bit hesitant before opening his mouth again.

"The tiger was the reason t-the headmaster treated me the way he did and I didn't even know at the time. So it was easy to pin it all on my ability when I found out I had one," Atsushi can feel a smile tugging at his lips, "However, it was the tiger that brought me to Yokohama. To the agency, to you. It saved me so many times," he laughs, "Once again from you. But that's stupid, isn't it?"

Akutagawa takes out one of his hands out of his pocket. A hand capable of so much bloodshed, yet Atsushi found so much comfort in it. He takes the offered hand into his own, his heart stuttering at the skin to skin contact. Akutagawa intertwined their fingers.

"It's not stupid at all Atsushi. I've told you before, your mind seems to your own greatest enemy. Running in circles and circles," They kept walking. "My ability has caused me a lot of pain too. I share your're not alone, not anymore."

Hearing that Atsushi was ready to kiss Akutagawa right where he stood. He opted against it though, they were on a public street afterall. Instead he gave his hand a little squeeze.

"We have a movie to catch."

They continued the rest of the way with hands intertwined. The two spoke of unimportant things, as if they didn't have a care in the world. Like Atsushi wasn't who he was and neither was Akutagawa. People would look at them and see two perfectly normal boys on a date. No Port Mafia, no Agency, no scary beasts.

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