aftermath pt.1

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As the morning light trickled through the curtains Atsushi Nakajima would slowly start to wake. His eyes flickered open and soon he was well aware of the weight that pressed into his body. Atsushi wasn't quite sure what it was yet he found the warmth radiating off the mysterious presence nice. He reached down and tried to bring it closer but all sense seeed to return to his body when he felt the silky smooth of someone's hair.

Atsushi's gaze traveled down only to find Akutagawa's sleeping figure curled up against him. A second passed in which he thought he might be dreaming but soon enough he realized he was very much awake. He sits up, heat traveling up his neck and all across his cheeks. How the hell?!

He glances down at their clothing, it was the same as the night before which made relief settle inside of Atsushi. Still , he thinks as his eyes travel across the room and land on the other bed, that doesn't explain why we shared.

Atsushi groaned, running his fingers through his hair. His head was killing him and he could hardly remember how the night had ended, or at least how Akutagawa found himself sleeping next to him. That's what he got drinking. Atsushi could hardly complain though. He smiled, letting his back fall onto the pile of pillows behind him, right next to Akutagawa's sleeping figure. Their faces were so close he could feel the older man's breath against his skin.

He looked so peaceful, Atsushi had never seen him this way, especially not when Akutagawa was asleep. He wasn't sure he had even caught his partner sleeping. After so many nights of sharing beds Atsushi had yet to see him in such a state of bliss.

Now that the sight was right in front of Atsushi he was sure he'd treasure the memory forever. This was as close as the two of them would get, he knew that, but for some reasons he'd gotten hopeful last night. Alcohol sure had a way of messing with his perception of things.

Either way, he still couldn't shake the feeling that Akutagawa had said something that made him come to that conclusion. What exactly had it been?

Atsushi didn't have any more time to pounder because his partner began to move. Akutagawa's eyelashes fluttered like the delicate wings of a butterfly. Soon two gray orbs were staring right back at him.

He should be alarmed, or at least look away and yet couldn't seem to do so. Akutagawa's pale skin turned a color crimson around his nose and cheeks. The black hair on his head poking out in weird ways. This whole situation could be considered criminal. The rabid dog of the Port Mafia with bed hair.

"Good morning Atsushi." Akutagawa says, finally filling up the room with something other than silence.

"Good morning—" Atsushi stops. Had he heard that right? "Did you just call me by my first name?"

Akutagawa rubs his eyes, "You asked me to call you that last night."

What? "Oh. I guess I did."

Panic ran through Atsushi. What else had he done?

His thoughts are once again interrupted by Akutagawa. However this time his partner was touching him. Akutagawa's hand cupped the side of Atsushi's face. It's soft, utterly and completely gentle. The action is so jarring that Atsushi has to remind himself that these hands were the same used for unspeakable things. These hands were the same ones that wouldn't hesitate to kill him only six months ago. And yet he isn't scared in the slightest, not at all, because the Akutagawa touching him now was changed. No longer the monster the world thought he was.

"About last night..." Akutagawa starts, not pulling his hand away from Atsushi's face.

"Yeah i'm sorry," he answers, "I'm sure I did something stupid."

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