The wolf pack

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Sam and Penny patrol the force this  day at late afternoon. They need to find out why the wolves came so close to Pontypandy. It had never been like this before. The two firefighters wear their animal rescue clothes, are comfortable and can move around the fort well. Plus, if they come across animals, they'll be less scared, because the colors in the dress are soft, which is why.

-"Everything is so calm."- breaks the silence with a soft whisper Sam.

-"Yes .."- Penny shouts and looks around the woods. -"You know, I still can't believe what Professor Polonium did .... You almost died ... again. I was so scared of you!"- Penny had such a nightmare so many times that Sam died or was injured. You wouldn't be able to process it if it really happened. They are really very close to each other. But it's painful to lose someone, Penny knows .... Her father died on alarm, she was a firefighter too. He always told Penny: Remember, someone not called a firefighter because it successfully stand up to everything, but because if you fail, your team will be by your side and overcome obstacles together.

-"Don't worry, I don't want to leave you alone in life." - the man stops and places his hands on his colleague's wrist, holding her back.

-"But Sam, if you get hurt, if anything goes wrong ..... I don't want to lose you either!"- Penny looks straight at him.

-"That's part of our job. Don't think I'm not worried about you. For example, when you and Helen disappeared in the fog, or when we were in the cave with the kid, or when you got stuck at the bottom of the ocean, or when you crossed the sliding railway bridge with Phoenix in the winter, or when you stopped the train with the Sam mobile, which really deserves a Penny mobile."

-"Okay, enough of the dangers ....."- Penny smiles, but her eyes and eyebrows are still a concern.- -"Let's talk about something else!"

-"Okay ....... do you think we will always be friends ...?"- he nods, then looks uncertainly to the right and left.

-"Yeah, if you don't bring it out of the stream, then maybe!"- Penny laughs, reaching for Sam's face with her free hand to look at her, not the forest or the field.

-"Penny ...!"- he is surprised at the answer.

-" Hey, Sam, don't lose yourself"- she says with a chuckle.

-"Do you know what I love best about you?"- Sam suddenly asks as Penny raises her eyebrows in amazement.


-"You can always cheer it up, anytime. You stand by me, even when I don't know. You stand by me and trust in my decisions. And if that wasn't enough, you're beautiful and smart ..."- Sam murmurs as he gets closer and closer to Penny. Suddenly they hear a siren from a distance. More precisely, Jupiter's siren, is already recognized by everyone in the city. They soon catch their heads and consider exploring the distant city.

"Look, so nice Pontypandy!"- Penny pointed out, but Sam didn't pay attention. He just stares at the woman, her charming brown eyes, her light blonde hair tied in a ponytail.

-"Yes really."

-"What is it?"- Penny turns gently to her as she understands the warmth in his voice.

-"Nothing, just ... nothing ..."- Sam is confused, but Penny just silences him and pulls his arm toward the field.

-"Come! I hear something about that!"- the blonde woman says anxiously, and then they notice wolf footprints on the ground in front of them. - "Look!"

-"Wolf footprints!"- Sam squats down to take a closer look at them.

-"Sam! Sam ...."-  Penny says desperately, stepping back toward the man, then clinging to his arms.

-" Are you OK? Is it wrong? Are you hurt?"- Sam stands up worried and just stares at the woman.

-"Quietly ... if we don't make a sudden move, they won't attack ..."- points to the forest where several wolves stand. The canopy of the trees tightly blocks the sunlight, so only the glare of the wolves' eyes and their physique is visible.

-"Let's step back slowly!"- grab Penny's hands and pull them close to step back. But the wolves suddenly head towards them before the two firefighters turn around and start running. Sometimes they look back and see that the predators are closely following them. Then they reach the edge, more precisely the edge of a hill. It can have a very steep slope, about 80 °. Down continues in the same way with the field and the forest. However, there is no more going up there, or they will fall, jump down or the wolves will eat them. They just cling back together, back to the rim with an accelerated heartbeat. The wolves are only getting closer and closer to them and only now can they see how big they are. Although they are very beautiful creatures, there are wolves who have dark gray, light gray, brown, reddish brown or just pale drums. Nothing would be more beautiful if these very beings did not attack them. Then suddenly a black wolf appears among the others and snarls at the two firefighters. Suddenly they bounces off them, and Sam stands in front of the woman, protected from her, but then a huge roar is heard and the ground begins to move under their feet.

Wolves of PontypandyWhere stories live. Discover now