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Sam sits at the table again and tries to put the two transceivers together. He's been trying for almost half an hour. The sun has already gone down, with only a few oranges in the western part of the sky.

-"Yes, it worked!"- Sam stood up and quickly presses the button on the transceiver and it starts to sisterenii a bit. - "Haho, can anyone hear us?"

-"Sam? You are fine? We've heard you haven't come back to town yet!"- Steele replies worriedly.

-"We're fine, but the wolves attacked us and we hid in a hut in the woods. However, the herd is around us, we cannot go out. And sir, we realized it was possible they were looking for a wolf cub! He doesn't tell the waiters it wouldn't be a good turnaround."

-"All right, Sam, the team is leaving soon, they'll be there in ten minutes. It's over!"

-"Thank you, sir, it's over!"- Sam replies, releasing the transceiver button and looking at Penny.- Relief!

-"But we still have to find the little one today."- Penny says restlessly.

-"We find it and send itback to its mom."- Sam approaches the woman and places his big hands on his shoulders. As they look at each other, they both smile.

-"Sam .... I'd like to ask you something ...."- Penny breaks the silence and looks down at the floor.

-"What is that?"

-"Well ... did you seriously think about the things you said about me?"

-"Of course, you're wonderful ...."- admits Sam. Hethink now is the perfect moment. He just hugs Penny with his arms and slowly places his hands on her waist. The woman is not trying to break out, enjoying his closeness.

-"And you say that as a friend to a friend?"- she looks up at him sadly.

-"Not sure ....."- says Sam in a stuttering voice, then takes a deep breath .-"I should have told you a long time ago ......... but I haven't looked at you like a friend in a long time."

-"Aren't we friends?"- Penny raises her eyebrows.

-"But, don't worry, I just ... I feel more about you .... and I wanted to talk to you already, but I didn't have a good time .... and I was scared."

-"Don't worry either, I'm not indifferent to you either."- she chuckles softly and looks slowly into his blue eyes. Happiness pervades his face.

-"Indeed? I tried to approach you, to give signals ..."- Sam replies shyly.

-"Imagine, I noticed ....."-  Penny says with a smile - "and I didn't mind your approach. If another man had done this, I would probably have hit him in the face."- she starts laughing again, and Sam joins.

-"Then I'm really lucky."- he murmures and places one hand on the woman's tiny face. Their moment is disturbed by a familiar voice. Police officer Malcolm's voice. Then a vehicle light illuminates the window.

-"Sam, Penny!"- they hear the show from outside.

-"Huh, they can always timing."- Sam rolls his eyes and puts a tiny kiss on her forehead, bassing. After reluctantly parting, grabbing their bags and opening the door a crack. The wolves are gone, a quad, a police car and Venus are standing in front of the hut.

-"Hello!"- Sam and Penny gesture to their friends.

-"Are you okay?"- Elvis asks anxiously.

-"Are you hurt? "- Malcolm continues.

-"We're fine, only Penny pulled her leg."- Sam nodded at her.

-" I'm better. But we need to find the wolf cub now."- Penny says.

Wolves of PontypandyWhere stories live. Discover now