Talk in the hut

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-"It can not be true!!! It won't work!"- Sam call out angrily while sitting at the table. The broken pieces of the two yellow broken transceivers lie on the table. He can't put it together. He can rarely get angry at something so much because he is always cool and calm. Penny watches him anxiously from the couch. She decides to stand up and step behind Sam.

-"Sthhh, don't worry! You're too tense. You can't concentrate."- she puts his hand on the man's two strong shoulders.

-"But how will they find us like that?"- he asks skeptically. No longer any kind of poisoning, the woman's touch soothe.

-"We can do this, but now.... relax. Come on, let's talk."

-"Good....."- Sam nods and gets up from the table. Penny gently grabs his arm and pulls him to the couch where they sit down.

-"What should we talk about?"- he asks, looking straight into Penny's eyes.

-"Uhm .... let's say .... errr .... I have no idea."- she stutters and starts laughing. She has no idea what the topic should be.

-"You already know everything about me."- Sam laughs too.

-"Just like you."- she says, and after a few seconds of silence, Sam speaks and looks at her with a sly smile.

-"You know what ... Ask me something you've always wanted to know about me, but you didn't have the courage to ask."

-"Sam ...!"- Penny is surprised. Although there are questions he didn't dare ask Sam, she now felt like a cold shower. Would Sam really openly answer perhaps embarrassing questions?

-"Ahw, come on, don't worry."

-"Uhm ... good. Have you ever lied about something you're not proud of?"- Penny asks uncertainly.

-"Yes. Not once ...."- Sam says with complete honesty. - "I was 8 years old, one day I lied that I would come home from school later because I have tutoring. I actually went to the fire department homepage. My parents were looking for me at school. They were very worried they wouldn't find it. We discussed this thing that afternoon." -he concludes. There is frustration in his voice.

-"Sam, you were just a kid."- she reassures him and sits a little closer to him. It was not an awkward question, rather a painful one. Sam never wants to disappoint anyone.

-"Yes ... but now I'm an adult."

-"What do you mean by that?"- Penny is surprised and frowns.

-"I'm still lying .... there's a person I really like, but I haven't told her yet."

-"Well ..... just tell her ........ I'm sure she'll understand."- she stutters, blinking painfully with her eyes. Does Sam like anyone? Yet it is .... he treats her differently ....

-"Now I ask."- Sam's stroking voice pulls her back to reality.

-"Okay Sam."

-"What are you most afraid of?"

-"Clever .... you know I don't like to talk about your fears."- she rolls her eyes smiling.

-"I know ... so?"- Sam waits curiously for an answer.

-"I am afraid of life ........ There is only one and we must use it well. I never want to lose my loved ones, I don't want them to lose me. I know it would hurt them. And there is someone I never, but never want to lose ...."

-"Do not be afraid! I'm here and I'll never let you down!"- Sam says in a reassuring voice and places his hands on her thigh.

-"Thank you, I'll always be by your side, too!"- Penny replies as she looks down at the man's hand and then looks up into her blue eyes.

-"You ask."- Sam nods with a lovely little smile.

-"Well ... so ..."- Penny stutter. Wondering what the answer is .... who was so lucky that .... that ...

-"Don't worry."- the man interrupts his train of thought. Penny asks with courage.

-"Uhm ... who was your first girlfriend?"

-"Olivia. She was a classmate in elementary school. I was a freshman at the academy. We were only together for 1 year. She was my first and last girlfriend.

-"Why?"- the blonde woman is surprised. Did Sam only have a girlfriend? One? So far he is so handsome and kind and honest .... he is sure to have a lot of women around him ....

-"I do not know. I didn't feel so much about her and she didn't feel for me either. And then I just wanted one ... and still. So who was the first to you?"

-"Jack. But we broke up soon. He quarreled a lot .... he was followed by an Oscar. He's been with him for almost a year ....."  Penny says gloomily.

-"What happened?"

-"Cheated. With my best bestfriend ....." - she answers softly, her eyes not tearing, but she still seems to be in pain.

-"What? This is crazy! How can you cheat on you?"- Sam indignant, at which Penny is just smiling.

-"I ask .... What do you think of me?"

-"Uhmmm ... that's hard to put in."- the red-haired man is embarrassed.

-"Am I that so awful?"- Penny asks seriously, but they both know she's just acting.

-"No! Nope"- he cuts quickly, looking into Sam and Penny's brown eyes and continuing. - "On the contrary! You are the most wonderful woman. I'm glad life has given me the opportunity to meet you. You know, I've only been alone for a long time all the time. I didn't live a social life and my life was gray, but when you showed up, everything became colorful. You managed to pull me out of loneliness ....... and you're a fantastic firefighter. Brave and smart. You always persevere and take care of the team and me too .... You are the one who is meaningless without all my days. Your friend was stupid for cheating. If I could be your friend, I would never do that ...."

-"Sam ..." - the woman's voice is stuck. Beautiful and emotional ...

-"Uhm ... I'm sorry. I went a little exaggerated ...."

-"Don't apologize. I'm glad you think that about me. Thank you for being me!"- she silences Sam. They both look at each other just a little confused when suddenly the wolves start to moan.

-"The wolves!"

-"They're still here ....!"- Penny says anxiously, and they both walk to the windows. The orange rays of the setting sun burst over the green canopies of tall trees. The wolves are still outside and their fur shimmers in the sunlight.

-"How can we escape?"

-"I have no idea, but think about what it would be like if we swap places and the wolves were inside, and we were outside."- joke Penny.

-"Swap..."- Sam whispers thoughtfully.


-"Exchange..! Wow, I swapped two wires! That's why it failed! You're good, Penny!"- Sam call out happily and puts his hands on her shoulder.

-"You found it!"- Penny smiles.

-"But without you it wouldn't have worked, thank you for the conversation."

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