The hut

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Sam's eyes slowly begin to flutter and he realizes what happened earlier. As you open your eyes you see vaguely the rim from which you may have slipped off. His vision clears up quickly and up quickly. You can hear the howls of wolves and some are still standing at the top of the hill. As he turns right, he sees Penny lying on her stomach halfway.

-"Penny! Oh My God, are you okay?"- Sam crawls closer to him and gently raises her tiny hand to feel her pulse.

-"Sam ....?"- she whispers and slowly opens her deep brown eyes.

-"Are you hurt?"- he asks as Penny slowly reviewed.

-"I don't know, I don't think so ..."- Penny replies slowly, still a little dizzy.

-"Can you get up?"- Sam straightens up and extends his hands to his colleague. She accepts this and she stands up too, but then she feels her legs pulled. Suddenly the wolves emerge from the woods, probably finding an exit from the steep hill. The two firefighters look at each other anxiously. Sam sees Penny raising her right leg a little, not standing on it. The woman doesn't have to say anything, Sam knows she can't do well now, so she quickly picks up her bridal style and starts running with her. Penny puts her hands around Sam's neck.

-"Sam, the wolves are getting closer!"- Penny stood in fear as she looked back at the animals.

-"Don't worry, there's a hut. If we get there, we'll be safe-" try repose Sam the woman in his arms. He's always loved her closeness, but he doesn't want to be close to her in a situation like this, it's not like he imagines. And now what if the wolves catch them ....

-"Sam, that wolf is very close!"- Penny screams and hides Sam's chest tighter.

-"We'll be right there!"- Sam says and runs even faster, being only a few feet away. Arriving at the hut, open the door, which, thanks to heaven, is not locked with a key and enters through it. Carefully put Penny down and close the driveway, then push a small closet out of the corner in front of door. Sam helps Penny to the couch closer. They just listen in silence, waiting for developments. What will happen now? They are safe inside, they can't stay here forever. Together .... in pairs .... In a few minutes they won't hear any movement from outside. The small house is just a simple little room. There is a larger living room with tables, chairs and a sofa. Upstairs there is a sleeping area and a restroom. This little cottage is used by hunters, foresters, hikers.

-"Are they gone?" -Penny asks as quietly as possible.

-"No, they're still here ...."-  Sam looks out the window.

-"The radio is not good! Certainty, when we fell broken."- she explains and shows the broken, cracked yellow transceiver.

-"Neither do I ..."- Sam pulls out, then walks over to his colleague and squats slowly and gently feels his right ankle.- "Hey, are you okay?"

-"I'm fine ..."- Penny growls.

-"There's nothing more serious, maybe a sprain, or you just pulled it."- sits Sam behind her.

-"Sam, would you really have risked your life for me?" -Penny whispers, glancing shyly at Sam with her brown eyes.

-"Of course, I can't let you get hurt."-  says Sam in a soft, reassuring voice.

-"But I don't want you to get hurt either ...."

-"Penny, listen .... We're a team to take care of each other."- he smiles warmly before Penny's fear fades away and returns a smile. They talk for another half hour or so, the wolves are still around the hut. Sam keeps looking out the windows.

-"How long will the wolves be here?" - Penny asks boredly, staring out one of the windows. She doesn't like to be locked up, so he understands the animals that are being caged.

-"I don't know, but it's good that we brought food and water with us."- he takes this from the bag and walks over to Sam and Penny.

-"Yes"-she agreed, but she didn't look away.

-"What are you looking at so Penny?"

-"When do woodpeckers get closer to the city?"- she asks.

-"If there are no loot, or they have been driven away, or ...."- Sam begins thoughtfully.

-"If a "puppy" has wandered."- cut it at once.

-"Do you see that pale furry wolf in front of us?"- Penny points to the individual, who is breastfeeding her little ones right in front of the window. A gray, a dark brown, a light brown, and a pale wolf with pale fur.

-"Yes, she has 4 puppies .... at least here."

-"She has 5 puppies because 5 of his breasts are swollen."- she explains with Penny and Sam turning to each other with a smile.

-"Then you might be wandering around town in the fifth."

-"Possible."- she nods.

-"You're genius Penny!"- Sam stood up happily.

-"We explained it together! But we have to say it somehow. But how?"

-"Wait, look at the transceiver. Will you give it here?"- the man asks, and Penny hands it to him without a word, then they turn to the nearby table and place the two transceivers next to each other. Sam starts to disassemble them and sorts them together, sorting them out.- "Then if I can see clearly, we can make one of the two."

-"That's awesome Sam!"- says Penny with a proud smile, Sam is really capable of anything.

-"It's good that I was watching Arnold!" -Sam winked at her.

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