The gossip is right

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Sam, Penny, Elvis, Rose, Malcolm and Lizzie are waiting on the edge of town. After Lizzie examined the little wolf, of course she didn't touch him, they were preparing to release the animal. Darkness reigns in the woods and fields. The moon is just obscured by a few clouds, though it would shine brightly and illuminate everything. But instead, it emits only a few diffused light.

-"Sam, he can go!"- Lizzie nods, and Sam carefully puts down the cage at the beginning of the field and opens the door. He then steps back carefully behind the stone wall and steps next to the others. From there, they watch the werewolf shyly venture out. Then they will pay attention to the howling of the wolves from the forest. The kid suddenly stops and moans too. His voice is still subdued, but he sounds very happy. Not long after, several wolves appear at the edge of the forest. Stepping closer to the coyote, the mother wolf smells thoroughly. She don't feel people wearing him.

-"Our work is over here."- Elvis whispers.

-"Yes. But if they don't return to their hunting ground, we have to help them."-Lizzie says.

-"Then it turns out."- Rose nods.

-Okay. Then everyone should go home."- Malcolm backed away until the others followed him except someone.

-"Are you coming, Penny?"- Sam asks, looking at the woman still standing by the stone wall.

-"No, I'm still waiting a bit."- replies the blonde firefighter.

-"Okay, I'll stay. I will not leave you alone in this darkness."- the red hair man steps back next to her.

-"Thanks Sam."-  Penny smiles.

-"Okay, then hello."- the others say goodbye and head to their house on the dark streets.

-"Hi there."

-"Well, since we have a day off again tomorrow .... Don't you want to stay with me for the night?"- Sam raises the idea, hoping Penny stays. They've been staring at the field for about five minutes.

-"Hmmmm ..... I don't even know."- says Penny with a sly smile and looks straight into his blue eyes.

-"Shall I help you decide?"- Sam asks as he wraps his arms around Penny. He slowly leans closer to hier until a voice interrupts them again.

-"Sam? Penny?"

-"Norman !! Can't you stay at home!?"- the two firefighters linger in confusion.

-"No, but ... what are you doing ?? "- the boy asks.

-"Can't I hug Penny?"

-"It wasn't like a smooth hug ....."- Norman smiles as Dilys speaks to her son.

-"Norman Price !! I'm walking the streets in the middle of the night again for you !! What do you think you're just walking around like this?"

-"Dilys. Don't get mad at Norman. He helped us find a wolf pack."-  Sam explains.

-"Indeed? Is my little son a hero?"- Norman's mother is surprised and hugs her son.

-"Yes, and thank you very much."- he squats down in front of Norman and winks.

After Norman and Dilys head home, Sam and Penny head for the man's house. They walk close to each other on the dark streets.

-"I'm glad the little wolf has returned home."- Penny whispers happily.

-"Me too. And also that I can hold your hand now."- Sam replies gently, reaching gently toward the woman's hand.

Wolves of PontypandyWhere stories live. Discover now