Night shift

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Penny and Sam have already left the station. Ellie and Arnold recently started the night shift. They make tea and talk in the kitchen when Ellie suddenly steps to the window. She watches Penny and Sam as they move away in the dark streets.

-"Seriously, can't they see the forest from the tree? They just say they are best friends ...!"

-"And if they really do?"- Arnold steps beside him with two cups and hands one over. Ellie smiles and accepts.

-"Arnold, just look at them! We should help them ...."

-"Ellie ...!"- he removes the emphasis. - "We can't comment. You have to solve this yourself, trust us."

-"If they love each other, they will confess, right?"

-"Of course, don't worry. Sam constantly compliments her, Penny is sure noticed!" -Arnold laughs slightly.

-"You're right!"-  Ellie thinks. - "And they'll be together tomorrow ... with the twins. I can't wait to question Penny!"- she says excitedly. Slowly they both start drinking their tea.

-"One more question!"- Ellie lifts the cup from her mouth. - "They can be together, right? I mean, they're both leading firefighters!"

-"Yes, because they're in the same rank."- nods Arnold and Ellie reach for their empty cups. The woman gives her thanks, handing her by the time she puts them in the sink when the map 700 sounds in the office. They both run down the stairs to her room and Ellie presses the button.

-"Norman Price set the field on fire!"- the machine says in a monotonous voice and the small logo starts flashing at the area on the outskirts of the town.

-"God!"- he rolls her eyes.

-"Aw, I mean Sam and Penny! This kid can cause trouble right in the middle of the night!"- Arnold adds in surprise.

-"Let's go!"- they stand up at the same time as they look at each other. They soon run down to his garage and put on their deployment clothes.

-"Arnold, drive!"-  Ellie says as she attaches her helmet.

-"All right, Ellie!"- he replies, getting behind the wheel of Jupiter and the woman next to him. As the big red fire truck rolls out of the station, it casts its blue lights on the walls of the houses. Its siren sounds in its usual sound and they turn to the fire. Pontypandy Street is completely empty. Everyone is already asleep .... good, for almost everyone. They quickly reach the lit field from the fireman. They watches as the area burns, as Norman tours and as Malcolm reassures the boy with Rose. Ellie and Arnold get out quickly and start fitting the hoses. The fire isn't raging enough yet that it can't be put out, so you don't have to call Tom yet.

-"Rose, Norman, Malcolm? Are you okay?"- Arnold joins them. They nod as Ellie heads to the field with the hoses.

-"We can start the vaccination! -" she declares, and Arnold stands next to her in an instant. The woman hands over one of the hoses and opens it. Water jets slowly ignite the fire.

-"What happened?"- Ellie takes a questioning look as she steps in to the cops and the boy standing by the wall of a house.

-"Norman ...."- Rose nodded at the low, red-haired child.

-"I ... I just wanted to help!"- he apologizes. He always does this, sometimes he takes the consequences, but only sometimes. Even if hewant to help, he can still cause trouble.

-"We took you home recently and you're already wandering the streets?"- sergeant asks a little grimly. It took barely a few minutes to take Norman home, and then he showed up.

-"But at least I chased the wolves! I have protected you." - the boy declares proudly and pulls himself out and places his hands on his hips .... like a superhero. Speaking of superheroes, it's good that he didn't show up as Normanman. That would have been a bigger problem ....

-"It's not true Nor ..."- Rose begins by the time his heart flies. He is still a child. -"I mean, thank you, Norman, but next time don't chase them with a torch!" -he continues with a smile.

-"With a torch?"- Arnold raises his eyebrows and smiles one-sidedly at Ellie, who bites her lip in confusion.

-"Sorry, we forgot to provide more in-depth information that Norman is often extremely able to design."

-"Next time, we'll take note!"- Malcolm nodded a little cheerfully, and Arnold and Ellie exclaimed a little. They still understood the content of the conversation.

-"Wait, wolves ???"

-Oops, I forgot about they due to the fire. We saw several wolves to approach of the town."- adds the policeman.

-"Got it, let's talk to the others! Thank you!"- Ellie nods.

-"Then we'll take Norman back ... again!"- Malcolm puts his hand on Norman's shoulder and with Rose set out to escort the boy home.

-"Okay, take care!"- the two firefighters warn.

-"All right, bye!"


-"You know, this wasn't the weirdest thing Norman had ever caused."- Ellie breaks the silence as she leans against Jupiter as the figures of Norman, Rose, and Malcolm disappear on a dark street.

-"Yes, but they will find out and get used to it. An entire town on Norman can't change."- Arnold shakes his head and opens the fire truck's passenger door.

-"Not very, but at least we accept it as it is." - she says and gets in. Meanwhile, Arnold walks around and gets behind the wheel.

-"Yes, that's good in this city!"

-"There's just a lot of rumor.-"- she laugh a little.

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