Patrol of the Police

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The night had already landed on Pontypandy. The birds did not beep, they went back to sleep. Town dwellers are also getting ready to sleep. The fire department has already changed, Ellie and Arnold are starting their shifts. Two figures walk down the dark street in front of the station.

-"Can the Malcom patrol begin?"- she asks, and her partner answers.

-"Naturally! Where do we start Rose?"

-"Let's look at the park first, then go to the town limits!"-says Rose. They don't split up because they  need a partner if something goes wrong. That's when they notice Sam and Penny coming out of the station. They stop to talk in front of the door. When firefighters notice the two cops, I gesture amicably to each other.

-"Do you really think they're not together?"- he whispers, leaning close to his colleague.

-"Malcolm, I'm finding out about crimes, not the private affairs of our new friends! "- Rose laughs.

-"Then listen here! I saw them at dawn today!"

-"They could meet then ...."

-"They looked out one of the windows of Sam's house, together."

-"Oooh, I see."- she's surprised. She had heard the rumors of the townbefore, but he didn't think any of them could be true. - "But are you sure they're together? I mean, I see them going for each other ...."

-"If my police instincts don't cheat, they're not together yet!"- Malcolm says proudly and pulls himself out. Rose just smiles at that.

-"Those famous police instincts!"- the sergeant rolls her eyes cheerfully.

-"I wasn't cheated on by those famous police instincts about you either"- Malcolm says, taking her hand gently. He looks at her gently and happiness pervades them both.

-"Service, PC Malcolm, service!"- Rose whispers and squeezes the man's hands, then slowly releases them. As they reach the park, they look around and pull out the flashlight. It's dark, the moon is covered by clouds. They also illuminate the playground, swimming pool and soccer ball with their flashlights. Then they hear some movement nearby. Small steps, rumble, rattling of leaves, crackling of tree branches.

-"Do you hear that?"- Malcolm turns excitedly to the source of the noise and searches with his lamp.

-"Don't worry, I'm sure ... a raccoon!"- Rose replies, turning around. And really, the little gray black-tailed animal ijjdeve runs away. Then something rattles again, just now on the tree.

-"And this?"- the man lighted the tree.

-"Malcolm! This is a bird!"

-"Are you sure?"- he sighs and looks displeased at the woman who just frowns.

-"Are you looking for a job everywhere?"- Rose lets up and laughs a little as Malcolm silences her.

-"Listen!"- he whispers and haels, stalking steps from behind them.

-"Norman Price! What are you doing here?"- Rose pulls the boy to his knees as they turn around.

-"Sergeant Rose! PC Malcolm! Lieutenant Norman Price reports!"- he stops, pulling himself out and raising his hand to his forehead. He wears blue pants and a coat, just like them. Plus, he even wears accessories, a self-made badge and a police cap.

-"Where does that good hat come from?"- Malcolm asks with a smile.

-"Malcolm!"- Rose shouts.

-"I mean ... uhm ..... What are you doing here, young man!"- confuses the man and squats in front of the boy.

-"I help with patrol!"

-"Nope you help us, we'll take you home now!"- Rose replies and they head home to take the stray boy. All the way home, he asked the police: Why did you become police officers? Where did you train? Why did you come to Pontypand? It was a great relief for the two adults to finally reach the store. Dilys was already waiting for her son, completely desperate as soon as she disappeared.

-"Good night Dilys, good night Norman!"- says the two cops.

-"Thank you very much again! Good patrol!"- Dilys thanks and waving to the two departed.

-"Thank you!"- they gesture back and head down the dark streets again.

-"Can we go to the fields now?"- Rose asks.

-"Yes, we can!"- Malcolm nods and heads for the edge of town.

-"If Norman has always been so cheeky, I have no wonder firefighters are tired of rescuing."

-"I hope you don't make a system out of this, I don't want to haunt him in the evenings."

-"Me too, I have a better thing ...."- the sergeant laughs, but her colleague calms him down, because they got to the last house. From here begins the field where the wolves were seen.

-"Can you hear that?"- Malcolm whispered, pulling out his flashlight and starting to light the dark field.

-"Are you starting again? "- she asks boredly.

-"It's not now .... really ...."- the man apologizes and lights up the field -"Look!"- he whispers. The light of a lamp is reflected in the eyes of a wolf.

-"A wolf!"- Rose pulls the man back.

-"One? More!"- Malcolm is surprised and walks close to his colleague. More and more pairs of eyes appear, but they suddenly disappear. Rose and Malcolm then glow to the ground.

-"Look, there are footprints here too!"- she discovers.

-"They are very, very close!"

Wolves of PontypandyWhere stories live. Discover now