Chapter 12: Elsa's Birthday

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Chapter 12: Elsa's Birthday


Tonight was the night, my birthday. I'm sitting at my vanity just combing my hair, I felt empty, like nothing was making scene right now. I was about to give up a kingdom. To someone who deserves it! I hear in my head. Yes... Master Pitch dose deserve it... Suddenly, I feel someone grab my shoulders. I knew who it was, but yet I was hoping it was that boy... I had that dream again, the one with the boy with eyes. Why do I keep dreaming about him? And why do I keep hoping he'd see me and hold me?

"Are you ready my pet?" I hear behind me breaking me from my daydream. I nod, "Yes Master Pitch." I feel him kiss the top of my head, "And my pet, do you know who Jack Frost is?" I shake my head, "No Master Pitch." "Good, now get ready, I feel like your sister knows about our plan. We must watch her." Before I could answer, I hear a knock at my door. "Elsa?" I hear Anna. "Go, I'll see you downstairs my pet. Tonight, will be a night to remember."

I feel him let go of my shoulders. I stand to go open the door when I feel the balcony doors open and a soft wind goes through my hair. I look at my balcony; I was slowly drawn to the balcony like someone was pulling me to it. "Elsa? Can I come in?" I hear again but I just keep going outside and just feel the cold wind go around me. Elsa.... I hear the wind whisper my name. I wish I knew who was calling me. I felt safe with it calling my name. "Elsa!" I hear breaking me out of my trance. I turn and quickly go and close the balcony door.

I put my back to the door, trying to get hold of myself. What just happened? "Come in." I finally say. And I see Anna open the door. "Are you okay? Are you getting cold feet now?" I see her say with a smile. I shake my head, "Of course not." I can tell she doesn't believe me. She quickly grabs my hands, "Elsa... I feel like something is wrong with you. I mean... You act like you don't even remember Jack... That Hans..." I see tears go into her eyes. Why is she crying? And Jack... that's the same person Master Pitch kept asking me about. But I don't remember him.

I clear my throat, "Of course I am upset about... Jack but I can't be crying over him now. Can I?" I see Anna shake her head as she moves her head close to my ear, "Elsa... I know you're in there. Please... Fight this." She whispers as she pulls back and smiles, "Well, why don't you change and I'll see you downstairs. I'll bring your dress up." She says as she starts to leave but stops as she opens the door. "Oh and." She turns to me, "Happy Birthday my Queen." She says and leaves.


I put my back to Elsa's door and trying to hold back my tears. My sister is there somewhere, but that damn... Vlad did something to her. "Anna." I hear as I look up to see Kristoff, my heart starts to beat faster. "Kristoff!" I say, well almost screamed as I quickly walk to him, to Elsa's office. As he closes the door, I run into his arms and burying my head into his chest. "Oh Kristoff, it's been so weird around here... Elsa has been different and even Punzel says she hasn't smile or laughed or done anything she use to do.

"Please tell me you found Jack and that his alive." I ask as I left my head to look at him, but his shows no sign of emotion. I push away from him... "You... You didn't find him..." I say with so much heart break. He shakes his head, "Anna... I'm so sorry. We looked everywhere. Even at that house that Hans and Elsa were going to own, we found someone but... It wasn't Jack." He takes a deep breath, "We found Hans, dead..."

I covered my mouth so I wouldn't scream, "Hans... is dead?" He nods, "We don't know what happened, and cops are still trying to figure it out. That's why I didn't come home sooner." He says as I he pulls me into another hug. "What are we going to do Kristoff?" I ask, I was worried now, without Jack... Elsa might never be herself again... I feel Kristoff start o pet my hair, "I don't know Anna. Right now, all we can do is wait and watch Elsa and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid." I nod slowly, "Then we better get ready..." I say as I grab his hand and we walk out of the office and to our room to get ready.


"Are you sure this is going to work? There are a lot of guards..." I hear Melody next to me as we stand outside the gates watching people go inside for Elsa's birthday. "It has to work. Elsa is going to be queen tonight at midnight." I say as I grab Melody's hand, "Just follow my lead, okay?" I see her nod as we walk in and meet the first guard. "Name?" The guard asks ad I spiral around some snow and blow a snowflake into his eyes. He blinks a few times then shakes his head, "I'm sorry Sir and Miss please go inside and enjoy the party." The guard says and bows at us.

I nod my head and pull Melody in. "What was that?" Melody asks with so many questions in her eyes. "I'll explain later, right now, it's time to find Elsa and keep her away from Pitch. And keep your mask on, do you understand?" I see her nod, as she walks away. I put a smile on my face; she looks lovely tonight in her light pink dress, I don't doubt she'll fine her way into someone's sight.

I start to walk around hoping to find Elsa. I saw Punzel and Flynn by the door, talking. Half of me wish to go to them but for now, I must stay where I am. I keep looking around the room, no sign of Elsa or Pitch. But I keep my eyes open, and I saw Melody with a boy, she hand her fan over her face, trying to keep herself hidden but I could tell by her eyes, she liked this guy. I don't mind, this isn't her fight, it's mine. I feel something grab my shoulder breaking me off my daydream.

I turn to see Anna; she doesn't have her mask on yet as she looks at me. "Jack?" She asks with a questionable look. I grab her hand and pull her to the dancefloor so we can talk. "Anna, you must be quite about me. If Pitch sees me, he'll kill me or send Elsa to kill me." I say as we dance, before I knew it, Anna grabs me and gives me a hug, "I knew it! I knew you weren't dead!" She whispers. I laugh as I hug her back, "You can't get rid of me that easily. Now where's Elsa?" I ask as we keep dancing.

"She should be coming down soon." She says as the music stops and I hear someone clear their throat. Anna and I both stop and look to see Pitch by the stairs. I grab her arm and squeeze. Anna looks at me, "You know Vlad?" she ask. "That's Pitch Black." I growl, "The boogeyman." We watch as Pitch smiles at everyone. "Announcing Princess Elsa." He says as He steps to the side and Elsa is standing behind him, her hands cupped in front of her. I can't help but feel my eyes widen, she looks beautiful.

She's wearing a long dark blue dress with what looks like icicle she made hanging off around it. She's wearing white heels and her crowns and a lot of jewelry. "That dress... Where did she find it at?" I hear Anna say next to me. "She didn't find it. She made it." I look at Anna, "Anna, when I get Elsa on the dancefloor I need you to play something for me." "What?" I smile and whisper it in her ear. I pull back to see her nod, "In a heartbeat." She says. I smile and kiss Anna on the hand, "Don't worry, I'll get her back." I say and start to walk off to meet Elsa.

I wait as she says hello around to everyone, her eyes are different, I just can't tell what is different about them. I move past people and stop in front of Elsa to see that the snowflakes in her eyes are gone. Before I make a scene, I quickly bow. "Princess Elsa." I say as I straighten up. "Happy Birthday." She nods, "Thank you Mr...." I put my finger to my lips, "Not yet, I'll tell you if you dance with me." I see her raise an eyebrow then I see her eyes widen. "Your eyes..." She whispers as she moves close to me. "Who are you?" She asks before I answer, I grab her hand, "Please dance with me Princess."

She looks at my hand and then back at me. "Okay." She whispers and I feel a smile go on my face. This has to work, it has too. I get her to the dancefloor and look at Anna. I see her nod as she starts to play some music. Please let this work.

Hey! Sorry for the late update! It's been a crazy few day and I've been sick as a dog! But I updated so yay!!! I hope to update again soon promise!!! I put Elsa's dress at the top, I love that dress and would kill to have it! Just saying. Anyways, leave me comments, let me know what you think! Maybe some votes? Thank you for everything guys!!! Sorry for my spelling and grammar!!! Love you guys!

~Kitty Kat

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