Chapter 6: Ghost from the Past

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Chapter 6: Ghost from the Past

A/N: This chapter that has some pg-13 naughty scenes. You have been warned.


"Hans... What are you doing here?" I ask as I walk behind Jack, I don't like how his looking at me. He starts to walk closer but Jack stands in front of us, "That's far enough Hans." Jack says and looks at me. "I just came to talk to Elsa that's all." He says and looks at me. I hide behind Jack more trying not to look at him. "Come on Elsa, still scared of me?" Hans says and does a laugh. "When did you get out?" I ask. Still hiding behind Jack, I couldn't move. I look down at my hands to see ice start to form around my fingertips. I cross my arms to hide my hands.

Hans laughs and tries to move around Jack but Jack won't let him come near me. Hans puts his hands up and steps back, "I got out today. Thought I would come see my girl." I step away from Jack, "I am not your girl! I will never be your girl!" I yell and that's when he grabs my arm. Before Hans or I could say anything Jack grabs him by the neck and pushes him to a wall. "Don't you lay a fucken hand on her or I'll break your god damn neck. Do you understand?" Jack yells and I flinch, I've never seen him so angry before.

I see Hans glare at Jack before he nods. Jack let's go of him. Hans grabs his throat and starts to cough as he looks up at Jack. Jack goes down on one knee and looks at Hans, "Leave and don't come back." Jack stands and walks over to me and stands in front of me and watches Hans starts to walk to the door but stops and looks at us, "This isn't the last time you see me Elsa." And with that he opens the door and walks out.

I go into Jack's arms as he holds me close, "I got you. He won't touch you." Jack says as I start to cry into his chest. "Elsa, are you okay?" I hear behind us. Jack let's go and we turn to see Punzel behind holding onto my coat. I wipe my face and walk over to her, "Hans was here." I see Punzel's eyes widen as she walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. "Oh god did he hurt you?" I shake my head and look at my hands, the ice was gone.

I pull back, "No." I turn and look at Jack, "Jack protected me." I see him move his fingers through his hair, "It's my job." I walk over to Jack I kiss him on the cheek, "Thank you." I see some color go to his cheeks, "Umm anytime." I hear someone clear their throat, I look to see Punzel and she's just smiling at us both. "Umm well we should go. Punzel I will see you later. Say hi to Flynn for me." I say as Jack opens the door for me. "Good bye Punzel." Jack says as he follows behind me.


"So are you going to tell me about this Hans guy?" Jack says as we sit at a restaurant waiting for our food. I start to spin my spoon around in my coffee as Jack waits for me to answer. "Well... His my ex fiancé." I see him raise an eyebrow, "Explain yourself." I sigh, "Before my family past away, I was engaged to Hans. At first, everything was great; he was kind and sweet but then... He went crazy. I wasn't allowed to leave without him, he was emotional abused by him, told me I wasn't good enough to be queen.

"Then the day came right before we were to get married, we got into a fight." I feel tears start to form in my eyes as the memories start to come back to me. "I told him I didn't want to marry him and he flipped. He was trying to grab me so I slapped him." I do a nervous laugh, "He hit me. He almost killed me." I wipe my eyes, "Anna found him beating me and called the guards, I was in the hospital for a week with a broken arm and bruises on my neck. Hans was locked up, stripped of his title."

I look at my coffee, "I thought I got rid of him but I guess the ghost of my past will never leave me. Not for good." Before I knew it, Jack grabbed my hand and I feel ice shot out of my hand and hit his coffee mug with made it freeze. I pull my hand back, "Oh god..." But Jack just laughs, "Its okay. I know." I look at him, "What?" I hear him sigh, "You showed me last night. You must have forgotten, don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone." I don't know what to say or do but before I could stop myself, I lead over the table and peak him on the lips.

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