Chapter 6

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Melody was in the hospital for a month. Everyday as soon as school would let out I would run to the hospital (which was a mile away).

When she was able to get out. I was there for her every step of the way. "You know, Nate I can make my own cereal." I looked down at her and smiled. I still felt really guilty for her arm. "I know."


Nate again came over to my house at 7:15. He has been coming over at this time for the past two weeks. He treats me as I am a toddler. " Then why not let me make my own cereal."

"Because I still feel guilty. Anyways. What type of milk do you want? Two percent or one percent?"

"Very funny, Nate."

As soon as I finished my talking Nate opened his mouth as if to say something. But almost on cue both of our phones went off.

Text: Rachel

You are invited!
Where: 6224 pebble beach
When: 4:00-9:00 Mar. 16
What: Mid winter break.
R.S.V.P. to 555-214-9028

Nate looked up at me in confusion. I was confused as well. Then I got another text.
Did you get that text from Rachael?
Ya. It was weird. Both me and Nate got it.

I set my phone down in confusion. Both Nate and I walked over eto the couch. It was now 12:14. Our favorite show was about to be on. My mom was gone at work so I ran quickly to the corner store in my neighborhood and bought us some candy and pop tarts. "That will be five dollars."

I handed the clerk my money.

"Keep the change."

Then I ran out of the store hoping to get back before 12:25.

When I got back I hadn't seen Nate sitting on the couch but the shower was on. I walked over to the bathroom door and knocked. Nate opened up wrapped in a towel. "Your back! I thought I could take a shower while you were gone."

"You're fine. Doesn't bother me."


Once I finished getting dressed I walked over to the couch and sat down next to Melody. I borrowed one of her old T-shirt's and put my jeans back on. We had the house to ourselves. At least until 3:30 when Carmen was supposed to have a friend over and Todd was going to a friends house. "We have the house to ourselves."

"Ya. When you were getting dressed my mom textd me letting me know she is working a double shift until 11:00. Perhaps even until midnight."

"Do you want to go to the park. What do you want to do?"

"Well we could go out for ice-cream."


We left her house at 2:30. We went out for ice-cream. Then I wanted to go to the park so we went. Melody and I left that around 6:45.

"We should probably be heading home."


We took the long way home. When we got home we called for pizza. Then Carmen walked out of her room with a friend I had never seen before. "Hi. Melody this is Madi. Madi Melody. Nate Madi. Madi Nate." She said this then walked back into her room with her new friend Madi.

"Well pizza will be here in about five minutes."

After we finished eating I put in Twilight. Nate was already sitting on the couch. I walked back over to Nate and sat down next to him. About halfway through the movie I started dosing off. I put my head down on his chest. Then he put his arm around my shoulders holding me tightly near his heart. I was glad the lights were off so he couldn't see me blush. That night I fell asleep on his chest with his arm around me.

Winter Break -- VERY SLOWLY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now