A break from everything else

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I've had a bad week and it just started so I thought, why not make a good and happy chapter for you guys, since the last few ones have just been rollercoasters. So I hope you guys enjoy, I hope you guys are all doing well, take a break from everything while you're reading this. Breath, relax, I love you!**TW ED and drinking mentioned and people may find any content triggering, does contain profanity too, please be careful and let me know if anything is ever too much!*** Don't forget to click that little star at the bottom!

Hand in hand with Fred, we ran out the door. The amazing smell of the flowers and trees. The spiky grass on my bare feet and wind blowing through my hair. Fred takes me to our secret spot, we sit down on the bench in front of the little pond. I look at Fred and couldn't help but smile, he stands up and walks behind the bench; pulling out two blankets, and a basket of food. "I know we aren't together, but you deserve the date you didn't get today. Best friend date?"

I pull him into a hug, we both relax into it. I know how we're both feeling and I think he does too but we chose to avoid it. Fred sets down one of the blankets on the bigger grassy area, and he lays out all the food and drinks. He pulls me close to him and covers us both with the bigger blanket. With my head on his shoulder and his arm around me, we ate all the food, drank every drink he brought, and talked; we talked a lot.

It started getting darker and chiller outside, summer was ending and the days were getting shorter and colder as they went by. I was in shorts and a tank top so the blanket wasn't doing so well in keeping me warm. Fred noticed my small shivers and pulls his sweater off to give it to me. I hesitated on grabbing it but a strong cold wind hit me and I put it on. The warmth filled over me almost immediately; making me a little bit tired.

I place my head on Fred once again, my breathing was slowing down and my eyes were closing. "Tired are we?" I nod my head and he pulls me closer, covering me up more with the blanket as he laid down with me on top of him.


I woke up to someone gently shaking me and lowly saying my name, "Y/n, come on angel, wake up. It's starting to get too cold for us to stay out here." I flutter my eyes open to see Fred still laying down next to me. I slowly get up, still taking in exactly where I was, we were still at our spot. Fred grabs the blanket and covers me with it on top of his sweater, "Freddie aren't you cold?" My voice was low and tired, Fred looked into my eyes for a while, his eyes began moving all over my face as if he was admiring my every feature, "I'll be okay pretty, don't worry." It was weird that Fred was calling me all these names but I can't lie, it felt nice.

We gathered everything up and began walking back, his arm over my shoulders pulling me close to him. It was a nice, quiet walk. We didn't need to talk, we just appreciated each other's existence.

We finally get back to the burrow and Fred opens the door. When he does, we see this beautiful girl and George hugging, "I'll see you tomorrow Georgie." She kissed him on the cheek before heading to the door. She notices us standing there and smiles at us, "Oh hello, I'm sorry. I would introduce myself but I've got to be going. Owl me George." George's cheeks go red when he sees us but he smiles and nods his head before she walks out.

Fred and I share looks before looking back at George, "Who's she?" I extended my words to annoy him. He rolls his eyes and laughs, "Her name is Elliana Brown, Lavander's little sister. We've been talking a lot lately." I smile at him, I'm happy that he finally has someone, even if they aren't official just yet, "Lavander Brown? As the one who used to be obsessed with Ron?" Fred laughs, "Yeah but Elliana is nothing like her... I hope." We all started laughing and I pull George in for a hug. Everything that happened today made me exhausted so I hug Fred too and head upstairs to sleep.


"Did her date go well?" George's voice takes my attention away from Y/n as she goes into her room. "Bloody hell, the anger I've had to keep in all day so that I wouldn't go crazy in front of her." George and I sit down at the kitchen table, "I'm guessing it didn't go well?" I shake my head, "The bloody git stood her up." George's eyes open wide but soon, a smirk slithers onto his face, "You have a chance now you know." I roll my eyes and sigh, "I have a girlfriend, George." George laughs loud but quickly quiets himself, "I know you're in love with Y/n. I don't know why you're with Elizabeth but I do know that you're in love with Y/n. So stop being an idiot and go for it."

"Merlin Georgie, I don't know why either. I do love Y/n, I am in love with her but it's different with Beth, wh-" George puts his hand up to make me stop talking, "Cut the bullshit Fred, I don't know what you see in Elizabeth, you get hypnotized when you're alone with her but recently, whenever Y/n's around, you focus on her. You almost lost her to Malfoy, you got lucky. You won't get lucky again." George's words sink in, he's right. I did get lucky that Malfoy didn't show up. As angry that it made me, I got lucky.

George and I went talked for a while before he went to bed. I do too but just not mine, I was stuck outside Y/n's door, debating if I should go in or not. I start hearing noises coming from inside and almost walked away until I heard something as if she was crying. I knocked on the door, she didn't answer. I slowly turn the doorknob and open the door; Y/n was sitting on her bed, arms across her knees and her face buried between them. I sit next to her on her bed and start rubbing her back, "Y/n are you okay?"

She shakes her head, with my hand already on her back, I pull her close to me and she starts sobbing. "Hey, relax, breath" She began to slow down her breathing as it stammered. "I'm sorry if I was too loud Freddie. I didn't mean to." I stare into her teary eyes with my worried ones, I hate seeing her like this. I know I was part of the reason but Draco messed up, badly. I wipe her tears away. She made eye contact and she wouldn't look away. Her eye daze to my lips, not going back up.

I tried my hardest to stay away, I kept reminding myself that I have a girlfriend but I couldn't help myself. Every time I get this close to her, it's hard for me to not touch her. I have to hug her, just hold her, anything. She keeps getting closer to me, my eyes finally move to her lips. She was taking too long, I let out an annoyed huff and just grabbed her face. My lips fall on hers and she lets herself relax under me. Our lips moving in a breathtaking rhythm. This wasn't like our last kiss, this kiss was filled with love and comfort, it fills me up with relief as shocks run down my spine, and chills run up my arms.

The kiss deepened and it was harder and harder to back away from her, I laid on top of her, she's the one who pulled away. Her face was filled with guilt and worry, "Fred, oh my god. What about Elizabeth?" She gets off the bed and began to pace around the room, "Merlin I shouldn't have done that, I am so sorry Fred. I don't know what got into me-" I grab her hand and pull her into me.

"Y/n, stop. I kissed you, I chose to kiss you. Don't worry about anything, I'll deal with it." She let out a deep breath and hugged me. "We're a mess, Fredrick." I let out a chuckle, "That we are Wood."

We both lay down on her bed and she cuddles up next to me, I play with her hair and I could feel her breathing slowing down as she's falling asleep.

"I am so in love with you Y/n Wood," I said under my breath before dozing off.


I love you guys so much. Thank you guys so much for everything, I've been getting so much support on here and on TikTok!!

So I've figured out who Elliana Brown and Carolina lovegood are going to look like, in this chapter, you were introduced to Elliana Brown, She is a few months younger but they were in the same year at Hogwarts, you'll get a background story next chapter!

 All credits for the cover go to, @cloudedwings She is absolutely amazing!

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How do you guys feel about this chapter? lets communicate -->>

What are some things you'd like to see in the next chapter? -->>

I hope you enjoy the book, have an amazing day, don't forget to eat, drink water, rest, take ur medication, and just focus on yourself!!

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