The Cheating Ex is The New Girlfriend

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Hey guys! how have you been? I hope you enjoy this chapter**TW  drugs (weed) is mentioned and people may find any content triggering, does contain profanity too, please be careful and let me know if anything is ever too much!*** Don't forget to click that little star at the bottom!

I opened the door and walked in before the twins did. What I saw made my eyes bleed. Oliver, my brother, and Angelina Johnson, Fred's cheating ex, sharing saliva and practically swallowing each other up on the Weasley's sofa. This told me that everyone else hadn't come home yet because Angelina isn't even allowed in the house. I quickly back away and slam the door closed. I turn to face the twins, leaning my back on the door, keeping my hand on the doorknob; Not wanting them to see what's going on inside.

"Uhm haha, let's go back to the hideout yeah?" I grab both of their hands and start dragging the spot. "Y/n what's wrong, you look like you've just seen a ghost.." I look at the floor, feeling uncomfortable. "Compared to that, I wish I'd seen a ghost." mumbling under my breath but they heard me. Both of them pulling me back, noticing how nervous I was getting. "Okay, what the hell did you see in there!?" George's voice rising a bit, making me more nervous.

I let my head drop and breathe a shaky breath. "Fred, I'm- I'm so sorry, Angelina-" I couldn't help but feel bad. I mean, it's my brother for Merlin's sake. "Oliver and Angelina, t-they.. damn it." My hands began to shake. I look up at the twins, both of them with worry in their eyes.

"Okay, Y/n, breathe." Fred grabbed my hands, helping me relax. I let out a deep breath before continuing. "Okay. okay, I saw Oliver and Angelina, um, making out. I don't know if anything else happened, and I feel so bad Freddie. Everyone knows what she did to you and I know how upset you were and he's my brother..." I started to get more upset and mad as I kept talking, "He knew what happened! He knew how you felt and, and he's pulling this bullshit. Ho-how could he do it?! I mean, he knows and he-" I choke up on my words, closing my eyes with tears falling down my face. Not from sadness, no, from anger. In less than two seconds, I felt arms wrapped around me. "dammit, I'm so sorry Freddie." I was able to mumble with my face still stuffed in between the twins' hugs; small tears still rolling down my face.

George pulls away first, letting me lift my head while still hugging Fred. "Don't be upset about it, it's not your fault anyway. Plus, I'm sure Freddie is over what happened already." Georgie reassured me, wiping the tears off my face. I look up at Fred; He gives me a small smile. Making me tear up, even more, this time out of sadness. I know he wasn't over it, Her? yes, he was but not over everything that happened. Fred pouts at me, making me giggle through a sniff. He grabs my face, making sure I'm looking at him. "It isn't your fault y/n-" I interrupted him by shaking my head, getting loose of his grip. "He's my brother Fred, I know I'm not the one making out with her but I'm allowed to feel bad. I want to rip his fu-" Once again, Fred grabbed my face, once again. "Stop. it's not your fault! plus, she isn't even allowed in the house, we need to get her out before mum gets home... would you like to do the honors?" Those last words put an instant smile on my face as I automatically get off Fred and start moving to the house. I hear Fred and George chuckling in the back but that didn't stop me it made me speed up.

I got to the door, slamming it open. I see Oliver sitting on the sofa by himself, I ran to him, pulling my wand out of my pocket and up to his neck. His breath hitched as I yelled at him, "Where is she?!" He grabs my wrists, making me add more pressure to my wand, "I have no idea-" The wand goes deeper onto his neck, "Don't test me, Oliver, where is she!" At this point, the wand was about to cause a tear in his skin. "Okay! okay! Angie!" I cringed at the nickname but I let the wand go; pointing it at Angelina as she walks out of the kitchen. "Woah! what-" I stop her, walking closer to her; the wand two inches away from her face. "Get. out. now." Her face turned pale and she ran out of the door.

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