From Bad to Worse

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How have you guys been? How was your weekend? If you ever need someone to talk to, just message me. My inbox is always open, I love getting messages from you guys!! I hope you guys enjoy it, I hope you guys are all doing well, take a break from everything while you're reading this. Breath, relax, I love you!**TW people may find any content triggering, does contain profanity too, please be careful and let me know if anything is ever too much!*** Don't forget to click that little star at the bottom and comment!


Fred and I stayed in each other's arms for a few more minutes. He had come up with the idea of pranking George and telling him I left. We stared at the stars and talked, laughed, and just enjoyed each other's presence while we could. Eventually, we decided that it was time to head back.

Once we got back to the house, Fred helped me sneak back into my room through the back window without anyone noticing. 


I don't think I've ever been so relieved in my life. I'm keeping my cool around her but the second she get's into her room and closes the window, I completely break down. I was so close to losing her, she may have been wrong in the way she was coping but I never should've yelled at her. Once I catch my breath and bring myself together, I walk back inside the house, looking as heartbroken as possible. 

I open the door and George and Ron look right at me from the sofa, "So?..." George asks hopefully. I look down, let a few tears from earlier fall down my face, and shake my head. "Shit," Ron whispers under his breath. "I'm going upstairs." I knew George would follow me so I head upstairs into Y/n's room. I slightly close the door and sit on the bed, Y'/n is laying down on the floor behind it. 

I hear George walk up the stairs so I do what I know how to do best; cry. I hear Y/n move and I look at her. Her face is full of worry and confusion; I wink at her to let her know everything is okay. She smirks and nods her head, going back into her spot.

A few seconds later, I hear knocks on the door, "Mate you okay? I know I'm supposed to be mad at you but I heard you crying and-"

"Come in." I interrupted him, making sure my voice slightly cracked. He walked in and sat next to me, "I'm sorry for yelling at you like that. I just didn't want you to fuck up your relationship over something stupid, you guys are meant to each other and I'd hate to see you guys separate. Plus I just really care for Y/n, she's an amazing girl and she's been hurting-"

"Awe, Georgie thank you."


George jumps up off the bed, looking like he's just seen a ghost while Fred starts dying of laughter. I don't even get a chance to speak before George tackles me and hug's me the tightest possible. "You guys are assholes," He mumbles into my head. We all laugh, I look at Fred, he's just looking at me and his brother, smiling the biggest smile I've ever seen. I call him over and he hugs us as well. 

We quickly explain everything to George before getting called downstairs by Ron; he was surprised to see me but quickly ignored that. He turned the letter in his hands over to us, "This all just went from bad, to worse."


Hey my loves, sorry I was MIA for a while, life's just been pretty hard, I'm going back to in-person school next week so I don't know how much time I'll have to write chapters but I'll try my best to be active again. This is just a filler because I missed you guys and wanted a little something out for you guys but it's also to prepare ya'll for the mess that is about to happen for all of our beloved characters. I love you guys so much. Thank you guys so much for everything, I've been getting so much support on here and on TikTok!!

once again, I've been wanting to add some smut into this story for you guys but I'm not really comfortable writing it yet, if anyone would want to write some for me, my dm's are always open and you will get credited. If I get more than one person to write some for me, it'd totally be great, you'd be featured and I'd let you know if I am or am not adding what you wrote to the story. Thank you so much!!

Please don't forget to click the little star at the bottom and follow me!!

My tiktok is: bl00dy_ch1cken

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what do you guys think of this chapter? let's communicate -->>

I hope you enjoy the book, have an amazing day, don't forget to eat, drink water, rest, take ur medication, and just focus on yourself!!

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