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hey pretties!! how are you guys? we're at 5.1k views, what!! this is crazy!! thank you guys so much! kisses<3 I hope you guys are all doing well, this chapter is a lighter chapter for you guys so, take a break from everything while you're reading this. Breath, relax, I love you! **TW sort of an ED mentioned and people may find any content triggering, does contain profanity too, please be careful and let me know if anything is ever too much!*** Don't forget to click that little star at the bottom!

Y/N's POV:

The past few days have been a living hell. Just the week that I start working at the store, it's the week that the store has been at it's fullest in a while. The line at the cash register leaves the store, people can barely even move around inside. It smells like sweat, smoke from exploding pranks, sweets, and smell of ink from the register. The twins and I have been staying after hours, getting in as many more customers as possible, just to go home and not even eat dinner. I haven't had a proper meal this whole week, we get home and everyones asleep. Even if Molly leaves food out for us, we are way too tired to eat. I'll eat an apple in the morning and a cereal bar for lunch. It's now Sunday and not eating properly has definitely taken a toll on me. It keeps getting harder and harder to stay awake during the day, walking up and down the store's stairs makes me exhausted, and honestly, I don't even get hungry anymore. I have lost a lot of weight but I'm doing this for the Weasley's, for my brother. I'm helping.

We've just begun working after hours today and it doesn't seem like we'll be staying for too long. The amount of people has settled down and they are moving in and out a lot quicker. Finally, there was no one in the store, I take this as a quick nap opportunity. I set my head down on my arms and slowly slip away into paradise; Until Fred wakes me up. "Y/n? Hey, we're thinking of closing up, it doesn't seem like we're going to be getting anyone else today."

I nod my head and begin to get up from my chair. From sitting down all day, I can barely feel my legs and I get lightheaded as I get up quickly; The fact that I haven't eaten as I should, didn't help. I automatically become dizzy as my vision gets blurry. "Freddie!" My voice shakes from fear. Seconds later, everything goes black.

"Y/n? Y/n come on wake up. Are you okay?..." I begin to wake up. "Y/n!" With the loud voice, my body bolts up. I turn to my side and see Fred smacking the back of George's head. "Be careful you dumbass! Oh Merlin Y/n, you look so pale." I look down and see that I'm sitting down on their upstair office table. "What happened?" Fred tilts his head to the side and slightly pouts. "You fainted Y/n."

"Fainted? Why did I faint?" I gave Fred a confused look. "I don't know, you tell us." I let out a deep sigh, I knew what this was from, the amount of food I've been eating had been through a dramatic change this week and I knew this was eventually going to happen. "I've just been really tired lately, I barely have time to eat or sleep anymore." The twins faces soften up, filling up with worry and guilt. George comes up to me and places a hand on my shoulder. "Fred and I have noticed, we talked and we came to the conclusion that you shouldn't work here anymore." I shove his hand off my shoulder and quickly stand up, grabbing onto the table for balance. "What?! So you're just going to fire me?!" My voice beginning to rise. Fred grabs my shoulders and makes me sit back down. He looks at George and nods his head, with that, George leaves the room.

Fred turns back around to me and moves his face close up to mine. "Y/n listen to me okay. The shop is closing for the week anyways but you're not coming back. Not for another week, and it's not up for discussion. I can't help but feel like what just happened to you is part of my fault because I didn't even check up on you. Now you're going to stay at home for two weeks, It won't affect your paycheck, you're going to let mum cook you some food and you're going to take care of yourself. I should've made you take breaks or longer lunches, George and I hadn't noticed how bad it's been getting down there until yesterday. I can't have you being sick and it being my fault-"

For some reason, once again, the way he cared so deeply about me, made me feel some kind of way. Made me feel more confident, for say. It's almost happened three times and the most recent time showed me that he wanted it too. It's like something took over me. As Fred continued ranting about the whole situation, I interrupted him by quickly placing my lips on his. It was a quick kiss but it surly made him stop talking. Fred looks me straight in my eyes, as he gulps and his mouth partly opened. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" This time, it was Fred who interrupted me.

His soft lips on top of mine as they move in a steady, hypnotic rhythm. One of his hands make their way onto the back of my head as the other one moves down my waist, pulling me even closer. Our breathing patterns speeding up, and I feel as if my heart is about to pound out of my chest. Fred slides his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for permission. I deny him, trying to make this a bit more fun. As he quickly pulls me even closer to him, making me gasp into the kiss and letting him slither his tongue inside my mouth. We fight for dominance as he quickly wins, but as he does, he softens the kiss. Making shocks move up and down my body. He leans even more into me and the bottom of my back hits the table and he removes his hand from my waist to the table, making sure I can't move away. It felt like a utopia, I've been waiting for this exact moment for the longest time and yet, I back away from the kiss.

Even as I back away, Fred doesn't let go of me. Instead he pulls me in closer, placing his forehead on mine and staring deeply into my eyes. Our breathing still quick and his eyes begin to move back down to my lips once again. Just as he begins to lean back in, we were interrupted.

"Fred? Were you able to convince her?" George shouts from downstairs. Fred looks back up to my eyes as a smirk slides on his face. "Yeah Georgie, I definitely was." I shake my head at Fred and we both back away from each other's hold. As much as I wanted to feel his touch once again, his lips on mine, we couldn't. Not now at least.

Fred holds my arm as we walk down the stairs, telling me he was scared I'd faint again. As we reach the bottom of the stairs, we were faced with a confused George. "What does that supposed to mean?" Fred and I look at each other and break out into a laughter. "You'll find out soon Georgie."


OMG! We've gotten to 5.7k views, this is surreal! I love you guys so much. Thank you guys so much for everything, I've been getting so much support on here and on TikTok!

There will be two new characters who will show up! Their names are Elliana Brown and Carolina lovegood, give me some people who they can look like. ("Famous" people)

I don't know if any of you've noticed but we got a new cover! All credits go to, @cloudedwings She is absolutely amazing!

Please don't forget to click the little star at the bottom and follow me!!

My views have been going down a bit on my TikTok, I'm pretty sure I'm shadow banned so If you guys could go like my recent, I'd really appreciate it!

My tiktok is: bl00dy_ch1cken

Follow me for early updates!

lets communicate -->>

What are some things you'd like to see in the next chapter? -->>

I hope you enjoy the book, have an amazing day, don't forget to eat, drink water, rest, take ur medication, and just focus on yourself!!

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