Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The battle is tomorrow, and everyone was standing around while Jacob built a bonfire. I was standing off to the side resting my head on Seth's shoulder while he hugged me.

"Promise me you won't do anything extremely dangerous." I whispered to him.

"Only if you promise me, too." I smiled a little.

"I promise."

"I promise." His voice was low, and if I wasn't a vampire, I wouldn't have heard it. We stayed still for a moment before I broke the silence.

"Victory." I told him. I heard him make a confused sound.

"That's what Tori is short for. My father was an honored military commander and named Glo, Nora, and I after the traits he revered. Glory, Honor, and Victory. My mother named Connie and Chance after what she believed in. Patience and Continence." I elaborated, making my voice low and using my power to make sure that no one else heard. I pulled back a little from the embrace and he smiled at me.

"I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me that." He says softly. I smile back and place a soft kiss on his lips.

"If you survive the battle, I'll tell you more." I promised him. We then went over to the bonfire to listen to Garrett boasting about the battles he fought in the American Revolution. Nessie came bouncing over to me a few minutes later, begging for a story. I smiled at her and almost said for her to wait for another night, when I had an idea.

"Sure sweetling. I think we could all use a good story." I told her. I looked at Edward and he smiled at my idea.

"Glo! Connie! We're gonna tell a story!" I called. They zipped over and we all sat around the fire.

"What should we tell?" Connie asked. I shrugged.

"What do you want to hear, darling?" I asked Nessie. She smiled.

"A story about a princess." She said, making me smile.

"How about...the story of Echo and Narcissus." I offered, looking at Glo. She nodded and brought up her hands, causing the flames to move and form the image of twelve imposing figures.

"Long ago, in Ancient Greece, the twelve Olympians ruled. Zeus, the king of the gods, was having an affair with a mortal woman, when his wife, Hera, the queen of the gods, found out. She went to the grove where she knew she would find them, but was stopped by a young nymph named Echo. Echo talked and talked, distracting Hera long enough for Zeus and his mistress to escape. When Hera realized what had happened, she cursed Echo to never be able to speak her own words, only repeat what was said to her." Everyone was transfixed by the flame images Glo was making, and by Connie's voice.

"A few months later, a man was hunting with his men. He was the prince Narcissus, and he was the most beautiful mortal in Greece." I made everyone hear the sounds of men shouting and hunting, crashing through the undergrowth in pursuit of their quarry. Glo made an image of Narcissus in the flames.

"All of the nymphs, including Echo, fell in love with him, but Narcissus was a vain man. He only had love for himself, and rejected others. Echo tried so hard to gain his affections, but he loved no one but himself. Echo prayed to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, for help, and the goddess took pity on the young nymph.

"On Narcissus' next hunt, he happened to stop by a small pool to rest and take a drink. When he looked into the water, he was stunned into silence by what he saw. Being so vain a person, Narcissus instantly fell in love with his own reflection."

We went on to tell the story for another half hour, and when we finished, everyone was applauding us. I smiled and then looked at Nessie, who seemed to be falling asleep with her head on my lap. I picked her up gently and laid her in her tent where she would be sleeping for the night. After I brushed her hair back, I walked away to where Seth was laying on the ground. I laid down next to him and took his hand in mine. I looked up at the stars and tried to ignore the fact that he was staring at me again. I looked over at him and met his eye. I smiled a little.

"Hi." I whispered. He smiled.

"Hey." He responded, just as quiet. I sighed.

"You're probably tired. You should try as sleep." I said, looking back up at the stars. He sighed.

"Yeah, probably." He looked up at the stars and then back at me.

"But only if you promise you'll stay." He said, quietly. I smile and curl into his side. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

"You're really warm." I mumbled. I felt him laugh.

"You're actually not as cold as most vampires." He retorted. I laughed a little.

"Family trait. Hot-blooded and sexy." I joked. He hummed lightly and after about three minutes, I heard his breathing slow, indicating that he had fallen asleep. The whole night, I stayed in his arms, contemplating what the morning would bring.

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