Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Everyone stood on the field, waiting for the Volturi to arrive. I stood next to Seth, with Nora on my other side, and Glo next to her, with Leah past that. I gripped Nora's hand hard, as she was doing with Glo. My other hand was tangled in Seth's fur on his back, since it was almost level with my waist. I took a deep breath and smelled it. Stone, dust, and age. Suddenly, the Volturi appeared on the other side of the field, in formation. I watched as the lower ranked guard in their gray cloaks slowly moved away to allow the high guard to move forward, revealing black cloaks like a deadly flower. Marcus, Caius, and Aro stood in the front, flanked by their elite guards. I saw something move slightly out of the corner of my eye, and turned to see Connie and Chance, who were standing behind me, stiffen, hands clasped so hard that cracks were beginning. I gave them a questioning look, but their eyes were locked on something across the field. Their eyes were black. I whipped my head forward and searched the crowd, finally finding what I was looking for, and lets just say that I wasn't happy about it one bit. The witch twins, Alec and Jane, were standing rigid with their black eyes locked on my little siblings. That's it. Someone's gonna die. I suppressed the growl that was bubbling in my throat, because I knew that I couldn't be the one to start a war.

You didn't. I made Connie and Chance hear. They flinched at the aggression in my tone, but nodded stiffly. Oh we are all so screwed.

We've spent years avoiding them, making sure our gifts never got into their hands, and then this has to happen. I know it isn't your choice, but this is some pretty shitty timing. I told them. Chance gave me a sympathetic look, but then went back to staring at the blonde girl across the field. I watched as Aro and Carlisle talked, proving that Reneesme was not an immortal child.

"I would like to meet her." Aro said. Edward, who had been standing in front of Aro, turned and looked at Bella. Bella grabbed Nessie's hand and started walking with Jacob, pausing for a second to silently ask Emmet to go with them. Nessie played her hand on her mother's cheek and Bella nodded a little before looking at me. Nessie was giving me a small smile, so I slowly pried my hand from Nora's and disentangled my fingers from Seth's fur, petting it down reassuringly before flashing over and standing beside Jake. Together, we walked forward towards the Volturi. I looked down at Nessie and used my power to speak with her.

Remember Perseus. With a little help from his family, he was able to defeat the Gorgons. You are just as brave. I told her. She looked up at me and smiled a little and gave a nod. I smiled at her and then looked forward. I made a point to glare harshly at the witch twins before looking at Aro.

"Hello Aro." Nessie greeted. She reached forward bravely and put her hand hesitantly on his temple. He froze for a second as she showed him all that he needed to know. She pulled back and he looked at her amazed.

"Magnifico." He muttered. I watched as he explained just how Nessie came to be, but Caius didn't believe it was possible.

"Do you think they deceived me, brother?" Aro asked him, making his quiet. Irina was brought forward, and, when she took full responsibility for her mistake, was executed. I immediately turned around and cut off Kate and Tanya's sight, having to reach my arm out to also cut off the pain that Garrett was feeling as Kate electrocuted him. I was supposed he was able to hold on for so long. I guess that's love for you. When they stopped struggling, I pulled back and Tanya gave me a grateful look. Even she knew that it would have ended badly. I turned back around to see Aro looking at me with a kind of hunger, so I just picked up Nessie and started walking back. Everyone else followed as Aro turned to speak to his brothers. I was praying that Victoria would shine on us, but when Aro began talking about how we didn't know anything about Nessie's kind, and how she was to dangerous to risk, I was about to lose hope. Then, someone everyone called Alice came out of the trees with three other vampires. The blond one must have been her mate, Jasper. She tried to go up to Aro, but was stopped by the guard.

"I have proof that the child will not be a threat." She shouted, shoving away the guard. She strode up to Aro and gave him her hand. He held it for a second before dropping it quickly. He gave her a fearful look as she glared at him.

"That is your future, unless you change your path." She growled. He looked at Bella, who was holding Nessie close, but then his gaze switched to us.

"My friends, there is no danger here. But before we leave, I would like to speak with a certain coven. You are known as The Virtues, are you not?" He asked, looking right at me. I squared my shoulders, lifted my chin and started to walk forward.

You two are staying here until I tell you otherwise. I told Connie and Chance, who were obviously unhappy with the decision.

Make sure they stay here. I told Edward. He nodded as Glo, Nora, Seth, Leah, and I started to walk forward. Seth and I were in front of everyone else, and Nora was in between us and Leah and Glo. I stopped in front of Aro and met his gaze steadily.

"I am going to make it very clear right now. I am not interested in the slightest in joining you, but it is always a group decision, so it is up to my family members." I told him coldly. He nodded with an understanding face.

"I do really hope you will consider it. If you could come to Volterra by the end of the month, we could discuss further." He offers. I look at my sisters who both nod. I look further to Connie and Chance, who are both nosing eagerly, still staring at the witch twins. I look to Alec and Jane and send them both a death glare. They flinch a little and I make sure that they get the message loud and clear. I don't like you.

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