Chapter 3*

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Tori's PoV:

My sisters and I were standing off to the side, watching Connie and Chance protectively as Connie went around talking to everyone, never letting go of Chance's hand. Glo and my attention was pulled to the side when we heard someone approaching, but Nora kept her eyes carefully on the twins. A group of large, almost bear-like, wolves appeared from the trees, and I immediately growled at them, along with my sisters. Connie gave a small shriek at the sight of them and raced up the nearest tree, making Chance sigh in exasperation as he went over and stood protectively at the base. The three wolves that had appeared went back into the trees and then three people reappeared, two men and a young woman. They were all looking up in the tree where Connie was.

"Is she gonna be okay?" The taller man asked. It didn't escape me that both men were shirtless.

"Uh..." I said, looking up at her. "She prefers cats." I answered slowly. As soon as it left my mouth, my sibling started snickering and I allowed myself to crack a smile. Everyone else looked confused.

"You wouldn't understand." I brushed off. I turned to Glo. "Can you get her down?" I asked her. She smirked and raised her arm. She clenched her fist and jerked her arm to the side and the entire tree uprooted correspondingly. It's roots ripped free of the earth and it tipped to the side violently, jerking Connie out of the tree. She landed with a dull thud and both she and Chance groaned. They'd always had a close bond growing up, and their transformation had strengthened that bond to a physical level; what she felt, so did he and vice verse.

"I'm sure you're fine." I chided as she stood slowly. She had a crack running up her neck to her cheek and it closed as I looked at it. From behind me, Glo straightened the tree back to its original position.

"Hey, Tori?" I heard someone say. I turned to look at Bella, who had addressed me.

"Are you breathing? It's just, usually vampires are more put off by the wolves." She said. I was actually surprised by the question.

"Actually, no. After a few centuries cut off, we had to stop when we began to approach human settlements." I said, casually. They all seemed shocked.

"A few centuries? But isn't your sense of smell important?" Someone asked. I couldn't seem to remember their name. I just shrugged and looked to Glo and Nora, but they just shrugged, as well.

"We should probably learn to cope. We'll need all of our senses in the approaching days." I said to them. They both nodded and we all took a deep, unfulfilling breath. It felt odd, since there was no relief that came with it, but then I smelled something that almost knocked me backwards. At the surprise, I lost my concentration of my powers and everyone was able to smell us, but I quickly covered it again. Nora, Chance, and Connie brought a hand up to their nose like they had smelt something foul, but Glo and I just stiffened. I looked over at Glo and we locked eyes. I turned my gaze to the wolves and walked towards them slowly. In the back of my mind, I registered that most of the vampires and the wolves themselves all stiffened as we approached, probably thinking we were going to attack, but that was the farthest thing from my mind. I kept my eyes locked on the younger male as I finally reached him. I looked him up and down, refusing to meet his eye, and walked in a slow circle around him, breathing in deeply. His scent was the most glorious thing I had ever experienced in centuries. And I never thought I'd ever say that about a dog. He was tense, on guard because of my being so close.

"Well...that's different." I muttered to myself, looking over to see Glo standing by the female wolf. I raised an eyebrow and she just shrugged in a 'the gods wish as they will" manner. I think the more modern interpretation Connie had told me was 'there's nothing you can do.' I turned back to the boy and finally looked him in the eye. For a second, he looked scared, but then I was hit with a dizzying sensation. When our eyes locked, he was suddenly all I saw. By the gods, I swear I felt gravity shift, and he was the only think keeping me ground. As if he was all I needed, and that I would do anything to keep him safe. I felt Aphrodite herself take me in her arms as I looked at him and Eros' golden arrow pierced my heart. The sensation faded into a warm weight in my stomach and we were both left staring at each other like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time. I gave him a soft smile.

"My name is Tori." I said, quietly. He stuttered for a second before giving me his name.

"S- Uh...Seth." He managed. I smiled, since I found his awkwardness absolutely adorable. He was young, but he would grow.

"It's nice to make your acquaintance, Seth." I whispered. Taking a step back, and turning to walk back to Nora. Glo walked with me, since she had introduced herself at the same time I had. Nora looked like she was ready to throw up.

"I think I'm going to be ill." She groaned, confirming my thoughts. "Sometimes I really despise having this connection. You two make me sick." She complained. I just laughed at her, and Glo and I simultaneously threw our arms around her shoulders.

Seth's PoV:

The vampire, Tori, approached me slowly, while her sister stepped towards Leah. I would have been worried for my sister had I not been facing a possible danger of my own. Tori looked me over, never directly meeting my eye. I stiffened when I saw her eyes. They had originally put me on guard because one had been gold, and the other, red, but now they were both black, which just plain scared me.

I looked up to Edward, but he only stood back and watched, holding Bella back gently. He didn't seem very worried, so I took that as a good sign, but it didn't make me relax

She walked in a slow circle around me, almost like a predator watching its prey. To be honest, I was terrified.

"Well...that's different." I heard her mutter to herself. She looked over at her sister, who was standing by Leah, but then she looked back at me, and our gazes locked. I felt my fear melt away as I looked into her eyes. It's like gravity moved suddenly. It wasn't the earth holding me here anymore, it was her. I would become whatever she needed me to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend. Anything she needed, anything at all.

The sensation faded to a light an warm sensation in my chest and we were both left staring at each other like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time.

"My name is Tori." She said in a voice that sounded like wind chimes, and was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. And holy hell, she's got a British accent.

"S- Uh...Seth." I managed to stutter, mentally kicking myself for sounding so stupid. She just smiled lightly.

"It's nice to make your acquaintance, Seth." She whispered before turning away and walking back to her other sister. I couldn't help but grin when she said my name. The way it fell from her lips made me feel all warm. I looked over at Leah, and she was grinning as well. Wow, haven't seen that in a while.

I looked over at Tori and took in her appearance. At first glance, she seems identical to her triplet sisters, but now that she was my imprint, I was looking at fine details, and finding tiny difference, although a few were hard to miss. The V shaped scar was prominent on her collarbone, and she seemed to make no effort to keep it covered. Her dark brown hair hung in perfect ringlets around her face, and a few strands were pulled back like a band around the rest and tied in the back. Her eyes were almond shaped, and still black, but that only showed how good her self-control was. Her lips were naturally a deep red, her skin was olive, instead of pale, like most vampires, and she had a feline look to her face, as did the rest if her coven. The differences from her sisters were subtle, but still there. She had a small birthmark on the bottom edge of her right eye, and she had a tick, where, every once and a while, she would blow air up her face, as if she was blowing hair out of her face. She wore a black ribbon necklace that had a small coin pendant stamped with the image of a grape bunch, and as she moved I saw it flip to reveal a winged woman on the reverse side. The one thing that confused me, though, was that she wasn't wearing shoes. I guess if you don't have to worry about hurting yourself by stepping in something, it's okay, but still. I thought it was a little funny, but unique. I couldn't help but want to know everything about this woman.

She looked maybe 19, and did a moment I worried she'd just see me as a kid, but then I remembered what she was. She could be decades old for all I knew, so I really was a kid to her. And, she would always look like that and I would probably age until a certain point, so eventually the gap wouldn't be as weird. I hope. God, I hope. She's stunning.

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