Chapter 18

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Tori's PoV:

After a good hour, Nessie was tiring out and I felt ready to fall asleep from using my gift for so long. Of course, as soon as the world faded and I slumped out of my dream-like trance, she can over and sat beside me on the stairs, laying her head in my lap and stretched out on the wooden step, sighing contently.

I leaned against the railing beside me as I gently stroked her hair, hearing her fluttering heartbeat and steady breathing become slower as she easily fell asleep. I could tell Bella and Edward were watching us from the side but decided to ignore them, knowing they'd come over if they needed to. Edward could see into my head anyway. I heard him chuckle at the thought and smiled to myself before lifting my head just a little when I heard rustling in the trees. Seth was walking towards me slowly with a smile on his face and I smiled back, closing my eyes as I listened to his approaching footsteps.

"Anything interesting?" I asked when he reached me. I opened my eyes to look up at him as I sat up so that he could squeeze between me and the railing so we didn't wake Nessie.

"Not much. Apparently Leah and I aren't allowed to go on patrol with anyone else anymore because we, and I quote, "think about our stupid leech imprints so much it makes them want to puke."" He told me quietly and I laughed, leaning into his side as I stroked Nessie's hair.

"Oh well. They'll get over themselves soon enough." I told him and I could feel him smiling at me. We were quiet for a minute before I looked up at the sound of quick footsteps in time to see Edward appear in front of us.

"I can take her if you want." He offered and I smiled and nodded. I felt mentally drained from creating that entire world for Nessie for hours, so I felt too tired to speak, even though I was physically fine. He gave me a sympathetic smile before taking his daughter off of my lap and disappearing to lay her down in the small cottage they had at the edge of the property.

I stretched out along the step with my head in Seth's lap, assuming Nessie's former position, and smiled up at him. He laughed a little and shook his head.

"You know, tomorrow's supposed to be cloudy again. There's no reason for you to skip school." He said after a minute and I groaned. It's been miraculously sunny since Thursday, and by the time it was cloudy again it was the weekend. I really didn't want to go to that hellhole tomorrow.

"Do I have to?" I whined and he laughed.

"Yeah, actually. People get suspicious when you don't, and if I have to then you do too." He told me and I pouted.

"I don't think that's fair, I've been going to school since before the turn of the first century. That should earn me some points." I grumbled and he smiled down at me.

"When was the last time you graduated high school?" He asked and I frowned.

"1824." I replied and he laughed.

"You know, it's very different now." He said and I grinned.

"I know. They actually expect girls to know what's going on and I don't get weird looks from the teachers when I answer correctly. Plus, I can just sit in the back and not say a word and they don't question it." I said and he smiled at me. I felt him take a lock of my hair and begin to twirl it around his fingers. "It's not that I hate school. The work is easy and the teachers are nice, but there's so many people and I don't like being away from you that long." This made him grin and he leaned down to press a quick kiss to my lips.

"I don't think there's much I can do about that." He said when he leaned back and I sighed.

"But do I have to go?" I asked again and he laughed.

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