Day 11 | The (Slightly Rigged) Secret Santa Event

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Day 11: Secret Santa time (except it's slightly rigged...)


Everyone was seated in the main room, some on couches, some on the floor, and one on his new custom-made vehicle (Kit was thoroughly enjoying it, especially since it was decorated for the holidays).

Syke and Jules took center stage, holding a hat filled with the names of everyone present, "I know you are all very busy with... whatever. But!" She shook the hat, " I thought it would be an amazing idea to hold a Secret Santa event! You all know how Secret Santa works, right?" She looked at Midas, who was sitting on the floor in front of a perfectly good open seat on one of the couches. Rumor has it that Midas came from a government facility and didn't know about common holiday traditions. He glared at the person who started the rumor (Jules, who was snickering), and then back at Skye. She laughed awkwardly and glanced over at Jules, who took the hat from the former's hands.

"Just reach in and grab a slip of paper," Jules said, watching Midas reach over to be the first one, "And Midas is going last because he messed up the kitchen." He reluctantly returned back to his position and the hat was passed off to Kit, who was sitting first on the other side.

He reached in with his paw and picked out one of the slips, somehow figuring out how to grab it and open it. It confused everyone because unlike his father, he didn't have thumbs (or something similar to thumbs; just normal cat paws). His slip read "Skye', said person decorating their name with small hearts.

The hat was passed on to Meowscles, who was sitting on the couch next to Kit. Actually having thumbs, he simply grabbed and opened his slip with ease the name on his slip being 'Jules'. He personally didn't know her that well but would do his best anyway.

Next to him was TNTina, who eagerly took the hat from the humanoid cat. She took longer than the others, her expression becoming more and more devious. Something was up, but no one pointed anything out. She pulled out Maya's name and passed the hat on to Brutus, who was sitting in the armchair in between the two couches.

Brutus took the hat and placed his hand inside, feeling something strange on one of the papers. Curious, he pulled it out, noting that the corner of said paper was folded. He carefully read the slip to himself, rereading it over and over again to make sure it was correct. Midas? Midas?! He passed the hat on, wondering how he was going to do anything for Midas, the person who can buy everything and more. He could think about this later...

He quickly passed the hat to Maya, who was sitting on the second couch next to (above?) Midas. She calmly picked her slip and passed the hat to the standing duo, who were whispering about their own thing. They smiled and did their own slip picking, Jules's hand staying in there a little longer than Skye's.

They both grinned as an irritated Midas finally got his turn, snatching the final slip out of the hat. They stepped back, their grins only getting wider as he realized who he got. How was he supposed to get something for Brutus? Sure, he knew the guy and admired him (more than he'd like to admit), but that doesn't mean he immediately knew what to get him. He shook his head, dismissing the thought. That can be dealt with later.


Skye, Jules, TNTina, and Maya were the only ones left in the main room, everyone else dismissing themselves after the small event was over. They watched the last person leave, and immediately switched topics.

"Do you think they noticed?" Skye excitedly asked, jumping up and down in her seat on one of the couches.

"Nah. Midas is too dense. Smart, but also dense," Jules used her hands to demonstrate, "A walking contradiction, as they say." She leaned back, putting the now empty hat on her head.

"Hope this doesn't blow up in your faces," TNTina was playing with a matchbox, sitting on the floor now. She laughed at her pun, everyone else rolling their eyes.

"Let's hope that's not the case, Tina," Skye chucked, rubbing her hands together.

They nodded in unison and went back to their previous topic: coming up with strange flavors of cookies.

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