Day 14 | Podcast By The Fire - Episode 14

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Day 14: Maya and TNTina host a podcast, and today's theme is "Twisted Holidays"


"Welcome, valued listeners, to a new episode of 'Podcast By The Fire', co-hosted by me, TNTina, and my good friend Maya," TNTina spoke into one of the microphones that were set up by the fireplace in the main room. Maya sat beside her, another microphone set up in front of her.

"Thank you, Tina. Now, for today's topic. This idea came up a few days ago during the gingerbread house even we talked about," Maya started, adjusting her position, "We thought that this idea should be called 'Twisted Holidays.'" TNTina giggled, having come up with the name herself. She pulled out a flashcard with two bullet points on it, hold it out in front of her.

"So!" She clapped her hands, accidentally folding the flashcard, "My first idea: fighting people." Maya put her hands up," Woah, Woah, Woah; first of all, we're not encouraging anybody to fight each other, especially under unsupervised circumstances."

"I know, and I'm not," TNTina stated, flattening the flashcard, "I wasn't finished, either. I was taking a dramatic pause." She demonstrated with her hands, making sure the flashcard wouldn't be crushed again. "My first idea was fighting people... under the mistletoe." Maya opened her mouth, then closed it again.

"It's simple, really: if you go under the mistletoe, then you fight them. Easy, simple, dangerous," TNT flashed a smirk, indulging herself in her great idea.

"That sounds like you're encouraging our listeners to fight each other," Maya stated in a matter-of-fact tone. TNTina made a playful face and moved onto the next idea instead.

"Alrighty then, since my partner here doesn't want anyone to fight each other, my second idea probably won't please her either," She laughed, watching Maya's face become more worried as the seconds ticked by.

"My second idea is... causing complete chaos at the end of the year."

"Oh my-"

"Listen, if Santa watches you from the beginning of the year until Christmas, then that means there are six days where nothing counts. Think about it," TNTina leaned back in her chair, watching Maya think about the suggested idea. She opened her mouth again, trying to come up with an argument to said idea.

"Tina, I'll admit it; that's not a bad idea," They both laughed, trying to contain themselves, "As long as people don't fight each other this time."

"Oh trust me, they will." She finished with a wink, causing more laughter from the duo.

"Well, that's all we have for today. Have an amazing Monday evening everybody, and we'll see you all next time on 'Podcast By The Fire.'"

Maya hit the stop button, and the episode was complete. They both moved their stuff off to a corner of the room, discussing what they were going to do tomorrow night before going out to the mainland.

The flashcard was dropped into the fire, signaling their success.

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