Day 8 | The Gingerbread Man, the One I'll Eat

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Day 8: TNTina and Maya attempt to make gingerbread houses


It wasn't too early in the morning, but it was early enough where no one wanted to be woken up by yet another one of TNTina's explosions. More specifically, Maya did not want to be awoken by another one of TNTina's explosions due to their living spaces being so close to each other.

Today just happened to be one of those days where she was awoken by a minor explosion, one loud enough to reach her room. Strangely, this was only the first of many explosions of the day, which was very out-of-the-ordinary for her. She also rarely swore after an explosion, and even if she did, they were usually out of excitement. These were out of frustration.

Curious, Maya threw a spare hoodie on and left her living quarters, walking down the hallway towards the source of the noises. About to knock on the door, she heard another one go off followed by another string of swears, doubt entering her mind. Should she knock? Might as well, since she was already here.

Maya firmly knocked on the door, announcing her presence and asking permission to enter the room. She got a yes thrown at her and she opened the door. Around the comic book styled room of her fellow agent were pieces of gingerbread, some more burnt than others. Also scattered around were various pieces of candy and splotches of frosting, which made the inside of said room look like an absolute baking disaster.

"Did I wake you up?" TNTina inquired, adjusting rectangular pieces of gingerbread so they'll create the perfect gingerbread house.

"No, you did not," Maya reassured, walking over towards the foldable table she was building on, "I was curious as to what you were doing. Apologies for the intrusion." She kept a bit of distance from the piles of explosives in the corner of the room, opting to stay closer to the opposing wall.

"No need to apologize. Besides, people only come here to complain about the noise, so no need to make up excuses or anything," She carefully removed her hands from the house, hoping that maybe this time, the house would stand up on its own. Maya watched carefully, still keeping her distance, hoping that it wouldn't cause another explosion.

"You wanna build one?" TNTina asked, hands hovering over her house in case her hopes and dreams of success went down the drain, "I got plenty of stuff. Make yourself at home." She flashed a quick smile before refocusing, giving it another minute or so before she officially called it safe.

On one of the tables were mini gingerbread stacks, each stack containing all the necessary pieces to make the perfect gingerbread house. Maya picked up the one closest to her, a tube of frosting, some candy decorations, and went on her way to making her own gingerbread house. A second table was already set up, and that's where she made her first attempt.

And second.

And third. (At this point she was getting frustrated).

And fourth...

This was taking longer than anticipated...

"You think us highly skilled agents who are literally trained for perfection and precision could do this in one shot, huh?" TNTina laughed, finally getting to the decorating portion of her gingerbread house. Maya agreed with her, wondering why it was taking her so long to get everything to a degree that could be considered perfect.

"I got mine," Maya stated, removing her hands from the fragile gingerbread house, "And even I will admit; that was pretty difficult." They both shared a quick laugh while eyeing the newer house down, an intimidation tactic to make sure it didn't fall over.

"What if we made cookies next?!" TNTina exclaimed, accidentally squeezing her bad of red frosting too hard and getting it on her table.

"One step at a time, Tina," Maya responded, carefully adding blue to the front of the house, "If we can't do this, then forget about cookies."

"Saturday Night Cookies! Oh, it's perfect!" TNTina went on for a while about her new plan while they were decorating their houses, making Maya a little nervous about what she had in store.

There's very little that could go wrong, but something told her that said very little will become prevalent in just a few days...

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