Day 13 | Kit's Adventure With the Elf on the Shelf: Electric Boogaloo

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Day 13: Kit's sixteenth day of logging the strange creature that appeared in the Agency


Kit's Creature Log (Day 16)

Sixteen days. That's how long Bob has been around for. Moving every day while watching over me, reporting back to Santa every night. It's a constant routine, one I've been tracking, and one I've almost mastered.

It's time. Tonight's the night I'm going to catch Bob on the move. I've set up cameras around the building and I ate a ton of sweets, so nothing can stop me!

I'll update in an hour. Current time is 2130.

Kit closed his log out and went to the cameras, quickly going through the different pages to find the ones he needed.

"First-floor hallways... Vault area," He mutter-meowed to himself, trying to locate the camera closest to the elf as to not raise suspicion, "Left stairway... Midas's office." He stopped for a minute to look at that one, watching him frantically switching between switching tabs on his computer and writing things down on a notepad. Hey, as long as it wasn't the bathrooms or the living quarters, it was free reign (and Midas's office space didn't fall into these categories). Focus.

After location said camera, he opened up files on his secondary monitor, deciding to organize his stuff while waiting.


Log 16 Update: Time is now 2230. Nothing suspicious has happened. I also finally got alerts to work so I know if something (or someone) has moved.

Will update in an hour.

Kit laid down on the seat of his chair, watching a video he turned on just moments ago. It was bright, contained flashy colors, and most importantly: the voice of someone who sounded so painfully energetic it was funny. The perfect video to keep him awake.


Log 16 Update #2: Tired. I'm very tired. Time is now 23:30.

Of course I've stayed up this late before; who hasn't?

No alerts so far, or at least no important alerts. The only alert was in Midas's office, but that was because he almost threw his entire desk out of a window. He's a bit overdramatic.

Kit giggled, making a note to send the clip to Jules in the morning.

It's hard to stay up, but I'm gonna keep going.

Will update in an hour.

Now he was onto his favorite songs; energetic ones, hardcore ones, and a mix of both. Basically anything to keep him awake at this point.


Log 16 Update #3: I'm so close to giving up at this point. Or at least I was, until I set up a way to record when an alert goes off. Good job, me. I wonder why I didn't think of it before?

So now, I'm going to get some well-deserved rest, and hopefully, it'll catch something in the morning.

Time is currently 00:30.

//End log

Kit hopped off of his desk chair, down the steps, and quietly went to his bed. The dim glow of the monitors were his only source of light, but that was enough to make sure he saw where he was going.


Kit woke up that morning to an abundance of alerts, errors, and all things good and bad. He quickly reviewed everything and noticed something very, very strange...

Kit's Creature Log (Day 16, Part 2)

It moved. It moved, but the footage was deleted before I got to it.

What a shame. But that confirms one thing; Bob is out to get me.

And that means war.

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