Chapter 9- In love... with another

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A/N: Hi everybody, I just wanted to stop by and explain a lil sum sum. So, I'm gonna start telling you guys the date and the time in some chapters so pay attention because it may be confusing without it. It's very important to the story. Thank you for reading BACK TO THE STORY

(Bold text is you normal is Jackson if not specified)

Y/N P.O.V 

Next week


1st period

I had been hanging out with Jackson a lot more than I thought I would. Last night while I was at work he came by and waited for me to get off.


"Why hello Miss. Y/N"

I turned around to see Jackson smiling at me happily.

"When do you get off, I'll walk you home"

"No it's really ok"

"Nonsense I can't let the beautiful lady walk home alone what would I do if something happened to her?"

"I get off in 20 minutes Jackson I don't want you to be here waiting for-"

"Then it's settled I will wait for you"

He then grabbed his drink and sat at a table in the far back of the room facing outwards with his back towards the wall. He wore a long-sleeve black turtle neck with a leather jacket on top and perfectly ironed pants. Wherever he went he always looked very put together which I thought was fascinating. And he never showed any skin he always had on something that covered him completely even in the heat. He pulled out a book and started to write stuff down but as much as I wanted to watch him I had to get back to work.

30 minutes later

"Let's go," he said as he grabbed my hand and walked out of the small cafe.

"Where are we headed to," he said once we made it outside

"I'll lead the way," I said not bothering to unlink our hands knowing I'd miss the warmth from his touch. 

Now I bet you're wondering, aren't you worried about what Yoongi is gonna think. Yoongi is um.... he said he likes me but after detention, he refuses to bring up the topic of our relationship so I assume he doesn't want to date me, and I'm over it.... sort of.

"What are you thinking so hard about," Jackson asked while looking up at the stars.

"Oh nothing really just school and all of the homework I didn't do" I lied,

He let out a chuckle,

"You know, I really enjoy talking to you" he said freely

"You've only known me for a week"

"I know, crazy how fast I fell for you isn't it?"

I looked up at him and he smiled before looking back up at the stars.

"You live really far away from your job"

"Oh I didn't realize," I said causing him to smirk

"Why are you all the way over here,"

"My dad was at a friends house and I had to come along"

"Do you want to go to the movies with me this weekend?" he asked suddenly, catching me off guard.

"...... sure"

I hadn't been anywhere in a while and I thought why not I wasn't doing anything anyway.

Hope Down a Dark Street a Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now