Chapter 3- I found you

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I was walking the empty dark streets alone when I came to a convenience store. Me being myself I went inside and bought candy. I walked up and down the aisles in search of my favorite snack when I heard a familiar voice. My worst nightmare had come true,

"The pig left her house at late night just to get fatter."

I quickly turned my head to be met with Lydia and her minions. I was less scared to see her in school because she can't physically hurt me. But now that we aren't in school lord knows what she'll do. Without thinking I ran straight out of the store without paying. Once I had made it outside I realized I had nowhere to go. So once again without thinking I made a sharp turn down a dark alleyway. I had been running for atleast five minutes and I was starting to get tired but, I had no plan of stopping. That was until I hit a dead end. I quickly turned around and watched as they slowly came towards me. Suddenly something caught my attention. The bright moonlight shined down on the terrifying scene unfolding in front of my eyes. The light reflected off of something in Lydia's hand, a blade. My heart started racing, my mind going into pure shock, she's going to cut me. I frantically searched for an exit but this is it. There is no escape I thought to myself. Until I heard a booming loud voice echo throughout the dark alley.

"Do you have nothing else to do? Every time I see you, you're bothering other people. Leave her alone"

My eyes flashed to see where the voice was coming from. Nail?

"Why are you always in business that doesn't evolve you. Shut the fuck up and go home will you?" Lydia said annoyed.

"You've made it my business. So be a good little girl and go play in the traffic," He said as he hit the blade, knocking it out of her hand.

Lydia looked like she wanted to say something but didn't. Knowing he wouldn't back down she death glared him as she and her friends left, disappearing into the darkness of the cold damp alley. 

"Are you ok?" he said as he approached me.

".....Yeah, im fine," I said as I tried to calm myself down. I heard him walk towards me and felt him wipe the tears I didn't know were there off of my face.

"Its ok to not be ok," he said as he wrapped his arms around me engulfing me in his warm embrace. I barely knew this man but something about him just felt right. I wrapped my arms around him returning the hug and allowed my tears to flow. We stood like that for a long time until we finally decided to part. 

"Thank you," I said, my voice cracking slightly from crying so much.

"Would you like for me to walk you home" he said. I looked up at him and finally, I was able to see his face. The moonlight that had revealed something so scary before now revealed the most gorgeous face I had ever seen. Our eyes met and I studied his beautiful face under the soft, dim light of the moon. He had pale white skin just as I remembered. And he had shiny deep brown wavy hair that draped perfectly over his face, highlighting his soft features. Though he was very skinny his cheeks where chubby, giving him a cute look. I was staring but I didn't care and even if I did care, I couldn't look away. His visuals where enchanting, my eyes traveled up his face slowly until they met his. They were shining in the light, glimmering and sparkling as he stared at me just like I was staring at him. I could have stayed like this forever but apparently, we didn't have the same thoughts because he broke the silence.

"Did......Do you?" he said as his face flushed pink causing me to smile but instantly frown at the thought of going home.

"I can't go home," I said shocking him.

"Why not?" he asked. And at that, I stayed silent

"I can't go home either" he said causing my head to shoot up.

Hope Down a Dark Street a Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now