Chapter 20- The Parks

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"Oh hi sir it so nice to meet you," I said as I held out my hand to shake his.

"It's more pleasurable to me assure you," he said as his smile widened.

"Don't worry nothing bad should happen and if something does happen we'll have you out of the house in a jiffy" he said causing my eyes to widen

What the fuck is that supposed to mean, what's gonna happen?!

"Oh don't be worried my dear a few dead men never hurt anybody.... as long as the blood doesn't get on my carpet," he said while laughing.

At this point, I wanted to drive myself home. Why would anybody need to be killed? 

"Dad you're scaring her" I heard Jackson say as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders from behind me.

"Oh, sorry about that," he said as he frowned a little bit

"Oh no, sir I'm fine don't worry about me" I lied. Pure Lies. 

Time skip 40 minutes 

"Would you like some sake"

"Dad you cant give her alcohol"

"Son, everyone here drinks sake"

"Dad," Jackson said with a straight face.

"Son," Mr. Bennet said, giving Jackson the same energy.

"What would you like to drink my dear," he said as he turned to me with a smile

"Um...... sake is good"

"See son I told you," he said as he happily slid the glass across the table.

I took a sip from the cup and almost died, my throat was on fire and my eyes began to water as the bitter taste overtook my mouth. Honestly, I've never even had alcohol before I just couldn't turn him down so sake probably isn't even that strong. But that thought didn't stop the burning. I held in my reaction to the best of my abilities and took another sip to seal the deal.

"See she loves it, let the lady speak for herself," he said, then he skipped down the hall, slightly jumping and bobbing his head to the song he was humming.

Once he was gone I started to cough and tears escaped my eyes, why do people drink this stuff.

"Y/N!" Jackson said as he came to my side.

"I'll get you some water," he said as he ran off to the other side of the kitchen to get me a bottle of water.

(Jackson Normal, Y/N bold)

"Y/N why didn't you just say no"

"I couldn't, do you drink this stuff?"

Jackson chuckles as he shook his head and took a sip of his drink "yes I drink sake"

"Are you drinking it now"

"No this is Bacardi"

"I wanna taste"

"Y/N Your crazy"

"I thought we had been over this, I know" I leaned closer and closer to his cup until I was right next to it. I quickly took a quick sniff and instantly backed up.

"Oh now I REALLY have to taste it"

"It smells good?" he said as he handed me the drink

"No it's awful," I said before I took a sip making him laugh

"nmjpcnqejcnfehivbhfbeifncniohvp" this one was hundred times worst than the last one.

"How do you just drink that? Like its water" I said while dramatically looking around to make sure the drink hadn't burned through my soul, just to make sure I was alive.

Hope Down a Dark Street a Min Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now