Chapter 18- WHY

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Why did he leave me?

I sat at my window and stared out into the sunset. Usually, I thought things like "wow it's so beautiful" or "it's so peaceful and calming" but today I was mad and hurt. All I could think about was Yoongi. And to make matters worse, I had school tomorrow. If I don't go now they're gonna make my parents take me to court and fine them because I haven't been in 2 months. Am I going to have to face him tomorrow? Am I going to have to face Lydia tomorrow? It's all too much, I let out a loud sigh and leaned my hands on my window ceil. After a while I decided to pick up my phone and at least try to distract myself but that never works. Lydia and her friends had stopped texting my phone which I thought was weird. Had she meant to kill me? I had been thinking about that nonstop for the last few days too.


I looked down at my phone to see the screen lit, someone texted me. I picked up my phone and hesitantly opened the text.

"Hi whore cant wait to see you at school, when are you coming back? I really missed you"

I sighed and threw my phone on the bed, it's probably Lydia. She most likely got a new number. I then got up and began to walk away from the window.


I looked over at my window and saw it had a big long crack in it. I ran back to it and quickly looked outside.

"Answer my text bitch"

My jaw dropped to the floor, it's not Lydia it's Jenifer.


I woke up and happily skipped straight into my father's room.

"Aye yo Pa," I said in a deep voice causing him to laugh

"What did I tell you about calling me that pumpkin," he said as  he gave me a hug

"I don't know I never listen," I said while looking up at him.

He smiled wider as he shook his head,

"Let's get you ready for school, its the first day, you can't be late"

time skip 

I sat at my desk as I marveled at the classroom, I'm in the 2nd grade.

"God what do they feed these kids to make them so fat"

Fat? What does that mean I thought to myself. I hadn't ever heard daddy say that word and I've never gotten it as a vocabulary word. I decided to turn around so I could figure out who they were talking about.

"Shit she heard Karen shut up"

"Whatever, if she heard me say it she heard you laugh"

Are they talking about me?

time skip

Just like daddy said I made lots of friends in no time. I was teaching Sarah how to climb the monkey bars when I realized I had to use the bathroom.

"I'll be right back Sarah I need to use the bathroom"

"Ok Y/N don't fall in," she said making me laugh

I then made my way to the bathroom, once I had made it in I did my business and made sure not to fall in. But, while I was washing my hands the lights turned off, I audibly gasped.

"Hello" I wearily called out but there was no response, that was when the lights cut back on. 

I quickly tried to open the door but it was locked.


I turned around and saw a girl behind me,

"Hey, if we yell loud enough someone will come and unlock the door, and then we can-

"Im the one that locked us in here idiot"

"Hey that's mean," I said angrily 

"My mom says people like you deserve to die," she said with her arms crossed, I stayed quiet.

She then walked towards me and pulled out a pair of scissors.

"What are you gonna do," I asked

"You really are fat my momma was right"

Its that word again, I wonder if she knows what that means

"What's fat?" I asked, still kind of scared 

"It's the same thing as ugly aka you." I stayed silent again, am I ugly? I don't want to be ugly

"Here I can fix it" "turn around and close your eyes," she said with an unsettling smile but I trusted it. After all, being ugly isn't a good thing and if she says she can fix it I might as well give it a go.


snip snip

snipity snip snip

"Hahaha, now you're even uglier than before. You were really dumb to trust me like that, people like you really are worth nothing" she then unlocked the door and ran out.

I hurriedly ran to the mirror to see my hair was ruined. It was longer in some places and shorter in others, it was even completely bald in some spots. I can't go outside like this, what am I gonna tell my dad, is everyone gonna laugh at me? Tears soon started to stream down my face as I sunk to the floor. Why am I so stupid, why did I trust her, maybe I'm not supposed to be here?

Flashback ended 

"Come outside," she said "or I'll break your window and come inside"

Quickly I looked for a solution, I cant call the police because if my mother has drugs in here that's another problem. I have nobody to call, why is life so damn difficult.


I ran back to my window and saw Jenifer on the ground, someone just ran her over. I raced down the stairs and out of the house. I then leaned down next to her, she's not breathing.

"HELP" I yelled as tears ran down my face, what am I gonna do.

Time skip

"Im so sorry about your friend we couldn't save her," the nurse said before giving me a pat on the back and leaving me alone.

I let out a loud sigh and laid my head in my hands, why do bad things happen to me so often? I decided it was best for me to go home before her mother gets here and remembers me, that's the last thing I need. As a walked outside I couldn't help but let my tired weary mind wander to Yoongi. I wonder if he went home.

Yoongi's P.O.V

I sat in the dark alley I once called home. Raindrops falling from the sky, hitting the rooftops, and rolling down the sides of the building creating a huge puddle in front of me. I wondered what Y/N was doing. But that was nothing new, I had been thinking about her nonstop for the last few days. I hope she's ok and as selfish as this may sound I hope she's thinking about me too. After a while I decided I would go to sleep, I laid my head against the light pole next to me and allowed my cold body to be sheltered under the building's roof to my left. Is this how I'm going to spend the rest of my life?

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