Chapter 14- You owe me

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Yoongi P.O.V

I sat next to Y/N on her bed and held her warm soft hand in mine. I tried not to let them but tears streamed down my face as I looked at her buried appearance. A busted lip, a black eye, marker stained on her cheeks and forehead, I couldn't help but cry.


I got home and hurriedly picked her up, bringing her into the house. I then laid her down on the bed and went to grab something to clean her up with. But it wasn't until I returned I noticed what they had truly done to her. She had blood stained on her forehead and bruises on her stomach. FAT was written on her forehead, DIE was written on her left cheek, and PIG was written on the right in marker. Her makeup was running down her face because of her tears and the rain. Her clothes were torn and her jewelry was missing along with her shoes. I slowly sat down next to her and dipped the rag in a bowl of hot water, trying my best to clean her face.

Flashback ended

I laid my head on the bed next to her and continued to cry, that's when I was interrupted by her bedroom door opening.

"Who the hell are you" a woman I had never seen said as she leaned against the door frame with a cigar in her mouth.

 It was her mother. As much as I knew she was no good I did what I had to do, which was be nice and put on a fake smile.

"Hi, I'm Yoongi you must be Y/N's mother," I said as I took a few steps forward and held out my hand. She looked me up and down before rolling her eyes and shaking my hand roughly.

"Ok now get out," she said after throwing my hand down

"I can't," I said, she looked at me with a blank expression,


"Because I have nowhere to go, I've been living here," I said causing her eyes to narrow 

"What a slut, GET THE FUCK UP Y/N" she yelled while pushing me to the side and storming into the room.

"She's unconscious"

"WHY" she said while running her hands through her hair

"I think someone drugged her," I said looking for some type of sympathy but still all I received was anger.

"Well the second she gets up tell her ass I said-" she then cut herself off, a smirk spreading widely across her face.

"Actually don't tell her anything when she gets up, you live here so pay me," she said while walking closer to me.

"Do....Do what?"

"Pay me rent for living in my house and you can stay" she replied 

 "Or else got out"

I nodded, quickly accepting her offer,

"Good, and if you get her pregnant I'm kicking both you and her bitch ass out" she said before leaving out of the room and the house altogether.

I then sighed and practically collapsed onto the floor. Not once did she even bother to ask if her daughter was ok, not even after I told her she had been drugged.

"Yoongi" I heard Y/N breathe out, barely audible from her bed. 


"Pay me rent for living in my house and you can stay" she replied

"Or else got out"

"Ok I will," Yoongi said 

"Good, and if you get her pregnant I'm kicking both you and her bitch ass out" she said before leaving out of the room and the house altogether.

I mentally sighed, I hate my mother. She's gonna make him pay rent? Seriously. I tried to open my eyes but instantly realized how bad of an idea that was. The lights were blinding and I only have one lamp sitting all the way across the room. I tried to move but I felt like I was immobilized and the second I tried to sit up a rush of pain shot through my body and straight into my head. I then tried to speak but the only thing I could manage was a faint broken whisper.


He raced to my side instantly and held my hand causing me to smile, but that same smile was soon gone. He had red puffy eyes, his skin was paler than usual (if that's possible) and his under eyes were dark.

A/N: Yoongi normal text Y/N bold


He looked at me weirdly but soon answered,

"What do you mean?"

"Boo, I'm not dead," I said causing him to look at me with wrinkled eyebrows and big eyes

"Y/N this is not the time to be making jokes," he said seriously

"Its always the time to make jokes now, why did the chicken cross the road"


"shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just answer the question"

"*sigh* why Y/N"

"Because there was a KFC on the other side"

Yoongi shook his head and let out a little chuckle,

"Y/N your crazy"

"Sounds like me," I said with a smile.

"Y/N are you ok," he said as he grabbed my hand and held it in his.

"I'd be better if you kissed me"

I said catching him off guard but none the less he leaned in and landed a soft sweet kiss on my lips. I could feel his tears falling as he deepened the kiss and gently placed his arms around me. Once he pulled away he sighed and gently cried into my shoulder.

"Y/N I thought...... I thought you-"

"Yoongi I'm ok now, thanks to you I'm alive and perfectly fine, thank you," I said causing him to look up at me.

"Thank you for what?"

"For saving me"

"Saving you is like saving myself, I can't live without you Y/N. I love you"

3rd person P.O.V

Y/N had been trying to stay strong for Yoongi in an attempt to help him stop crying because of her. But his words came crashing down on her and she couldn't help but cry.

"I love you too," she said through tears,

"I love you so much," she said as Yoongi wrapped his arms around her. Y/N had decided who she loved and who she wanted to be with. Because to her being without Yoongi was like drowning and just as your about to make it to the top and breathe you get pulled back down. The overwhelming disappointment and sadness of being without Yoongi compared to no other feeling she could ever experience with anyone else.

Later that night Y/N P.O.V

Once I had gotten the strength to get up and change I got back into the bed and cuddled up next to Yoongi. I was happy, despite the events of today and knowing tomorrow Yooongi is gonna want to know what happened but ignoring that I allowed my mind to relax. But, there's is one thing I cant seem to get off of my mind. Why didn't he tell me about my mother and the money?

A/N: Yall should be mad at me, I know I'd be mad at me ITS BEEN LIKE...... 6 DAYS. I'm really sorry for that. I don't even have an excuse I'm just lazy but ima start trying to be better. And I know what your thinking "you said that the last time" and that's.... that's factual but that's why I didn't promise. I promise to try and I'm really sorry for taking so long. But I hope you have a good day/night and I thank you so much for reading bye guys I love you.

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