Chapter 1.

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I was walking down the hallway while listening to a good rock song i had recently found when someone called my name. I turned around and there she was, smile and all. I saw her black hair that was always in a ponytail and immediately knew who was calling me. My friend, Momo Yaoyorozu, had been behind me and I forgot she was there because she was so quiet. It turns out I had accidentally started walking faster and humming to the song I was listening to. Music always got me. She caught up to me and handed me a poster. I looked down at the large paper and read 'Join the Prom committee! The more people that help, the faster it'll get done!' And I felt my heart go as fast as possible. Was she asking me to prom? I looked up at her and she said "We should help with prom. It seems there's alot to do still."
I felt silly for thinking she was asking me to prom. I've liked her for as long as I can remember, yet I still thought impossible things. I only responded with "Yeah."
We continued walking to class and I felt an awkward tension between us. Maybe I had accidentally let my disappointment slip onto my face and she felt bad. Why else would she be this quiet? She was quiet before too, but this time she wasn't even looking at me. "Hey, are you okay? You're kind of...quiet."
"Oh, me? Yeah I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"
She talked too fast, as if she had something to hide.
"No, you're not fine. I know when something is on your mind. What's up?"
"Are you sure?"
"Okay" I responded.
Two minutes of awkward silence later, we reached class. Sometimes she would meet up with me outside school and talk to me about random things, but this time it was too silent. I headed inside and sat down at my desk.
Aizawa came in and started talking.
"You problem children should start getting your stuff ready for prom or whatever. I bet half of you dont even have your outfits Ready."
More than half of the class looked down at their desks, Denki Kaminari included. He was always an idiot and there was a rumor going around he had a major crush on someone in the class. The only hint was they had purple hair. He turned to me and asked "Soooooo...Jirou. Who are you taking to prom?"
I replied with "I'm uh...not...sure yet. But whoever i choose, just...please don't judge me, okay?"
I couldnt trust Denki with secrets, especially that one time when I told him about when I was eight and peed my pants after my parents made me watch a horror movie with them. He told everyone in class 1-A and 1-B, and Monoma teased me about it for weeks on end. I looked at Momo and she was listening to Aizawa's lecture on what we need for prom. I subconsciously stared at her and again, for the hundredth time this year, I was taken aback by how beautiful she was. Her eyes reminded me that normal things can be beautiful, too.
Aizawa realized I was staring at her and stopped his lecture. The class followed his gaze but as soon as I had heard him stop talking, I snapped back to attention and looked at him with wide eyes. No one knew about my crush on momo and I intended to keep it that way, even it was only the teacher.
After seeing me look back at him, he looked at me with the 'I know why you were staring at her' look and I panicked. I fiddled with my eraser and looked down where no one would see my red face.
"Meet me after class, Jirou." He said.
I started thinking about the 'what-if's. What if he knew? What if he wanted to expel me for something I dont remember doing? "Yes sir" I replied.
After that, I listened to the rest of his lecture about being responsible. I felt a pair of eyes boring into me, but I didn't dare look back. After class, I went to Aizawa's desk.
"You wanted to see me, sir?" I said nervously.
"Ah, yes." He looked around the room to make sure nobody was eavesdropping and everybody was out. We were the only ones there.
"I know why you were looking at Yaoyorozu." He said, subtly.
I panicked for the second time that day. "I dont know what you're talking about."
"You do, Jirou. I saw the way you were looking at her. Dont think I didnt notice. I had been watching you for a minute or two before I stopped talking, you know. I knew you were staring at someone. I looked around to figure out who it was and you were staring at Yaoyorozu, correct?"
"...I was. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"No, its okay. You like her, yes?"
"I do. I do very much. I just wish she felt the same way."
"Has she given any sign that she doesn't like you?"
"I mean...I guess not"
"Then dont assume things. I wont tell anyone, I promise, because when I was your age and had a crush, my teacher told everyone in the class."
"If you don't mind me asking...who did you like?" I asked.
Aizawa sighed and said "You know him as Present Mic."
I gasped because I knew something was going on but I hadn't known he liked him for THAT long.
I said "Thank you. I wont tell anyone either if you don't want them to know."
I left the classroom knowing I wouldn't be able to find Momo during this time. The talk with Aizawa gave me newfound confidence to ask her to prom. It was still a few weeks away, but most of us had already asked someone. Midoriya asked Uraraka and she cried. Literally. Now they are happily getting ready for prom. The girls agreed to help eachother with outfits, but Momo said she might not go, so I have to ask her quick. I started brainstorming ideas on how to ask her. I could do the classic 'write on a poster board' idea, but that was too common. I could ask Uraraka to use her quirk on me and yell-ask Momo with glitter , but that seemed like too much.
Not even the girls knew I liked Momo, but I had to tell them if I wanted help. After school, I texted all the girls in our group chat. We had a group chat with only girls in it. Momo is studying in the library by now, so her phone would have been off. I gathered the girls together and suggested we go to a café so I can tell them. We sat down at the café with our food and talked a bit.
"So, what did you want to talk to us about?" Hagakure said.
"Yeah, what happened? Kero" Tsuyu croaked.
"Well, um...if I told you guys who I liked, would you tell?" I said.
Uraraka replied "Of course not! If you don't want us to, we'll respect your privacy! Why? Are you going to tell us?"
"Well, thats why I wanted to meet up. I like someone but I dont know how to ask them to prom." I said slowly.
"Really?! Who? Is it Denki? Bakugo? Todoroki? Kirishima?" Mina exclaimed.
"Woah, Mina calm down! Dont rush her!" Uraraka said, calming the pink-skinned teenager down.
"Well, actually...its...not a guy?" I said, to see their reaction before spilling everything.
They all looked suprised but none of them put me down or insulted me. Mina said "I wasnt expecting that, but why didn't you tell us?"
"Yeah, its okay to like girls" Tsuyu said.
I sighed with relief. I didn't think they would be this supportive.
"Whew. Thank you guys, I dont know what to tell the rest of the class though..."
"Its okay Jirou. If you want, we can help you! But how did you figure it out?" Uraraka said.
I said, knowing they would be supportive, "Well, I like Yaomomo. There's just...something about her. She's so beautiful and smart and kind and she's good with kids."
Hagakure screeched so loud half the café looked at us. Tsuyu calmed her down and asked why she screeched.
"Because our baby girl has a crush! What did you think I would do?! She's growing up so fast!" Hagakure said with her hands up to her face.
Mina and Uraraka agreed with her with teary eyes and sobbed dramatically.
"G-guys...its not that big of a deal..." I said, trying to stop them from bawling their eyes out.
After we left, I made them swear to secrecy that they wouldn't tell. They promised.

Word count: 1,492

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