Chapter 17

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                  •Two weeks later•
Me and Momo walked hand-in-hand across the street. We were on a normal walk, and both me and her agreed that it would be better for her to get out more, as she had gotten out of the hospital not too long ago and wanted so much to actually go somewhere with me.
We got to the sidewalk and I was laughing at a joke Momo had told when I felt somebody grab my arm.
"Woah-" I gasped as I was suddenly pulled back from the unknown person.
Momo looked back at me and saw the person who was holding my arm, and looked puzzled.
"What is it, Momo?" I asked her, turning my head to see where she was looking.
I looked behind me and saw my Mom and Dad standing there, my Dad's hand on my arm.
"Mom? Dad?" I asked.
Momo looked at me.
"Kyoka! We missed you so much, why haven't you visited us?" Asked my Dad.
"He's right, we missed you!" Said my Mom.
"Hello to you guys too-" I greeted them.
"Who's this?" Asked my Dad, looking at Momo.
"Hello, my name is Momo Yaoyorozu. Me and Kyoka share classes together." Momo explained.
"Give me and my wife a second" Dad told her, turned towards Mom, and started whispering.
"Are we going to to tell them about us?" Whispered Momo to me, her hands shielding our faces.
"Do you want to? I've already told them I like girls too, so I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem with it" I whispered back.
"If you want to tell them, im fine with it" she told me.
We turned back just as Mom and Dad turned to us.
"Okay, we like you, Yaoyorozu. Would you and Kyoka like to join us? We're going to dinner, and we would love the company" Mom asked her.
"Sure, wanna come Momo?" I asked.
"Sure, I'll go with you!" She replied.
"Great! Let's get going!" Said Dad, already leading the way.
Me, Momo, and Mom followed him all the way to the restaurant, laughing and talking the whole way there. We got to the restaurant, got a table for four, and sat down.
" thats how your Dad caught a mouse!" My mom finished the story with us all laughing.
Me and Momo decided to sit next to eachother with my parents on the other side.
"So, how have you and your friend been?" Asked Dad, with a slight smirk on his face that Momo didn't notice.
Ever since I told them I'm bisexual, my Dad has been trying to get me in a relationship with any friend of mine that he meets. My Mom has been trying to get him to tone it down, but he just can't help himself.
"We're good, and actually, there's something I want to tell you guys" I told them.
"What is it?" Asked my Mom, clueless.
"Yeah, whats up?" Asked my Dad as well. I genuinely thought he would know but I guess not.
"Well, would you like to tell them Momo?"
"Would you like me to tell them?"
"You can tell them if you want to"
"Well i don't want to make you or them uncomfortable, so how about you tell them?"
"Ok then, you sure?" I asked her.
"Mhm" she replied.
"Ok" I said, turning back towards my parents who were looking at me.
"So are you going to tell us?" Asked my Dad.
"Yeah be patient-" I answered him, making my Mom laugh.
"Fine" he said, crossing his arms and huffing.
"Well, me and Momo are together. Like, together-together. Dating. Girlfriends. You know. I hope you guys approve of me and her, because this is probably the happiest I've ever been" I tell them, suddenly nervous.
What if they don't like her and want us to break up? I wouldn't be able to stand that.
"Wait, really?" My parents both said in unison.
"Shocked, huh? I thought you guys would've expected this" I told them.
"I- I just- wow" my Mom said after a few moments of silence.
Momo held my hand under the table. It was trembling.
I looked up at her.
There was a hint of nervousness in her eyes. I put my hand over hers.
"Look, Kyoka, we're surprised because" my mom began.
"-You FINALLY have a girlfriend??" My Dad almost yelled in front of the whole restaurant.
"Dad, what the- calm down!" I told him.
"I knew it was going to happen eventually!" He said with a tear in his eye.
"Its not like she would've stayed single forever, we both knew this day would come sooner or later" said my Mom to my Dad, who was now full-on crying.
"Dad, its not a big deal-" I started, but he came over to our side of the table and hugged me as if it was the biggest thing ever. I hugged him back.
After we hugged, he looked at Momo and said "So, are you and my daughter going to that prom she's talked about?"
I blushed a bit.
"Dad-" I started.
"Yes sir, and I promise I will treat your daughter the way she deserves to be treated. I hope you approve of me soon" she said, cutting me off.
She actually cut me off.
"How in the world did you manage to cut me off RESPECTFULLY?" I asked her.
"I am so sorry Kyoka, I didnt mean to-" she started.
"No, shush. I'm confused as hell how you managed to do that respectfully" I said, this time it was my turn to cut her off.
"I just did, im sorry if I offended you" she replied, looking down.
"Momo, its fine. It was a joke. Are you okay?" I asked her, concerned.
"Yes, im okay. Thank you for asking" she looked up at me with a smile that was obviously fake.
I stayed quiet the rest of the time we were there.
When we finished our food, me and Momo decided to hang out at a nearby park. We said goodbye to my parents and went on our way.
We got to the park and sat down on a bench.
"So...what was that about?" I asked her.
"What was what about?" She asked, looking at me.
"When you looked down after I made that joke. Your hand was trembling, too. What was that about?" I said.
She was silent for a few moments, looking at the ground sadly.
"I guess I can tell you..."

Word count: 1,092

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