Chapter 18 (Flashback)

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If you are not comfortable with any of this, feel free to skip this chapter. This chapter is also in 3rd person.

Momo Yaoyorozu was walking to school when she finally let out a sigh of relief. It was the first day of her third year of middle school, and she was excited to make new friends as she had just transferred from another school. Her family had moved to a bigger house, and her parents decided it would be better to send her to another, closer school. She was so excited for her first day that she almost tripped three times on her way there.
She finally walked into her new school. Still excited, she went to the principal's office.
On her way there, though, she actually tripped. She fell face-first on the cold, hard floor.
As she was getting up, she heard a group of boys behind her laughing.
"Not a good start, Momo..." she whispered to herself.
She got up slowly, ignoring the pain of falling and making sure she didn't flash anyone else.
She got out of the principal's office moments later feeling better about her day. Everyone she passed, she made sure to give a warm smile to. She even waved to a few of them.
'They're snickering... what could be so funny?' She thought to herself. She checked anywhere there could be something to laugh at, but failed to find anything. She got to her classroom, sat down in the only empty chair, and hoped that this was normal for a first day and everything would be better in the future.
She heard a group of kids behind her giggling and whispering.
"Did you see the new girl?"
"Yeah, I heard what happened in the hallway. She must be a bitch"
"But did you see how she looks? She looks like she's trying too hard to look straight. Her ponytail, her clothes- she's trying too hard!"
Momo sighed. She didn't think that sexuality mattered, but it turns out it did.
She had realized she was lesbian two years ago. There was a really nice girl in her class, and she had a huge crush on her. But Momo never asked her out, because everyone knew the girl was straight.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the teacher telling the class about her, the new student, and when she finished she went on with the lesson.
Momo sat there the rest of the lesson and listened, ignoring the whispers around her.
When class was over, she got out of the classroom and went to her new locker. When she got there, a small group of girls surrounded her.
"So, your the new girl right?" Asked girl #1.
"Y-yes, im Momo Yaoyo-" Momo began, but was interrupted.
"We don't care what your name is, but we'll tell you ours. My name is Yua." Girl #1, now who Momo knew as Yua, told her.
"Im Kiyomi" said the second girl.
"Im Misa" said the third.
"And I'm Seira" said the last girl.
Yua's dark red hair was in a bun, with two strands of hair framing her face. Her big, yellow eyes could make anyone stare at her subconsciously.
The second girl, Kiyomi, had short, bright pink hair fading into white. Her pink eyes only matched her hair.
Her body was more hourglass shaped than the all the other girl's bodies.
Misa on the other hand, had long, blonde hair that went down to her knees and a more boxy body. She had beautiful violet eyes.
Seira had skin like snow while her lips were rose red. Her long black hair had been put into pigtails so they didn't look as long as they would have if they were down. Her green eyes were like emeralds.
'They're all so beautiful..." Momo thought to herself.
"So, wanna hang out with us tonight?" Misa asked her.
"Y-you guys want to hang out with me?" Momo asked them back, not believing what she just heard. These beautiful girls wanted to hang out? She was in.
"No, we want YOU to hang out with US. Not US hang out with YOU." Yua explained.
"O-oh, sorry. Of course! I would be happy to hang out with you!" Momo replied, her voice full of excitement.
"Great, meet us at that abandoned warehouse at six. Don't be late~" Yua told her, walking away with the other girls.
Momo heard a slight giggle from the group, but she didn't mind it. She was just excited. She was making friends! And by the looks of it, these girls were popular. REALLY popular. The other students were staring at them and whispering things like...
"I wish I was that pretty!"
"Me too! And did you hear? Yua's dad got $10,000 yesterday, just from going to an event!"
"Really?! Her family is already rich as hell, and another $10,000 only adds to it!"
This made Momo even more excited. They really WERE popular! If she got in their group, maybe people wouldn't laugh anymore!
Momo sat through the rest of her classes, filled with excitement.
After a few hours she got out of school, still energized as ever. She got home, looking around to see if her parents were home.
They weren't.
Not like they care if she's safe.
She sighed and went up to her room, laying on her bed. Its not like this wasn't normal. Her parents went out alot, leaving her behind or forgetting about her.
She waited a few hours, and soon enough it was time to go. She got up and went downstairs, only to find her father standing there.
To her surprise, he didn't look drunk. He didn't sound it, either, when he yelled.
"Where do you think you're going, young lady?!"
Momo looked up at him with fear.
"I-im going to meet some friends. Is that alright?"
He hesitated for a few seconds.
"Ugh, fine. No one wants you in this house anyway."
Momo walked out of the room, knowing she had to be home on time or else.
After around twenty minutes, she got to her destination. She looked around and didn't see the girls, so she waited. After a few minutes she heard laughing behind her.
She turned around and found the girls.
"Ahahaha! You really thought you would be here before us? We're always the first ones to be somewhere." Yua said.
"Yeah, hi new girl" said Seira, looking disgusted.
"Sorry about her, she's kinda moody when we take her places.." Misa told Momo, looking shy.
"Stop being so quiet Misa." Kiyomi told her, hitting her arm.
"Ow! I just talked to her though, and we barely know her! Sorry if that sounded rude" Misa apologized.
"Oh, im sorry. My name is Momo Yaoyorozu."
"Cool! I've heard alot about your family!" Said Misa excitedly.
"Shut up Misa" Yua silenced the girl.
"So, you actually decided to come? Most people we invite to hang out with us dont show." Seira told her, with her hand on her hip.
"What do you mean?" Momo asked.
Yua kicked Seira's shin.
"Ow, what the fuck Yua!" Seira shouted at the red haired girl, holding her leg.
"Shut up" Yua whispered to Seira. She nodded.
"Anyways, come inside! We've prepared a little surprise for you~" Yua said, moving out of the way of the entrance.
Momo smiled and went inside.
'What could it be?" She thought to herself.
As soon as she had gotten inside, she was pushed to the ground. She fell forward onto her face for the second time that day, and heard laughing. Momo looked behind her, confused. Hadn't these girls been kind to her? Just a few moments ago, they had seemed welcoming.
"W-what's happening..?" Whispered Momo, not able to speak normally.
"What do you mean? It seems pretty simple to me, someone pushed you onto the ground" Seira told her, rolling her eyes.
"B-but...who?" Momo asked them group, now able to speak clearer.
"That would be me" Yua spoke up. "In case you haven't noticed, we weren't really welcoming you into our group. We fooled you, and you fell for it!"
The girls laughed while Momo sat there helplessly.
"But...but you guys-" She began.
"Shut it, bitch." Kiyomi kicked her chest, pushing her to the ground and almost knocking Momo out.
She was shocked.
Everything was happening so fast... she just couldn't keep up with it all.
At this point, the other girls had started kicked her too. They were hitting, kicking, laughing.
All but one.
Misa stood there, unable to help.
Momo looked at her, asking with her eyes why she can't help.
She didn't get an answer soon enough, though, as she was knocked out in the next few seconds.

She woke up the next morning, her body hurting from the night before. She got up with her body aching, walked over to the doors of the warehouse and opened them.
"Gah, so bright..." she mumbled, shielding her eyes from the sun.
Then she remembered.
"Oh no, oh god no! I need to get home, now!" Momo whispered to herself, panicking. She ran back to her house, got inside, and ran to her room.
After a few minutes, she figured nobody would have noticed.
She then heard banging on her door.
She got up and opened it, only to be slapped in the face by her father.
"WHERE WERE YOU?!" He yelled in her face, scaring Momo enough to make a surprised sound.
"I-i am so sorry! I-i didn't m-mean to stay out until-" she started.
She was pushed to the floor.
"DONT START WITH THAT BULLSHIT" He continued to yell, now hitting her.

A few hours after her Father had left her room, she got up, her body still aching. She looked at her hand. It was bleeding.
She shook her head. What did she expect? He finds out about everything. She went to the bathroom to bandage her wounds, put makeup on so her face looked normal, and went out.

Word count: 1,686

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