Chapter 13

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{The Next Day}

I was filled with happiness. Me and Momo are going to prom together!
"I still can't believe it" I murmured to myself.
"What was that, Jirou?" Midoriya asked.
"Are you okay headphones? Its not like I care or anything, you've just been mumbling to yourself like fucking Deku over here. I still don't know why you do that, shit nerd" Bakugou said.
"its a habit Kacchan! I've told you this..." Midoriya told him, with an unimpressed look on his face.
"Well USUALLY, people grow out of habits, shitty nerd!" Bakugou yelled.
"Stop yelling!" Midoriya yelled back.
"Tch" Bakugou scowled.
"I'm okay! Just thinking" I said as I tried to stop them from killing eachother.
"Well usually people think in their head..." Todoroki reminded us.
"Todoroki has a point" Midoriya said.
"I guess" I agreed.
"So, what were you 'thinking' about?" Mina spoke up.
I jumped.
"How long have you been there?!" I asked her, because I could've sworn she hadn't been there before.
"About four minutes now. I'm suprised not one of you noticed me-" Mina laughed.
"Oh" I said.
"Anyways, back to my question. What were you thinking about~?" She asked me again, almost perfectly recreating the lenny face if it were human.
"Well-" I started.
"Hello everyone. I've just come to let you know that class has been cancelled due to technical issues. Please don't ask me why, im not quite sure." Momo said as she came over to us.
"Ah- Yaomomo! I need to ask you something!" I told her.
"Oh, alright" she said, following me away from the group.
When we got far enough away that they wouldn't hear us, I started talking.
"So the others asked me why I've been so happy, and I didnt want to tell them about us going to prom without your permission. Should we keep it a secret or tell them?" I asked her.
"Oh, no its okay. We can tell them if you are comfortable with the idea. I dont like the idea of lying to our classmates, people who have done so much for us." She said to me.
"Good point. So how will we tell them?" I asked her.
"Well, I guess we could just make an announcement..." Momo suggested with her hand on her neck.
She was nervous.
I could tell.
"Hey, its okay. If they won't support us than screw them." I told her.
"Okay, thank you Jirou" she thanked me, taking her hand off her neck.
"Call me Kyoka." I told her.
"Then you call me Momo." She told me.
"Deal" we both said in unison as we shared hands.
It was only then that we realized the group was watching us from afar.
I waved to them.
"Guys! Me and Momo have something to say! Go to the classroom and we will be there soon" I told them.
"Got it!" Mina said as she flashed that well known smile of hers.
"Tch, whatever" Bakugo mumbled as he and the others walked away.
"I really hope they support us. I asked them the other day and Bakugo said that me and you won't ever be together if I keep being this shy around you. In a playfuk sort of way, of course. I'm not shy around you, am I? If I am, I can try to stop-" I said to her.
"No no, Kyoka. Its quite alright. And personally, I think it is somewhat cute when you act shy." She told me, looking away as her face turned a light red.
"O-oh, okay" I replied with my face red as well.
We got to class and found everyone else inside.
"Hello everyone." Momo greeted everyone.
"Hello, what did you and Jirou want to tell us?" Asked Todoroki.
"Yeah, whats up?" Sato asked.
"I would like to know as well." Iida said.
"Well, uh..." I started.
"Hm?" Hagakure asked.
"Momo, do you want to tell them or should I?" I asked Momo, with my hand between our mouths so no one would see what we were saying.
"Well, are you uncomfortable telling them? Because I can tell them all, if you don't want to do so." She replied.
The class looked confused.
"How about you? I'm kind of...nervous." I told her.
"If you insist" she said. "Everyone, me and Kyoka have an announcement."
"Kyoka? But don't you usually call her Jirou, Yaoyorozu?" Asked Midoriya, with a confused look on his face.
"Yes, but that is part of our announcement." She told him as his face turned to his regular face again.
"Well, what is it?" Asked Bakugo. "I dont have all day, you extras."
"Okay, tell them Momo." I told her.
"Now Jirou is calling Yaoyorozu, Momo" I heard among our classmates. There were similar murmurs that our classmates said to eachother, and me and Momo both looked at eachother and thought the same thing.
This might take a while.
"Calm down everyone! I am just as confused as you are, but we will never find out why they are calling eachother their first names if we do not quiet down and listen! It is not very heroic to interrupt!" Iida informed the rest of our classmates as he stood up, hands chopping the air.
I almost laughed. The way his hands chop the air gets me everytime.
"Thank you, Iida. That was very respectful." Momo thanked him.
"Well, we must all do our best to listen to eachother, even though these are our last few weeks together. I just hope we can all stay in touch with eachother after we graduate." Iida replied to her, smiling.
"I feel the same. I'm glad we have our group chat, so we don't have to ask for phone numbers." I said.
"This is taking too long! I told the old hag I would visit her today, so get on with it already! I already said I dont have all fucking day!" Bakugo scoffed, leaning back in his chair.
"Kacchan has a point. What were you and Yaoyorozu trying to tell us, Jirou?" Midoriya asked me.
"Well-" I began.
"Me and Kyoka are going to prom together." Momo smiled with her cheeks a light pink.
After a moment, Bakugo spoke up.
"So? Who asked?" He asked us.
"What was that?" I asked him.
"Who asked who to prom, headphones? Did she ask you or did you ask her?" He asked once more.
"Actually, we kind of both asked eachother at the same time" I replied, smiling at Momo.
"Are you guys together yet?" Hagakure asked.
"U-uh, no" Momo asked with her whole face red this time.
I covered my face to hide my red face and looked away from them all.
"Well you guys should totally go out!" Mina exclaimed.
"R-really?" Momo asked her, looking as if she was considering it.
"Yeah, you guys would be so cute! I'm just imagining a beautiful day, you guys out together, at a café, drinking coffee and feeding eachother cake, with birds in the sky and the sun out, and Yaoyorozu got Jirou flowers, and Jirou got her a teddy bear, and..." Midoriya trailed off.
I felt my face growing unbearably red and closed my eyes.
And then I fainted.

Word count: 1,238

Question, should I make another story (the same story) but in Momo's perspective? I've been wondering, but I'm not sure if I should or not. You guys tell me!

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