Chapter 2

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After meeting up with the girls, I went to my dorm. It was around 6pm so Momo should be back at her dorm. I went on snapchat and and sent Momo a snap. 'U okay? U seemed off earlier. Just checking in 😁' I typed.
A minute or so later, she sent one back saying 'Yeah, I'm good. How about you? Is something bothering you?'.
'Nah, I'm okay. Why? Do you care about me that much?'
'I- if I say no I'll seem like a jerk but if I say yes idk how I would explain it'
We said goodnight even though I knew I wouldn't be getting sleep. I've been trying to master a song on guitar to impress Momo. Its that song 'Crazy In Love' By Beyoncé. I usually play rock songs or listen to them, but this song reminded me of her. Before I go to sleep, I try it again. I pick up my guitar and play the start. It sounds pretty good. After I finish, I pick out the parts that I need to change, put them in the notes app on my phone, and try to sleep. I end up thinking of her all night instead of sleeping, and everytime I think of how beautiful she is, my heart beats a little faster. I hear a ping from my phone and pick it up. A text was sent to the class groupchat. Aizawa texted 'If you need anyone to talk to, I am here. You know who you are.'
That message got a few confused replies, but I knew what he was talking about. I private messaged him and thanked him for the message, and the comforting words sang me to sleep.
{The next day}
I felt happy because I had figured out a way to ask Momo to prom. I met up with the other girls and they agreed that it was a good idea. I was ecstatic. I was searching for Momo because she is always early, and this time I came early too. I looked outside and saw her at the cherry blossom tree with someone else.
I wondered what they were doing there and then it hit me. They were confessing to Momo. I turned away, hurt, and ran back into the building. When I passed the first door to get inside, I was crying. I dont cry much, and when I do, its usually something really, really bad. That just goes to show how much it hurt me. As I was running, I heard footsteps behind me. I didnt stop, though, in case it was her. I couldnt bear to see her right now.
Something grabbed my arm. A hand had a firm grip on my wrist and pulled me back. I looked up, and I saw Aizawa's face looking down at me. His face held a hint of concern. He realized I was crying and hugged me, and I hugged him back. He brought me to the classroom and as we stepped in, I quickly realized there were other students there. I saw Mina, Todoroki, Bakugo, Denki, Hagakure (I guess I could really see her), and Midoriya. My classmates immediately sensed someone else coming into the room and saw me crying with Aizawa hugging me. None of them knew what to do; I dont cry often. This was rare. "If you ever want to talk about something, you can come to me or one of the other teachers here." Aizawa said.
I nodded and sat down.
Denki looked over at me and asked "Hey, are you okay? You're eyes are sweating."
I smiled. I knew he was trying to make me feel better, and it did. Only a little bit. I nodded. "I'm okay. Thanks for asking"
Bakugo looked away. It seemed that he never knew how to deal with tears.
"Hey, everyone? Can you guys...not tell anyone else about this...please?" I asked.
"Of course Jirou. No one likes to be seen crying" Mina said.
"Yes, ashido is right." Todoroki agreed.
"Thanks guys." I said, thankfully.
"But uh...why were you crying in the first place?" Denki asked, confused.
"Kaminari, that might be personal!" Mina yelled.
"No, its okay. Its just...I saw my crush getting confessed to. And what was there to not like about the person that was confessing? They were good-looking, smart, and all that stuff. I bet my crush was going to accept their confession." I said.
"Thats tough. Did you see crush accept, though?" Bakugo said, surprising everyone in the room.
"" I answered.
"Then how do you know, huh? Maybe they would've rejected them." Bakugo said.
"Wow I...guess I never thought of it that way. Thanks Bakugo" I thanked him.
"Yeah yeah okay, now cut it with all the sappy shit. I fucking hate these situations." He said, smiling.
I wiped my tears and smiled too.
A few minutes later, and with no trace I was ever crying, the rest of the class came walking into the classroom, Momo included. I looked away from her. I listened to Aizawa's lecture about heros and their history, while feeling someone looking at me. I felt this everyday, so I was used to it, but I never knew who was staring at me. I walked out of class the same way I did every other day, but there was something missing. I couldnt put my finger on it. I decided it was nothing. I went to the bathroom and I accidentally ran into the last person in the world I wanted to see right then.
"Jirou? Hi! Are you okay? You look kind of down" Momo said.
"Oh uhm...hi, Yaomomo. No im feeling okay." I replied.
I ran into a stall and locked myself in. I had been crying because of her only earlier, yet she still made my heart go a hundred miles an hour. I didnt understand. Why is this still happening to me?
She was talking about things that had recently happened to her, and how she was happy I was still feeling okay. She was so kind! I pretended i had done my business, washed my hands, and rushed out of the bathroom when she wasn't looking. I ran down the hallway, and I kept accidentally bumping into people. Then I ran into the devil himself. Monoma stared at me and asked me why I was running. I replied with "Look, im not in the mood right now."
I kept running to my dorm. I was feeling a mixture of sadness and happiness and love-sickness all at the same time. It made me feel like throwing up, I was so confused.
A few minutes later, I heard a knock at my door. I got up slowly and opened my door to find Denki at my door.
"Hey, um..I got these for you to make you feel better" he said, handing me a pack of marshmallows.
"Okay you dimwit, I'll accept the marshmallows. But you never buy stuff for me. What do you want?"
"I wanna talk"
I let him inside and we sat on my bed.
"What do you wanna talked about?"
I said.
"Well umm..." he said.
"Spit it out"
"I'll tell you my crush if you tell me your crush" he said a little too fast.
I was shocked. I knew Denki had a crush, but I didn't know he would come to ME about it!
"Um..sure I guess" I replied without thinking.
"Okay, do you wanna say yours first or me?"
"Say yours first. And we can't tell anyone, got it?" I said.
"Got it." He replied.
"I like...I like Shinsou." He said nervously.
I gasped.
"So THATS who you like? There was a rumor going around that it was someone from our class!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah well, don't believe some rumors."
"Okay, its my turn?" I asked.
"Okay, here goes nothing. I like Yaomomo. Please don't judge me." I said.
"Woah, really? But you said you were crying because your crush was getting confessed to.." he recalled.
"Yeah. I was looking for her but I couldn't find her." I said.
We hugged and swore not to tell anyone. I enjoyed just being myself and not keeping secrets. We exchanged secrets like our fears, our strengths, and stuff like that. We also fooled around alot, like best friends do at a sleepover. I mentioned this and he said "Thats a great idea! Damn, your a genius!"
"No, your just really dumb" I said, laughing.
We both had a good laugh and soon enough it was time to go to our dorms. We promised to meet eachother at the front of the school tomorrow, and I was glad because he made me forget about Momo for a few minutes. After that, I started hanging out with Denki alot more. We became VERY, VERY good friends and told eachother things that other people didn't know about us. I was so happy.

Word count: 1,507

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