Chapter 16

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I woke up to find a bunch of notifications from the class groupchat.
"What these people ever shut up? I'm trying to sleep..."
I picked up my phone, turned it on, and found more than a hundred notifications.
I groaned and decided to wake up. I blinked a few times, sat up, and opened the groupchat.
"Wtf is happening? Yall woke me up" I typed.
"JIROU!" Uraraka sent.
"What the fuck- why weren't you answering headphones?!" Bakugou typed.
"She said she was sleeping- BUT THATS BESIDES THE POINT" Mina replied.
"SOMEONE TELL ME WTF IS GOING ON" I sent, angry that nobody was trying to tell me.
"Everybody calm down, the chances of Yaoyorozu being hurt are miniscule. If she was kidnapped by the league of villains, they wouldn't hurt her because she has a useful quirk. Jirou, do you have any idea where she could be?" Iida sent his paragraph.
"No, do any of you know where she is?!" I asked them all urgently.
"No" Everyone said in their own ways.
"Nobody panic! Jirou, can you look? We've checked everywhere but your dorm" Iida asked.
"Of course, give me a sec!" I sent as I put my phone down.
I frantically searched everywhere I possibly could. Where could she have gone? Was she kidnapped?!
"MOMO?!" I yelled as loud as I could.
I heard a knock on my door.
I ran to the door and opened it, and there she was.
"MOMO!" I hugged her. "WHERE WERE YOU?"
"Oh, hello Kyoka...did I worry you? I apologize, I was getting food for you" she said, handing me a sandwich and a few cookies.
"Oh, thank you Momo" I smiled. "But why did it take you so long to get a sandwich?"
"I needed to learn how to make a sandwich first"
Thats weird...
"..okay, now what?" I asked her.
"I was thinking we could hang out? Like, as friends?"
This isn't Momo. Not my Momo.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" She asked me.
"Nothing, let me get ready" I said.
"Okay, I'll be waiting!" She replied.
I closed the door and immediately turned my phone in and got into the groupchat.
"GUYS!" I sent.
"Yes? Did you find her?" Iida asked.
"No, but I found a fake. I opened my door because someone knocked on it, and she was there, but she asked if u wanted to hang out" I replied.
"Ok? You two dumbasses usually hang out anyways, how is this time any different?" Bakugou typed.
"She said 'as friends' at the end of her sentence." I wrote.
"Oh fuck naw, thats not our Momo" Mina sent.
"What do we do?" Asked Tsu.
"I have the same question." Tokoyami agreed.
"Watch my location, and I'll message you guys if something goes wrong" I told them.
"Wait so you're actually gonna go?" Asked Hagakure.
"Yeah, and remember to watch my location" I sent.
I put my phone down and got ready. I wore a casual outfit that wouldn't get in the way if I had to fight her.
I came back out a few minutes later.
"Hey Momo, ready to go?" I asked.
"Yeah! I already have a place picked out" she told me, grabbing my hand.
"Great, let's go!" I followed her. I couldnt do much more when she has this much of a grip.
We walked for a while, but not too much. We stopped at an alleyway that looked like it was MADE for kidnappings. I reached into the back pocket of my pants and blindly messaged my classmates.
"Come get me" is what I said.
From the buzzing after I said that, I could tell; they were on their way.
I smiled.
"So, where are we Momo?" I asked.
"This is a place i like to hang out" tge fake Momo replied.
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, do you like it?"
"Yeah it isn't too bad"
She started smiling.
"Its too bad..." she whispered, but loud enough for me to hear.
"Whats too bad?" I asked, bracing myself for a battle.
"That you fell for my trick!" She started laughing maniacally with her hands reaching up to her face.
"Trick?" I asked as her skin started melting away, revealing Toga.
"Why of course, I did such a good job acting if I do say so myself~" she replied.
"Oh, but Toga..." I began.
"Oh, yes Jirou~?" She answered.
"Theres one thing you don't know..." I told her.
"And what might that be?" She asked.
"That Momo is my girlfriend" I said.
She was silent for a moment. I heard the others.
I had to stall longer.
"But, if you REALLY want my blood that bad..." I said.
"I can take it?" She asked, excitedly.
"Of course! But..."
"You'll have to catch me first!" I yelled as I jumped backwards and started running. After a few seconds I looked back, and she was running after me with an excited look on her face. Its like she thinks this is a race, I thought. After they get here, I have to find Momo...
I heard Toga laugh, and I looked behind me. She was almost close enough to touch my arm.
I ran faster.
I eventually ran into the others and they took care of Toga.
"Go look for Yaoyorozu!" Deku told me. I nodded.
I ran.
I ran for about thirty minutes when I fell down and spotted something. It was a cellar door, but there were no proper houses around. I opened the door and walked down the stairs.
Its cold in here.. I thought to myself.
"Momo? Are you in here?" I asked while looking around.
Just as I was about to give up, I looked around one more corner and saw a pair of legs. I walked up to them, looked at the person they were attached to, and gasped.
"Momo..?" I asked as I fell to the ground out of utter disbelief.
"Momo, wake up" I said.
After a few minutes of crying and asking her to wake up, it occurred to me to check if she was alive. I reached out to check her pulse...
And she was still alive.
I smiled through my tears and began carrying her uo the stairs and into the outside world again. When we were in the light, I realized just how much blood she was covered in.
The others found us after a minute.
"We need to take her to a hospital!" I told them. I handed Momo to Bakugou and took out my phone to call 911.

                  {A few days later}

I woke up beside Momo's hospital bed, my hand on hers. Just the way it had been when I fell asleep. I looked up to find two beautiful eyes staring back at me.
They reminded me of Momo's eyes.
After staring into them for a few moments, it occurred to me that...they WERE Momo's!
My eyes widened and I smiled so wide. Eventually a tear was rolling down my face.
Her face softened when she saw the tear and wiped it away with her hand. 
"Hello, Kyoka. How are you today?" She asked me, smiling.
I cried more and hugged her.
"I thought I lost you..." I whispered.
"You will never lose my, Kyoka. I'll always be right beside you, holding your hand." She hugged me back.
I cried into her shoulder for the next five minutes, and when I finally pulled away,
"What happened? Why were you covered in blood?" I asked.
"The villains. They let her take my blood. They wanted to deceive you and kill you so they would have one less hero to deal with" she replied. "I didnt want you getting hurt, though. So I tried to fight didn't work out, considering I ended up here."
"Yeah, I can tell. I'm really glad you tried to protect me, Momo, but if its at the expense of something as important as your life..." I trailed off, not wanting to think of what I would do if I lost her because she was trying to protect me.
"Kyoka, I understand where you're coming from, but I need you to udnerstand; I love you so much. I dont know what I would do without you. If I need to protect you, I'll protect you. Dont try to convince me otherwise, okay?" She said, placing her hands on my arms to stop me from trembling.
"...Alright, Momo. But I want you to be more careful, alright?" I told her.
"I will be. Now give me a hug, im sure you missed me" she smiled as I laughed. She pulled me down beside her and we both laid there, hugging eachother. Eventually I fell asleep to the feeling of her hand stroking my head.

Word count: 1,488

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