Chapter 11

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It has been a few days since we told  Midoriya what happened. He's been just as energetic, but he's been talking a bit less. We were talking the other day, and he was zoning out.
"And then- hey Midoriya, are you alright? You seem out of it" Iida asked.
"Huh? Oh, im okay. Just thinking" He answered.
"Its okay Midoriya. You'll find someone else who will make you feel the same way." I assured him.
"Sadness?" I he asked innocently.
"No- happiness. Love. Anything that makes you happy." I told him.
"Jirou is right. Maybe you can get to know someone else!" Uraraka said.
"Maybe" Midoriya sighed.
Poor Midoriya. I thought about who we can ask to make him feel better. Who does Midoriya like spending time with the most?
I got an Idea.
I waited until Midoriya broke off from us to go get something, and then I told them.
"Guys, I know who can make Midoriya feel better!" I exclaimed.
"Really?" Uraraka said.
"And who might this be?" Iida asked me.
"Well, I thought that maybe Todoroki could. I mean, they know eachother fairly well and Midoriya said to me that he feels safe with him." I told them.
"You're talking about me like I'm not even here." Todoroki said.
"If its okay with you Todoroki, maybe you could spend more time with Midoriya and try to make him his usual self again?" I asked.
"Of course. I have grown feelings toward Midoriya anyways." He said.
"Oh, really?" Uraraka asked, excitedly.
"I didnt know about any of this either. For how long?" Iida asked him.
"Not too long. I think." He answered.
"Awww, he can't remember!" Uraraka said. "Its a sign!"
"I never said I dont remember i just-" he started.
"Shhhhh, no need to talk. We all understand." I said.
"Really?" He asked.
"Of course. What wouldn't we understand?" Iida replied.
"How I feel, why I do, etc.?" Todoroki said.
"Fair point." Iida said.
"Yeah" I agreed.
"Hey guys" Midoriya said, making his way over to us.
"Hey Midoriya. What did you forget?" I asked him.
"I forgot my hair pin" he replied. He pointed to the orange pin in his hair that I recognized as the same one he was wearing in his hair earlier that morning.
I acknowledged that the pin was orange.
"Thats a nice pin" I said. "Where did you get it?"
"Oh, I got it from that new store downtown. You know, that one that had like red everywhere. They have good stuff." Midoriya told me.
"I might have to check it out" I said.
"Yeah I think you would like what they have there. They have clothes in every style, accessories, even jewelry and purses." He told me.
"Goddamn. Sounds like my kind of place. IF they have cool black shirts and stuff" I told him.
"Like I said, any style" he replied.
"I'll check it out soon" I said.
"Midoriya, would you like to go anywhere?" Todoroki asked.
Midoriya looked at him while the rest of us looked at them.
"What do you mean?" Midoriya asked him.
"I mean is there anywhere you would like to go. With me. Just the two of us. Maybe." Todoroki answered.
"You date?" Midoriya asked.
"Yes. Unless you don't want it to be. It doesn't have to be a date. I would be fine just spending time with you." He replied.
Midoriya was silent for a moment.
We all held our breathes in anticipation.
"Sure, there's a restaurant not too far from here that has the BEST katsudon" Midoriya told him with a smile.
The smile he wore before.
We all let out sighs of relief. It worked! Midoriya would be back to his usual self in no time.
We broke off from eachother to go back to our dorms, and as soon as I got into my dorm I changed into my pajamas and opened a book. I had to study if I wanted Yaomomo to like me more. She already told me she liked me but, I felt that if I got smarter she would have liked me better.
I studied multiple things for hours. It was tiring but worth it. Momo was sure to like me more! I got into bed and went to sleep.
And I got a decent sleep this time.

                     {The next day}

The next day I got dressed, brushed my teeth, my usual morning routine. I walked out of my dorm and got to school, and when I did I realized just how many students there were. They were everywhere. I guess when you're near the end of something you start noticing more.
The hallways had more students in them than usual, though. I wondered what was going on, and I asked.
"Hey, whats happening? There are alot of students today, and they all seem to be going the same way" I asked.
"Some kid threw up in the cafeteria. It was totally gross! I got a close look and it looked like there was corn in it-" the black haired boy started.
"I dont need to know the details, but do you know who it was?" I asked him.
"I dont know EXACTLY who it was, but it was some kid with red and white hair. I think his name was Todo...Todoni?" He replied.
"Todoroki?" I asked fearfully.
"Thats it! He looked pretty sick" he told me.
"Okay thanks!" I said as I started running.
"No problem my dude!" The guy yelled back.
I ran all the way to the cafeteria. I was scared because Todoroki barely ever gets sick. He usually takes care of everyone else.
I got to the cafeteria and saw what had happened.
There was puke everywhere by the table where he was standing, and Midoriya and Iida were sitting by him on the seats so they didn't get vomit on themselves.
"Hey, is everything okay?" I asked them.
"No, Todoroki threw up!" Midoriya informed me.
"Yeah I heard. Does he need anything?" I said.
"S-some water please." Todoroki answered.
"Got it!" I said.
I ran to get water with a cup from the nearest water fountain. When I started walking back as fast as I could without spilling the water, I saw her.
"Hey Jirou, whats happening? And why do you have a cup of water?" She asked me.
"Todoroki threw up in the cafeteria. Me, Midoriya and Iida are helping him." I told her.
"Oh no! I should come too" she said to me.
"No, its okay!" I replied.
"Jirou, I am going. I must make sure my classmates are alright, even if we won't be classmates in a few weeks' time." She told me.
"Okay, okay. Come on" I said.
We both walked back to the cafeteria together.
"Todoroki, here is your water." I said as I gave him the cup.
"Thank you." He said, taking a sip of the water.
"Midoriya I dont feel so well." He told Midoriya.
"Its okay Todoroki! You'll be okay" He told him.
"Do you know why this might have happened?" I asked them.
"Maybe it was the katsudon from yesterday. No, only I had katsudon so it couldn't be from that. Maybe it was the drinks we had. That lemonade did look a little weird and more green than usual. Or maybe it was the hotdogs we got. If it was, im glad I didn't get any mustard..." Midoriya mumbled as we all looked at him.
"How many things did you and Todoroki consume?!" Iida asked him.
"Counting everything as one, we probably had about...7 different foods and drinks" Midoriya replied.
"Oh are we ever going to figure out what made him vomit?" Momo asked, not to us but more to herself.
"Its okay Yaomomo, we'll figure this out." I assured her.
I wasn't sure we would.

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