Chapter 12

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We all helped Todoroki back to his dorm after telling the teachers what happened. I couldn't do much, but I still tried. I think Midoriya tried the most.
We eventually got him into his bed, and Momo went to recovery girl to see if she knew what had happened to Todoroki. She came back soon enough to tell us what she thought had happened.
"Hey Yaoyorozu. What did she say?" Midoriya asked her.
"She said it's most likely food poisoning. Poor Todoroki" She replied as she looked at the floor.
"He'll be okay." I assured her.
"I also went to the teachers lounge to ask Mr. Aizawa what would happen if we all skipped our classes to help him, and he said that we could but we would have to catch up on our schoolwork tomorrow. I said we all would, if that is okay with all of you of course. If not then you can go tell him." She told us.
"I'm willing to skip classes and help him" I said.
"Me too." Midoriya agreed.
The rest of us agreed to skip our classes to help Todoroki.
Throughout the day, we all spent each second taking care of him and helping him get better. It was tiring, but none of us gave up. Midoriya didn't have to do anything though, as Todoroki had asked him to sit by him for the day.
The rest of us got him some ice chips that he could suck on, because he decided not to use his quirk while he was like this.
After the first few hours, we got him to start taking small sips of water.
"...that wasn't too bad I guess." He told us.
"You should start to get back into eating and drinking Todoroki. You can't stay like this forever, and I dont want you to." Midoriya said to him.
"Thank you Midoriya." Todoroki thanked him.
While their conversation was commencing, me, Uraraka, and Iida realized our plan had worked.

Midoriya was back to his usual self. If Bakugo was in Todoroki's situation right now, Midoriya most likely would have acted the same.

                      {The Next Day}

I was walking through the halls when I bumped into Midoriya. I had been the first to leave yesterday, but I had heard from the others that Midoriya stayed over that night.
"Hey Midoriya, how is Todoroki feeling?" I asked him.
"He said he feels a bit better. He's at school today, so we need to keep helping him until he feels 100% better." He replied with his serious face on.
"Got it Midoriya. Are we still going to skip classes and help him?" I asked him.
"I will, but you guys don't have to. If you don't, you guys can ask Yaoyorozu to help you with your homework. I did and she agreed" He answered.
"Okay" I said.
Just thinking of her made my heart go a hundred miles a second.
"Well I'll see you around" Midoriya said to me, snapping me out of my trance.
"Oh yeah. Bye" I waved goodbye to him.
I decided that i should skip my classes to help Todoroki. It would have been awkward if I had went to Aizawa and asked if I could stop helping Todoroki anyway. I would have sounded really mean.
And with that thought, I started walking to his dorm. It wasnt far from where I had been standing, so I only had to walk to get there.
I got to his dorm and saw Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, and Momo there.
"Hey guys" I waved as I came in.
"Hello Jirou" Momo greeted me.
The others were looking at her and looking at me slightly, as if to tell her to do something without talking.
"Guys, are you okay?" I asked them.
They immediately snapped their heads back in my direction.
"Yep!" Uraraka replied.
"Never been better!" Midoriya answered.
"Yes indeed, nothing is wrong" Iida agreed.
"Ooooookay, you guys are just acting kind of...weird." I told them.
"Well we are A-okay!" Uraraka said.
"Yeah! We are not doing anything! Right guys?" Iida asked them.
"Yeah!" Midoriya said.
"Mhm!" Uraraka agreed.
"Erm...okay" I let it go.
Uraraka, Iida and Midoriya had mischievous looks on each of their faces.
"How about you and Yaoyorozu go down to recovery girl's office and get some bandaids?" Uraraka suggested to me.
"Why do we need bandaids?" I asked her.
She silently panicked.
"U-um- cant remember why. Iida?" She said as she looked to Iida.
"Um...we have discovered that Todoroki has a wound on his leg!" He said nervously.
"Um...okay?" I said as I turned around to walk out the door. I heard a sigh of relief behind me.
"Wait! Yaoyorozu should go with you" Uraraka said.
"Hm?" Momo looked at Uraraka with a nervous yet murderous face on and directed at her.
"Um...sure, okay" I replied, my face slightly hot.
"Ah, okay. Yes. Of course." Momo agreed.
We walked out the door and halfway there we started talking.
"Everyone is acting so weird today. Even Monoma was. Do you know why?" I asked her.
"Me? Um, uh...nope" she replied.
"Hey, now your acting weird. Are you okay? If something is going on you can tell me" I told her.
"Oh, its nothing. I just...couldn't eat breakfast today? I'm hungry so it's making me act weird." She said to me as she started playing with her hair.
"Um, okay then" I mumbled. I was feeling clueless about what was happening, as if i should know whats making everyone act like this.
And let me tell you, its not fun.
"Oh look. We're here" I pointed out to her.
"Oh" she replied.
We went inside, got the bandaids and started walking again.
This time we were silent.

                         {The Next Day}

Todoroki said he felt alot better today, so we could all go back to our classes. I continued my day as I would have done any other day, but this time i didn't see Yaomomo at all. I worried the whole day. What if something happened to her? What if SHE was sick now? What if she just didn't want to see me?" The possibilities are endless.
That fact only made me worry more.

I suddenly wished that I could see her, and make sure that she was okay.
I'm not sure.
But I did.

After school was over, I decided to walk around my favourite pond.
I got to the pond, and I saw someone kneeling down and looking into the water. I couldnt see who it was, though, because their hair was in the way.
But that hair was all too familiar to me.
"Yaomomo?" I called out.
She jumped and looked back at me. She then breathed a bit before answering.
"Oh, hello Jirou" she greeted me.
"Hey. You okay?" I asked her as I walked up to where she was kneeling.
"Yes" she replied as her face was slightly red.
"Thats good" I said as I looked out over the pond and remembering why it's my favourite.
The pond was a beautiful blue, with a few plants and flowers around it. There were even some in the water. There were roses, daffodils, other flowers, and there were some trees, and ferns. It had a small opening between the trees so the sunlight could come in and just make everything more beautiful.
"Its beautiful" She whispered as she looked at all the flowers.
"Yeah, this is my favourite spot to sit and relax. Its really calming" I told her.
"Yes it is" she agreed.
We both breathed in awe at how beautiful it was.
"Will you-" she began.
She couldn't finish her sentence before I almost fell into the pond. She had grabbed me by my arm and I could only rely on her to pull me up before I was soaked.
She pulled me up.
We both laughed because we had been there for a moment, just looking at eachother.
"Oh, that was funny. How did you manage to fall? We are sitting!" She asked me, as we both busted into another fit of laughter.
"I- I don't know!" I laughed.
We calmed down a bit.
"Anyways, I have a question" she told me.
I realized this was the perfect place to ask her to go to prom with me.
I took the chance.
"I have a question too. What a coincidence" I told her, as we both looking into eachothers eyes.
I embraced the fact we were both here alone together. If I get rejected, then I get rejected. I'll just say "okay" and go on with my day.
"Okay, should we ask eachother?" She asked me, fiddling with her thumbs.
"Well, how about we both ask on the count of three?" I suggested.
"Thats a wonderful idea! You are so smart-" she told me.
"No im not. Not as smart as you, anyways" I said back.
"Well, im somewhat smarter than a few people in our class." She said.
"Fair point" I agreed.
"Anyways, about the questions. Let's both ask eachother now" she reminded me.
"Okay" I said.
"Three, two, one..." she said.
"Will you go to prom with me?" We both asked in unison.
It was silent for a few minutes.
We both burst out laughing for the second time in ten minutes.
"Woah" Momo said, still laughing.
"I know right?" I agreed.
After we calmed down, we talked again.
"Of course I'll go to prom with you." I answered.
"Oh thank god! I was so scared you would reject me, I put it off for however long. Remember when I handed you that prom flyer a few weeks ago?" She asked me.
"Yeah I do" I said.
"Well, I was thinking of asking you, but I was too nervous." She told me.
"Well, I have been wanting to ask you for the longest time. I've liked you for as long as I can remember, and I was just nervous you would say no" I told her.
"Well, we are going now aren't we?" She asked.
"Yes we are" I said with my face red.
"Ohhhhh, I am so happy!" She squealed.
"Me too" I agreed, embracing her excitement.

Word count: 1,716

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