Chapter 3

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The next day, I went to the front of the school as promised. After two to three minutes, Denki showed up and we started walking. I was feeling much better after yesterday.
We got to class and I realized we were early. Weird. But then again, Denki was early yesterday too, maybe he's always early.
We both sat at our desks and I started listening to music. I dont know what he was doing, but he was staring at a pencil. Minutes later, class started.
"Hello. Today we are going to be going over..." said Aizawa.
I listened closely and felt the familiar eyes on my back. I turned around and no one moved, but Momo was scratching her neck. I turned back around, and asked if I could go to the bathroom.
As I was walking to the bathroom, I was trying to think of a way to ask her if she accepted the confession. Maybe I could just say that I saw and ask her.
I got back to class and sat down for the rest of Aizawa's little talk.
After class, I caught up to Momo and said "Hey, Yaomomo? I have a question"
"Hi Jirou! Ask me anything"
"Well I kind of saw you getting confessed to the other day and I wanted to know if you accepted it"
"Confession? Oh, that. No, I only saw them as a friend. I rejected them and I hope me and them can still be friends"
I let out a breath I didnt know I was holding.
"Oh, okay. Bye!"
"Wait!" She said, stopping me.
"Whats up?" I said.
"Well um...I was hoping we could hang out later. Is that okay?"
"Hm? Sure, why not? Where should we meet?" I said, sounding normal while on the inside I was screaming out of excitement.
"Hmm...I don't know. Where do you wanna go?"
"Well, if you don't have a place in mind, then how about we just go for a walk?"
"Thats a great idea! How about I go to your dorm and pick you up at...4?"
"Sure! I'll see you then!"
"Okay, bye!"
I walked away with butterflies in my stomach. Did she ask me on a date? No, she probably just meant to take a walk as friends. Nevertheless, I still felt excited.
I called the other girls to my dorm and told them about what happened. They started squealing about the situation and picked out things for me to wear.
"Guys, I dont even know if its a date! I also don't know what she's going to wear so I don't know if I have to wear something more formal or more casual!" I exclaimed.
"I can fix that" said Hagakure.
"How? Sneaking into her room?" I said sarcastically.
"Well..." she said.
"Hagakure no! I could just wear something in between-" I started.
"No no no. You have to know!" Mina said.
"Fine, guys. Just go up to her dorm and ask her what she's wearing or something" I said.
A few minutes later, they came back to my dorm.
"She said she's going to wear a casual dress. NOT a formal one." Uraraka said, disappointed.
"At least they're still going somewhere! Kero" Tsuyu said.
So...what do I wear?" I asked.
"Let us find you something" Hagakure said.
After some searching, they emerged with a short black tee-shirt that said 'Emo at heart' , some black shorts, fishnet stockings, and some black, high heeled boots. I liked this outfit. I put it on and they said I looked great.
"You guys should go help Yaomomo now. I bet she needs some help too" I said.
"Good idea. We can't have only one looking good!" Mina said.
We all laughed.
"Okay, bye guys!" I said as they walked out of my room.
Around and hour later, at exactly 4, I heard a knock on my door. I jumped up and opened it.
There she was, black hair, black eyes. She was absolutely gorgeous. My face felt hot as I greeted her.
"Oh hey, Yaomomo. How are you?"
"I'm good, how about you Jirou?" She said happily.
"I'm great! I like your dress. Its so nice!" I said.
She was wearing a light green dress with little flower designs on it.
"Ah, this thing. Thanks, I'm sorry...this isn't my best dress" she replied.
"No, its okay! The girls wanted to know what I should wear so they kind of had to check in on you. Sorry about that!" I said sheepishly.
"No no, its okay, really! Besides, after they finished with helping you im assuming, they came to help me get ready. Is this too much?"
"No, you look nice."
"Well, let's get going then!" She grabbed my hand and led me outside.
We walked with eachother and talked about what we have been doing in the past few days.
"I've been studying, as usual. Sorry, I'm really boring!" She said with a weak smile.
"Your not boring! Your actually really interesting" I said, reassuring her.
"Thanks. What about you? What have you been doing?"
"Oh! Well...uh...I've been trying to master a song on my guitar"
"Really? What song?" She asked.
Wow. I can be really dumb sometimes. Why did I tell her about that? If she finds out what song, she might realize...
"Um...I forgot the name! Yeah, its a good song though" I said nervously.
"Oh. Well maybe you can play it for me sometime?" She asked, hopefully.
"Sure! I just need to get a few things right." I said.
"Thanks! I cant wait to hear it" she said happily.
"Oh! Hey...Yaomomo?"
"Can I ask you something kind of...personal?" I asked.
"I mean...sure" she said.
"Do" I asked nervously, as i looked at the ground.
She looked at me.
"Do you...really want to know?" She said slowly.
"W-well you dont have to answer if you don't want to!" I said quickly.
"No, its okay. I like boys and girls. And there's this one girl I really like." She said.
My heart broke. Who was she? What did she have that I didn't?
"Oh...okay" I said softly.
We continued our walk and she kept talking. I didnt talk as much as before.
We got back to the dorms and we said our goodbyes. When I closed my door, slowly tears started streaming down my face. I didn't know how to react, and no one else was here with me. I laid on my bed after changing and just cried. The next day, I changed into my uniform and walked slowly to class. I was the last one to come in, and Aizawa looked at me like 'Did something happen?' I just sat on my seat. After class, Momo walked toward me and started talking to me.
"Are you okay? Did you get any sleep last night?" She asked, worriedly.
"I'm fine." I said back.
"Thats the most common lie ever told. Whats wrong?" She continued.
"Its just...its nothing. Nevermind." I said, standing up.
"Well, how about this?" She said.
"Wha-" I started, but couldn't finish.
She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. After a moment she said
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I wasnt thinking!" She frantically apologized.
"Yaomomo, calm down! Its okay!" I said as I calmed her down.
"Really? Again, I'm sorry.." she kept apologizing.
"Calm down. Its fine" I said, putting my hand on her shoulder. Nevermjnd the fact she's a bit taller than me.
"Okay...and I want to ask you something." She said.
"What is it?"
"I wanted to ask if you-" she began.
"Hey, Yaoyorozu. I need your help with our project." Todoroki said after suddenly popping into the doorway.
"Oh, yes. I'll tell you tomorrow, okay Jirou?"
"Oh, okay"
She started following Todoroki out the door into the hallway. I stared after her and realized Aizawa was still in the room, just staring at where me and Momo had been.
"Dont tell anyone, please!" I pleaded.
"I already told you I wouldn't, remember?" He said, reminding me.
"Oh, yeah. Thank you"
I walked out of the room and and saw Kirishima talking to the bakusquad.
"Hey guys" I said, waving to them.
Mina squealed because she hadn't seen me since yesterday. Kirishima waved back, and Denki and Sero were having a staring contest so they couldn't wave or anything.
"Hey dumbass" Bakugo said.
"Hello to you too, pomeranian." I said, earning a few snickers and a glare from Bakugo.
"What happened yesterday?" Kirishima questioned.
"Our baby girl went on a date!" Mina exclaimed.
"It wasnt a date Mina!" I said, sighing.
"Then why did we need to help you pick an outfit?" She asked.
"You guys would've anyway" I said, matter-of-factly.
Denki laughed, losing the contest with Sero. Sero let out a victory screech and was hit on the back of his head by Bakugo.
Me and Mina laughed.
"Me and the rest of the squad are going to prom by ourselves because no one likes us that much" Kirishima said, dramatically being sad.
"Its not that big of a deal shitty hair" Bakugo said.
"Not manly bro" Kirishima replied. "Anyway, if you don't have anyone to go with, you can come with us" he continued.
"Its okay. I wanna ask someone to prom anyway." I said.
"Who?" Sero said, snapping his head towards me.
Bakugo hit him for the second time in 10 minutes.
"Dont ask personal questions soy sauce face" Bakugo said.
I laughed.
We talked alot, Mina kept teasing me and we all laughed whenever Bakugo was called a name.
I got to my dorm later that night and messaged Denki.
'I dont know how to tell Momo I like her. What do I do? 😩'
'Just say it'
"How tho? What if she doesn't like me back? She already said she likes someone'
'No duh'
'Just go with the flow'
I went to sleep that night, still thinking about her.

Word count: 1,688

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