Hanging with one direction......kinda!!

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Hi guys half of a day of school than Christmas break!!!!! I hope u like this chapter i'm in my garage soooo.......... Yeah!! ENJOY!

Alexis pov.

One freaking direction is in my room I'm in a daze right now!

Wait I can't be in a daze slap out of it that what got me in the hospital in the firs- I got cut off

" hello love!" they said simultaneously

"h-hi my name is Alexis." I said trying to play it cool (c what I did there!!)

"Hi I'm Louis, he's Niall, that's zayn, that's Liam, and that curly haired fella over there is the one and only......... Harry Edward Styles!!!" he said as they do a pose together.

"So" Louis began again " I heard you broke your foot here and your mom said you needed cheering up!.... So we're here!!!"

I sat down on my bed because I hated when I need to stand up (get it) with the crutches for a long time

" Yeah I've been in the hospital for 5 days. 4 days sleeping and 1 day awake." i said to them who were listening with wide eyes on top of each other on the chair.

'ring ring' one of the directions phone rain

"Sorry Love gotta take this!!" niall said going into my new bathroom.

"so" I said

"so" Louis said

"so" Harry said

"so" Liam said

"so"zayn said

"so!!" Niall screamed in the bathroom than farted

With that we burst out in laughter.

"what!!" Niall said faking tears

But we just kept laughing

"o-ok"I said trying to calm myself down "I don't want to sound like a stalker but who was that on the phone????" I asked

"your not a stalker Lexi!.... Can I call you Lexi??" Niall asked/said


"yay!! So It was Simon Cowell and he said there is no hotels left and he wondered if we could stay here until new years eve!?!? Is that all right with your family???"

I ask them..... Mom can they stay till new years eve!!!!!?????" I asked her

"sure!!!!" she screamed upstairs

"you guys ca-" I got cut off

"we heard!!!!" they screamed

Hi hope you liked the chapter!!!

I heard this in another story so I'm gonna use it....... VOMMET!!!( vote and comment mixed together get it vomment!!)



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