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Ok guys, this chapter pretty much is based on a true story. Because a couple of days ago this litter ally happened in my English class.
One day my teacher said to us that when she went to school, she was actually the class clown. And if you knew my English teacher, you like everybody in the class was shocked.

She people were saying 'Tell us a joke then, Mrs.Toner' Then all of a sudden the class was quite for a split second and this kid named Alex in my class said "Ok, tell us a dirty joke" I mean ya we are in 7th grade and it ain't a surprise to hear that from him.

So she was like "ok... here's one, 5 white horse's jump into a big mud puddle... well since they were white they got pretty dirty." She thought of a horse joke cause she owns horse's and stuff.


Let's just say Alex wasn't expecting that and no one expected her to replay to him... YOU HAD TO OF BEEN THERE. It would of been easier to hear it then read it.

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