A cut of love

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3rd person POV:

Inside Yn's small crappie apartment, he was showing off his so-called "Jedi" skills to Ran by using his remote control flying scissors technique he accidentally discovered.

But with the lack of space in his apartment, Ran became increasingly annoyed with how Yn was levitating a sharp pair of scissors near her face.

Yn: Hahahaha! What do you think? Isn't this the coolest thing you've ever seen?

Ran:(dodges scissors) It's impressive, especially considering your skill level.

Ran: Since you have some form of skill, I guess-(dodges scissors)

Ran: Okay, that it.

With her sheathed katana, Ran smacked the flying scissors into the wall, just above Yn's head.

Yn: ACK!!

Ran: I was able to review the footage from your first day of school.

Yn: There was footage...?

Ran: Oh there was... And you showed quick thinking and impressive Chi control.

Yn: Well... I am kinda cool.

Ran: Yeah. "Cool".

Ran: So "cool" in fact, that I'm raising the level of your training.

Yn:... What level are we raising things to?


(Opening theme)


Collapsing on to the ground from exhaustion, Yn looks towards Ran.

Yn:(panting) I'm pooped... Can't...go on...

Ran: You think you can keep up with your classmates with that attitude?

Yn: Can I at least have a break? Those weird folk in my class probably also take breaks.

Ran:... Alright.

Tossing him a bottle of water, she walks up to a tree. In a flash, she pulls out her katana to cut the tree down.


As the tree plummets to the ground, Ran takes a seat on the perfectly cut stump of the tree.

Ran: Training your body is only half the work you must do to become a killer. Training your mind is the other half.

Sitting up and crossing his legs, Yn begins to drink the water.

Ran: Do you know anything about the hidden clans or the secret society they are apart from?


Ran: Then prepare yourself for some exposition.

Ran: So...

Ran: Back in the days of Samurai, Ninjas, and emperors, and even a little before that. Killing was a high in-demand job.

Ran: And with the martial artists of the time discovering Chi and what they could do with it, a few people decided to make a place to practice their arts...

Ran: And raise killers. Those places that were hidden from the world consisted of clan members of ancient factions.

Ran: Basically a hidden training camp where they could practice their Chi techniques and live in peace to make more people to carry on the traditions of whatever they had.

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