A dragon killing plan

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3rd person POV:

Deep in the forest, Yn and Ran were training by sparring amongst each other.

Ran: Hmm... You're not using your styles like normal, why is that?

Yn: You can tell?

Ran: A master can tell when their student is doing something different. So what's going on?

Yn: After that "game" I played with Kira, I've been trying to remix those styles.

Ran: Remix?

Yn: The more I get to know Kira, the more I realize these styles are meant for him.

Yn: So I'm changing them to be more me, to fit my ways more than his.

Ran: Is there any way I can help?

Yn: The only wall I'm facing is the names.

Ran:... So no.

Ran: Anyway, I want to teach you something important today.

Yn: Really? What?

Ran: It's my clan's secret technique.


Yn: But I'm not part of your clan.

Ran: My clan is dead, both to me and the world. So there's no point being that picky with who I teach this technique.

Yn: Well I won't complain. What's it called?

Ran: The Hushi-Cho clan healing technique.

Yn:(mind) That name... Why is it so familiar? Like I know it from somewhere?

Yn:(mind) This is either Kira-related or from a movie I watched... I bet movie.

(Opening theme)

Mai and Yn were on the roof of the school enjoying lunch together.

Yn:... Do you want to do the feeding each other cliche couples do?


Mai: I thought I told you I did not wish to reveal our relationship to others.

Yn: Well it's not really revealing anything... But alright, alright...

Yn: How about we do the feeding each other thing, really good "friends" do?

Rolling her eyes and sighing, Mai inevitably cracks a small smile.

Mai:(small smile) Very well...Say ah...

Yn: Yes! Ah~

Mai feeds Yn, leaving him chewing the food with a big goofy smile that made Mai smile.

Mai: You really enjoyed that?

Yn:(smiles) It's just really nice doing such normal things with someone like you.

Yn: I'm usually stuck doing none assassin things alone. But don't act like you didn't enjoy it. I saw that smile~

Mai: I suppose it's...nice to know these "normal" activities aren't lost to me.

Yn:(smiles) So do you want anything from my plate?

Mai: Not quite interested in a "PP&J" sandwich as you call it. But I will allow one more thing on my plate.

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