Killer day at the killer school

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3rd person POV:

Yn: Zzzzzzzzz...zzzzzz...

Standing over the sleeping Yn, was Ran, his new legal guardian.



Yn: AAGH!!?? I'm up, I'm up!

Ran: You slept in.

Yn: Jeez...why does school start so early?

Ran: It doesn't, but I need to tell you a few things and give you some other things before your first day.

Yn: Okay, just give me a minute...

(Opening theme)

Quickly getting dressed, Yn entered the living room to talk with Ran who stood near a window looking out in the distance.

Yn:(scratching back) So what do you want to talk to me about?

Ran: First I need to tell you about Chi, do you remember anything about it?

Yn: Uhhh...

Ran: No, then.

Ran: Without going into great detail, it's a form of energy living beings possess.

Ran: Assassin's from ancient times have learned to use Chi to perform feats of supernatural nature to normal folk.

Yn: Are you saying I can shoot lasers?

Ran: In theory, you could. But don't get ahead of yourself. I'm telling you this, so you won't be caught off guard by what's going to happen today.

Yn: What's happening today?

Ran: You'll find out when it happens.

Yn: Maybe you could tell me?

Ran: Maybe you can shut up and be patient.


Ran: Anyway... Since I don't have the time or patients to teach you how to use your Chi, here.

She tosses him a sack, which he fumbles to catch. Looking into the bag, he found a bunch of egg-shaped objects with symbols painted onto them.

Yn: If this is breakfast, then I think I'll handle cooking from now on.

Ran: It's not food. Those are transformation eggs.


Ran: Chi can also be used on objects to give them certain properties. Those, for example, will allow you to transform into anything you think of when you break one.

Ran: But one hit will knock you back into your regular self. And there's a short time limit of two minutes.

Yn: These must have cost a lot for such a useful purpose.

Ran: Yeah...

Ran:(mind) Those are actually cheap kids' toys that children use until they can use Chi themselves. But he doesn't need to know that.

Ran: One more thing I have to give you.

Yn: Wow, so many gifts. Is it my birthday or something?

Ran: Or something. The next thing I have for you is a weapon.

Yn: A weapon?! Is it a katana like yours? Bow staff? Sniper rifle?

Ran: Like I'd give you a gun.

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