Modern assassin

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3rd person POV:

Another day, another walk to school. Yn thought to himself.

Yn:(mind) I wonder if today miss Dai is going to give us some jutsu based lessons. Shooting fireballs would be epic.

Girl: Excuse me?


Turning around, Yn was approached by a group of middle school girls who were about 14 years old.

Yn: Can I help you?

Girl 2: Well we've noticed you going on this path for a few days now, and were wondering... Do you go to Ryga Academy?

Yn: Y-yeah...?

Girl 3: Like, the Ryga Academy?!

Yn: To my knowledge, yeah.

These girls began surrounding Yn, looking at him with amazement, causing other nearby middle school students to come up.

Before he knew it he was surrounded by a small crowd of students.

Girl 1: You must be super smart! That place is only for the elite!

Girl 4: I hear that if you get in, you're practically guaranteed to get any job you want?

Girl 5: How do you even get into a school like that?

Yn: What's going on...?

Yn:(mind) Ugh! They're so close, I don't have any room to move.

Yn:(mind) I'm going to be late at this rate! No! I don't want to get stabbed again!

Yn:(mind) My best bet is to transform into a snake and slither away. There so many people around, they probably won't notice that I transformed.

Digging into his pockets, he grabs a transformation egg and was preparing to break it until someone grabbed his hoodie from behind and dragged him out of the crowd.

Gerald: Dude, stop fooling around with these middle schoolers, we're going to be late.

Yn:(mind) Dude....?

Gerald turned to the crowd.

Gerald turned to the crowd

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He bows to them.

Gerald:(bows) I apologize, but we must get going. Our school has a strict policy about not being late.

The girls in the crowd blush, seeing his face, and immediately became smitten by him.

Yn:(whispers) What's wrong with them?

Gerald:(whispers) Animals with no control over their desire.

He then continued to drag Yn to school.

(Opening theme)

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