The price for fun: part 2

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3rd person POV:

After a mix-up with their bags, Yn ended up putting on Kira's outfit, or some might say, redonning his old costume to prank his class, in hopes that would break them out of their serious persona that Kira was crafting them into.

However, when Kira arrived in Yn's hoodie since that was all he had to wear, arrived, Yn himself decided to go all-in with his actions to try and knock his all-mighty counterpart down a peg.

As Yn played dirty by revealing how Kira could not say he wasn't the real Kira without lying, his clone decided to go even further and hire his crush, with an offer to pay her village's debt.

With both parties knowing that Yn would never put this little prank of his above Mai's personal goal in life, Yn was going to throw the match and reveal himself to whatever Mai was going to do, only to be beaten anyways by a promise she whispered into his ear.

Now revealed as Yn, with the class angered at him for embarrassing them, Kira silences them all for he was seemingly furious with the original and his "new ways".

Kira: I grow tired of your "games" Yn. When will you take this seriously?

Yn: When will I take you trying to turn everyone into motionless weapons? How your dreams!

Kira: Your wasting time. If you'd simply allow me to remind you of who you are, then all this nonsense can be over.

Kira: If you remember who you were, I promise you, there will be no one who can stop you from getting what you want.

Yn: Next you're going to offer me a red laser sword and the ability to shoot lightning out of my fingers, aren't you?



Kira: Yn...

Yn: Yeah?

Kira: Forgive me.


Yn: Uhhh...sure.

Yn: What exactly am I forgiving you for?

Kira: I made the mistake of trying to teach you, exactly how father once did...

Kira: When I should have tried something else, for you are something else.

Kira: So allow me to fix my misstep.

Yn: What's going on here...?

Kira: You like games, Yn?

Yn: Y-yeah..... They're pretty fun...

Kira: Then that's how I'll teach you, how much you truly need your old self.

Kira:(glares) With a game...

With a mix of fear, interest, and curiosity, everyone stayed silent.

Kira: Catch.

He tossed the Mao-Muhon to Yn who instinctively raised his hand and caught it.


When his hand gripped the demon blade, Yn was surprised at how strong his grip was on it. Holding the sword made him realize how weak he held every other weapon he had wielded.

Kira: That will be the only weapon you'll be allowed to use in our game. Your kunai aren't allowed.

Yn:... What even is the game?

Kira: It's quite simple. You are going to run from the class as they try to kill or incapacitate you.

Kira: The game will last 15 minutes. During the last 5 minutes, I'll join the fray.

Yn: A survival game? Sounds easy enough.

Kira: I'm not finished. Other than the handicap of using a "new" weapon, you are forbidden from leaving the building.

Kira: Touch the ground outside the building, you lose.

Yn: That-

Kira: You are also forbidden to use My techniques. Lethal Tiger to Guarding Demon. All of it. Use it. You lose.


Kira: Since you believe that my training is unnecessary, you obviously don't need my styles as well.

Yn:(mind) Okay, that might make things harder...

Yn: For something "quite simple". It sure has a lot of rules. Anything else you want to add on?

Kira: Hunters...whoever kills him gets to keep the Mao-Muhon.


This changed everything. When before most of them would hunt him down to get back at him, a good number of them are now willing to kill him.

Yn: Say I win...a game is only good if you can win something.

Kira: I'll reveal my plans.

Yn: Or... You treat us all to a spa for new Year's eve?


Kira: If you think they'll choose a spa fay over the Mao-Muhon, then prepare to be disappointed.

Yn: Do we have a deal, mister money bags?

Kira:... Begin.

Yn: I'll take that as a yes!

Grabbing a chair he tosses at a few of the other students whilst running out of the classroom. The Roosters were first to go after him with the blood lust, while the chickens simply went out to beat him up and make sure they knocked him out before he got killed.

The only ones left in the room were Kira and Mai.

Kira: Are you refusing to chase him?

Mai: No, I simply wish to count the money I am owed first.

Kira:(gestures to money on the desk)

Kira: Go ahead.

Walking up to his desk, Mai begins to count her reward, as Kira stared at her.

Mai: Is there something wrong?

Kira: Why does he like you?

Mai: I don't know...

Kira: Lying gives me much more information than the truth, Mai Raoul.

Mai:... According to him, I'm..." the only person he'd call beautiful" and "I've ruined other women for him".

Kira: How?

Mai:... We kissed once by accident.


Kira: How much would I need to pay you to kill him?

Mai:... I've already tried to kill him and failed when he was less skilled.

Mai: So I won't take a mission that I know I cannot succeed in. Besides, I have no more reason to take a mission.

Kira: Very well.

Mai: .......

Kira: What is it?

Mai: I know you are simply an echo of the past, and I know what you're trying to do with us and Yn.

Mai: My only question is why?

Kira: Win the game, and find out.

Mai:...What if I bet on Yn?

Mai: If he wins, you tell us all what you are planning?

Kira: Very well. But if he loses... You must return my money back.


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