Lethal invasion: part 2

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3rd person POV:

In front of Mai and Yn were several assassins along with their boss, a man named Kuro Kuze.

In front of Mai and Yn were several assassins along with their boss, a man named Kuro Kuze

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Yn: Who are you?

Kuro: Me?

Yn: Sure, let's start with you.

Kuro: To put it simply... It's none of your business.

Mai: You attacked us, students of Ryga Academy. That makes you, our and the school's enemy.

Kuro: I'm here to fulfill my oath. So don't take it personally.

Yn: I don't know how I feel about fighting the elderly.

Kuro: Good. It'll make it easier to end you.

Mai: We're outnumbered...

Yn: Let's go get some help then.

Mai: If we tried to run they'll kill us before we can even scream.

Yn: Okay, I'll hold them off until you get help.

Mai: There are too many. More than enough to outnumber you while also having enough to spare to send after me.

Yn: Then what do we do?

Mai: I fight, you run.

Yn: I'm not leaving you.

Mai: Then we fight together. That should draw someone's attention.

Yn: Alright then. You take half and I take half.

Mai: No. I can handle multiple enemies. You take the old man.

Yn: That doesn't seem-

Mai: Now!

Yn: Oh crabs!

Mai dashes forward towards the group of enemies with Yn following from behind.

Sliding out some shurikens from under her sleeve, Mai throws them at the crowd of ten assassins.

Mai:(mind) 10, they outnumber me...

Making the mistake of underestimating two students of Ryga Academy, a few of the killers were slow to react to Mai's attack. A few were at least cut by the shurikens.

Mai then jumped into the crowd of assassins, with both swords out.

Landing in the middle of the crowd, she spun her head around, resulting in the blade on the end of her braided hair, being flung in a large radius.

With how close she was to them, that attack hurt several of them and made the rest jump back.

Mai:(mind) They made the mistake of underestimating my skill... Or maybe...

Four of the assassins that were cut by her shuriken attack fell to their knees, as the poison on the throwing stars began kicking in, drawing the attention of their worried allies as well.

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