Chickens vs Roosters: part 3

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Unknown POV:

All the students had gathered around, to watch the first randomly chosen battle.

Paya vs Haru.

Paya lost. She was outmatched by Haru's pure power and unable to do damage to her armor.

It went how almost everyone expected. Including myself.

Next was Hana and Chan.

To the Rooster class, Hana unexpectedly defeated Chan with ease. Her skills were more than I expected from that kind of class.

The Chickens cheered, mostly a tired-eyed boy did, and the round moved on to Heero and Kora.

Like Hana, Heero won the battle efficiently and without a challenge. His skills were more naturally performed compared to Hana.

Next, it was announced, Gerald and Jack were next.

My suspicion on whether or not these battles were actually random grew since the only two gunslingers got matched up together.

The battle went like an old Western that I was once forced to see.

It ended with both of them simultaneously shooting each other in the shoulder, making the referee call it a tie, causing both to not being able to move on to the next round.

The next match was between Vina and Yang. This one was "interesting" since Vina convinced her opponent to turn this into a drinking contest.

Vina won while Yang got alcohol poisoning.

Last but not least, was the fight I was waiting for.

Mai vs Yn Zeiro.

I needed to know if he was the one. The description matched, however, that doesn't prove anything. I must see him in action.

As I see Yn jump into the arena, my full attention is drawn to him.

As I see Yn jump into the arena, my full attention is drawn to him

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Yn:(smiles) Let's get this party started.

(Opening theme)

3rd person POV:

Mai stared unimpressed at Yn.

Yn: What?

Mai: You're outfit.

Yn: You like it?

Mai: You look like you're going to a party, not a battle.

Yn: Thanks?

Mai: That wasn't a compliment.

Ran: Are you both ready to begin?

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