Chickens vs Roosters: part 1

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3rd person POV:

(Akuma's office)

Sitting behind his desk, across from Yn was Akuma, checking up on the young assassin in training, with Ran leaning against a wall in the corner of the room.


Akuma: You really left Makoto-Chan with no words. Succeded in taking down the enemy but completely went against her wishes.

Yn: Hehe... Yeah. Is that why you brought me here? To talk about the mission again?

Akuma: No-



Akuma's desk suddenly rumbled.

Yn: What was that?

Akuma: I believe that was Ran-chan's vibrator I confiscated during her time here, going off.

Yn: Ran's vibrator?

Ran: Tch!

Ran:(playing along) After all these years you kept it? Why? Have you been using it?

Akuma: No... Sadly it's the only thing I have of yours to remember the good old days when you were young.



Yn:(innocent confused looks)

Akuma: Anyway... The school year is coming to an end, and I would like to see everyone's progress.

Akuma: We'll be doing that by putting the chickens against the roosters. I've asked you here to... "Stir up some trouble".

Yn: Eh?

Ran: He wants you to get the two classes angry at each other, so they'll fight more seriously in this little tournament.

Yn: Well my class already wants to fight them.

Akuma: Then you're already halfway there.


Yn: Sorry, but I don't really want to piss the roosters off.

Ran: Why not?

Yn: I'm afraid they're going to try and kill me like Mai used to. I can handle one person, an entire class? No way!

Yn: My first day here was hard to survive, I don't need a daily repeat of that with people better than my class.

Akuma: Is there-


Akuma: Never mind! Speaking of miss Raoul, did you know today is her birthday?

Yn: What!?

Yn: Gotta go! Need to get her a present! Ran-

Ran: You're not getting a cent from mem

Yn: Singing it is! Bye!

He dashes out of the room, slamming the door behind him.



Opening a secret compartment in his desk, he reveals a purple glowing blade that quickly flies out of the compartment and towards the door, only to be caught by Ran.

Ran: What the hell is with this weapon?

Akuma: It longs for its master. Perhaps it's time I find a new place to hide it, or maybe a new place to chit-chat with Yn.

Ran: I don't care... But... Vibrator? Seriously?

She hands him the blade.

Akuma:(mischievous giggle)

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