Special mission-chan~

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3rd person POV:

Sitting behind their desk, the students of the chicken waited for some kind of special meeting with their principal.

Paya: I wonder why the principal wants to talk with us?

Gerald: Yes, this is quite unexpected... Yn, what did you do?

Yn: Why do you think I did something?

Gerald: A reason why he would come speak to us is to give us a lecture.

Gerald: And the most likely reason for that is because of something you did.

Hana: I see your point. With his obliviousness to our culture, he is a wild card that could-

Kora: Has.

Vina: And will.

Hana:-get into trouble.

Yn:(sarcastically) Jeez, What a great image you all have of me...

Paya: But why wouldn't miss Dai give the lecture in that case?

Hana: Perhaps it's serious?

Yn: Or maybe the principal just wants to put the "pal" in principal?

Akuma: Wish that was the case mister Zeiro.


Turning to the front of the class, everyone saw their one-eyed principal standing behind Miss Dai's desk.

Akuma: Miss Kiryu is correct. The matter is...quite serious.

Yn: Welp...

(Opening theme)

Yn: I didn't do it! I had nothing to do with it! It wasn't my fault!

Yn: Let the record show, I blame the aristocrats.

Akuma: Duly noted, however, you are not being blamed for anything mister Zeiro.

Yn: Phew... What a relief. Thanks a lot guys for making me think I was in trouble.

Gerald: It seemed likely.

Hana: Anyway sir, what matter is so serious that you needed to come here.

Akuma: I have a mission for you all.

Paya: Mission?

Akuma: Yes. There is this company known as K.T industry.

Akuma: On the surface, they are a large technology production company made by geniuses.

Akuma: In reality, they're ex-clan members who are using their knowledge of Chi to make billions for their own nefarious uses.

Akuma: A informant of mine has told me that they have recently gained a golden fruit.


Hana: That's why you're coming to us with this? Because we have more knowledge on the subject than the Rooster class.

Bulma: That...

Everyone turns around to see their headteacher at the back of the class.

Bulma: And the fact, they wouldn't have gotten the fruit if you were more observant.

Yn: You can't really blame us for that...

Bulma: I don't care for excuses. The principal is giving you an extremely important task just so you can make up for your mistake.

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