Dragon quest

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3rd person POV:

(Principal office)

Entering the room, Yn immediately saw his principal, Akuma.

Entering the room, Yn immediately saw his principal, Akuma

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Akuma: Mister Zeiro, please sit down.

Following his instructions, Yn sits across from Akuma.

Akuma: Now tell me...

Akuma: How did you like the show I recommended?

Yn: It's really cool. I binged the whole thing and can't wait for the new season!

Akuma:(chuckles) I'm excited as well. After that cliffhanger, I simply cannot wait for the next season.

Yn: You have anything else for me to watch?

Akuma: Of course.

Opening the drawer beside his desk that was filled with movie and tv show DVD boxes, Akuma began rummaging around for something to give young Yn.

Akuma: I hear you've made friends with some of your classmates.

Yn: Oh yeah. It's so much nicer to come into class without getting this feeling like everyone wanted to brutal kill me.

Yn: I still get feelings of murderous intent when I enter class, but much less than before... So progress!

Akuma: Speaking of progress...

He says as he's flipping through a few movie boxes.

Akuma: How is your training coming along?

Yn: Good I guess.

Yn: I got Ran to teach me how to wall jump. I'm starting to feel more and more like a badass professional assassin every day.

Akuma: Wonderful to hear.

He places three DVDs on his desk for Yn.

Akuma: Here you go. Enjoy.

Yn: Thanks. I'll check these out when I get home. When do you want them back?

Akuma: Keep them. Consider them a gift for helping to clear my conscious a tad bit.

Yn: Huh?

Akuma: This school tends to be the final nail in the coffin for my student's childhoods. It's refreshing to hear that some are making friends and trying to enjoy themselves a little.

Akuma: But I digress. Why don't you carry on and get yourself some lunch?

Yn: Yeah... I'm starving. See you around Akuma-san.

Leaving the room, Akuma opens a secret compartment of his desk that slides the top table part of it to the side, revealing a sword that glowed purple.

Light pulsated from it, however, the rhythm of it seemed to slow down for some reason.

Akuma: Heh... I see you still miss your master.

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